Resources for the Formerly Incarcerated in Gainesville

a list of resources for justice-impacted members of the community

The U.S. spends over $182 billion on the prison system and, as of 2021, incarcerates 664 of every 100,000 people ( Prison Policy Initiative ). Some state and local communities focus less on incarceration, but Florida and Gainesville actually have higher rates of incarceration than the national average. Where Florida incarcerates 795 per 100,000 people, Alachua County incarcerates 799 ( State Courts ).

The purpose of this page is to provide resources that are located throughout Gainesville and Alachua County for those who have been affected by incarceration, and in an attempt to decarcerate. First I will cover a few issues that have affected Gainesville prison systems in the past few years.

As a society, we should prioritize reducing recidivism (the tendency of a formerly incarcerated person for rearrest, reconviction, or return to prison). We should also prioritize opportunities for incarcerated people to serve shorter sentences depending on the circumstances, and instating policies that will emphasize their safety and well-being in prison systems. Unfortunately, the city of Gainesville has refused to pass bills that would accomplish these efforts, as well as changed policies to be more restricting. The timeline below shows policies and discoveries in the city from the past few years.

December 23, 2020

A report comes out that the Lowell Correctional Institution has failed to protect women and other prisoners from sexual harassment and abuse. ( Gainesville Sun )

April 30, 2021

Senate Bill 1032, which would allow prisoners to reduce their sentences via "gain time", is not passed by Florida senators. ( Florida Senate )

July 1, 2021

House Bill 7051 is passed, which sets new policies on de-escalation tactics for police officers and protects children under 7 from being arrested. Critics call this "feel-good legislation" as other more important bills are not being passed. ( Gainesville Sun )

January 2022

Florida state prisons digitize all incoming mail, despite receiving criticism about the toll this might take on prisoner morale. ( Corrections1 )

Struggles do not happen only within the prison. When someone is incarcerated, their family, friends, and loved ones are impacted. In 2007, about 54% of prisoners were parents of a minor. Additionally, even after they are released from prison, their past impacts the future choices they can make. Many jobs tend not to hire applicants with a criminal record–over 60% remain unemployed one year after release. Prisons do not assist much with funding, housing, or resources once someone is released. Formerly incarcerated people have some of the highest rates of homelessness, food insecurity, and unemployment. And these factors disproportionately impact racial minorities, who are up to 5 times as likely to be incarcerated as their white counterparts. ( Sentencing Project )

Luckily, independent communities in Gainesville are making change and providing resources to those who need it. Below, I have compiled a list of resources and their physical locations (if applicable) that assist formerly incarcerated people in their reentry into society, as well as family members who have been impacted. This site will be updated as I become aware of other resources.

 Project YouthBuild  is a program for low-income youth who have dropped out of school. This program gives them opportunities to earn their high school diploma, a post-secondary scholarship, and various construction or CNA credentials. Statistics on those who participate in Project YouthBuild cite that 7/10 had a family member incarcerated, and over 60% were involved in the justice system themselves.

The statistics for students who participate in Project YouthBuild are very promising. 93% earn their high school diplomas (as compared to 16% of overall dropouts returning to school), and 75% enter the workforce or postsecondary education immediately after graduating. Less than 6% of those who were formerly incarcerated return to prison.

For those who have left prison, the  Human Rights Coalition of Alachua County  provides community IDs. These ID cards are recognized throughout the community (in schools, health care centers, law enforcement, you name it!) and are very helpful for people who do not have the resources needed to obtain a state-issued ID card/driver's license. Many different groups have benefitted from this, and people who recently returned from jail are one such group. The HRC has its own building, but has been operating at Westminster Presbyterian Church for its ID drives.

 Community Spring  is a grassroots organization that attempts to dismantle the effects of poverty and economic injustice, especially for justice-impacted people. Former prisoners face 27% unemployment, and homelessness 10 times the rate of the overall population. To combat these statistics, Community Spring has formed 2 projects that focus on incarceration: Just Income GNV, and Torthlighters Re-Entry Support.

 Just Income GNV  is a recent project in Alachua County that grants temporary monthly payments to formerly incarcerated people. This process is unconditional–there are no requirements besides having been impacted by the justice system and filling out an application! Even more, it was created by formerly incarcerated people themselves.

After filling out an application, 115 people will be randomly chosen to receive $1000 in their first month of the program and $600 in each of the next 11 months. This totals $7,600 per year per person, which is an efficient use of funds compared to the $38,000 it takes to incarcerate one person per year.

 Torchlighters Re-Entry Support  is another Community Spring project that offers online peer support to formerly incarcerated people. This group also has various resource guides for re-entry into life in Alachua County, as well as a list of businesses and employers that promise to give a fair chance in hiring. This means that job applications will not ask about a criminal record or background check until after a conditional offer of employment has been given.

Lastly, for a Christ-centered journey after incarceration, one can visit  House of Hope of Alachua County . House of Hope offers food, shelter, job opportunities, life-skills training, and spiritual development. It was established in 1996 as a prison transition ministry, and focuses on various facets of Christian living and accountability to reduce recidivism. 

In compiling these resources, I hope to offer justice-impacted people hope for a happy and successful future. Several of these programs have been designed by formerly incarcerated peoples themselves, which in itself emphasizes that reentry is possible. With a focus on community support, we can reduce recidivism and the impact that the prison system has on each and every one of us.