Dubois County Proposed Projects
Sustaining Hoosier Communities
Strengthening Indiana community by community
Building upon the energy of nearly four years of arts, cultural and quality-of-place planning and programming with the Indiana University Center for Rural Engagement, Dubois County will partner with the center’s Sustaining Hoosier Communities initiative to connect faculty and students with community-identified projects.
Below, we will explore proposed projects for the county within each of the following focus areas:
- Education
- Employers and employment
- Food systems
- Health and wellness
- Housing
- Leadership
- Natural resources
- Public services
- Recreation, arts, and culture
- Social networks
Each of the focus areas includes a list of projects and a map of community partners. Click on a project in the list to read the full description and navigate to its location.
8 proposed projects
Employers and employment
10 proposed projects
Food systems
4 proposed projects
Health and wellness
5 proposed projects
5 proposed projects
2 proposed projects
Natural resources
2 proposed projects
Public services
16 proposed projects
Recreation, arts, and culture
25 proposed projects
Social Networks
15 proposed projects