Denver Vision Zero: 2021 Annual Report
Our goal: Zero traffic-related deaths and serious injuries in Denver by 2030
Denver's Department of Transportation and Infrastructure continues to prioritize data-driven safety projects that improve the built environment for all modes of travel.
In 2021, the Vision Zero program implemented more than 160 projects throughout the city with a particular focus on equitable access to safe modes of transportation.
The Vision Zero Action Plan, launched in 2017, calls out 67 action items in five key categories. In addition to project-specific actions, 20 goals were identified as ongoing and continued actions, as part of a commitment to integrate safety into all aspects of our work.
Safe Streets and Safe Speeds:
- Completed Road Safety Audits on 2 corridors on the High Injury Network, to find recommendations for future safety projects that can be funded through Vision Zero
- Enhanced street lighting at 7 new locations
Culture of Safety:
- Completed the Safe Routes to School Action Plan, with the overall goal to double the mode-share of families who walk or bike to school, from about 14% in 2022 to 30% by 2027. The Action Plan contains 50 goals to accomplish by the end of 2027, categorized within 8 focus areas.
- DOTI outreach programs — including the Community Active Living Coalition (CALC), Teen Safe Streets (TSS) and Booster and Seatbelt Engagement (BASE) teams — and the Parks & Recreation bicycle education program held more than 90 virtual and in person community events, building support for active transportation and awareness of vehicle safety for youth.
- Through the Denver Moves Everyone planning process, began to identify actions for the next five years of the Vision Zero program.
Looking ahead: 2022 Priorities
Key projects for the year ahead, which will bring more multimodal safety projects to Denver's roadways.
- Protected bike lanes at Marion Street in central Denver and N Central Park Boulevard and E Andrews Street in northeast Denver
- Sidewalks and pedestrian improvements at McAuliffe International and Cole Elementary, to support Safe Routes to School
- Corridor safety treatments along West Colfax and East 13th and 14th Streets
- Pedestrian refuge islands in central Denver to address a recent increase in crashes for vulnerable road users along the HIN
Vision Zero 2022 Planned Projects
In January 2022, Denver City Council passed an ordinance to lower the speed limit on unposted local streets from 25 mph to 20 mph, citywide. This is a key first step in addressing speed limits on Denver's roads, starting with the neighborhoods where most residents begin and end their travels. DOTI is now preparing to update and standardize signage throughout the city, focusing on key "gateway" locations to serve residents as well as visitors and commuters from the larger metro area. Denver Police will continue to provide driver education as part of their enforcement plans.
In 2019, Mayor Michael B. Hancock committed to building 125 miles of new bike lanes by the end of 2023. We're already more than halfway to that goal as 2022 begins, and are steadily increasing the number of bike lanes in Denver with vertical separation between people on bikes and people in cars to offer a more comfortable ride for people of varying ages and skill levels.
Read more about our 2021 accomplishments and stay connected with Denver's Vision Zero progress online at www.denvergov.org/VisionZero