Windshield Damage Assessment

Perform windshield damage assessment and optimize outage response with ArcGIS QuickCapture.

In the wake of a severe weather event such as a windstorm, flood, or wildfire, tens to hundreds of thousands of customers lose power. Long-lasting outages can cause severe consequences to individuals who need access to emergency services. Industry and commerce can also suffer losses from interruptions in electric services and from extended road closures.

Beyond the impacts on the local economy, severe weather conditions also heavily strain utility resources and the capabilities of restoration processes: an effective outage response relies on a substantial amount of personnel workforce and restoration efforts: downed wires must be removed from the streets or highways in time; fallen trees and debris must be quickly and safely cleared from power lines, and so on.

Windshield damage assessment

During a severe weather event or an emergency incident, the standard process of responding to an outage breaks down. Rapid response and assessment are required but can be extremely difficult in the absence of timely and reliable information.

ArcGIS QuickCapture provides a lightweight template for electric utilities to perform damage assessments and respond to power outages caused by severe weather conditions and emergency incidents. This template allows field crews to rapidly capture real-time event data and report damage status with the touch of a button. Timely field observations in return help utilities to visualize damage updates at patrolled areas, and make immediate, informed decisions on a restoration plan.

Project overview

Field crews and contractors can leverage this  Windshield Damage Assessment  sample project to report damages by categories, document specifics of the damage at each location, capture photos, add estimates on the severity of each damage type, or take additional field notes.

ArcGIS QuickCapture not only streamlines the damage assessment workflow, but also provides the flexibility to use online or offline maps, and it functions with or without network connections, on mobile phones or tablet devices.

View real-time event data

With the damage assessment information collected by QuickCapture, utilities can use the  dashboard  app to gain a comprehensive picture of the damage, identify and prioritize damage-affected areas promptly.

The dashboard app provides a spatial view for maximizing the effectiveness of response resources and allows the dispatch center to effectively allocate resources and assign work tickets.

Inspect damages from multiple perspectives

Photos taken with QuickCapture are automatically enabled with necessary metadata and allow operators to inspect a core damage area from multiple perspectives directly on the map.

Photo documentation helps shorten the time it takes to identify needs, analyze severities, and set priorities, and as a result, it enables better restoration strategies.

Try it yourself!

To get this sample project, follow these steps:

Step 1: Download the QuickCapture mobile app (it's free).

Step 2: Get the sample project.

Tap Continue without signing in on the launch page, and tap BROWSE PROJECTS.

Step 3: Start capturing.

Use ArcGIS QuickCapture to report observations from the field. To see submitted event data, view this  dashboard .

Warning: The dashboard is public and submitted observations will be viewable for 7 days (after which they will be automatically hidden).

Improve your data collection.