O'Fallon Engineering Projects

Welcome to the O'Fallon Engineering Projects website

Last Updated March 14, 2025

Here's where you'll learn about all of the current and upcoming projects from the City of O'Fallon, Missouri's Engineering Department.

The schedules and information shown is subject to change as the projects progress through their phases.

If you have any questions, please email us at:  engineeringprojects@ofallon.mo.us  or call 636-379-1721.

Project Map Legend

Project Map Legend. Click to expand.

I-70 South Outer Rd Phase 2-Woodlawn Ave to Hwy K

I-70 South Outer Rd Phase 2-Woodlawn Ave to Hwy K. Click to expand.


Main Street Phase I

Main Street Phase I. Click to expand.

This project includes resurfacing Main Street from Pitman north to the railroad tracks with pedestrian and lighting improvements.

Crestview Dr. Extension

Crestview Dr. Extension. Click to expand.

This project has been temporarily put on hold after discussions with St. Charles County in order to acquire the necessary information related to the I70 work to install additional lanes between Wentzville and St. Charles County limits.

Dardenne Greenway Connector-Technology Dr Bridge Reconstruction

Dardenne Greenway Connector-Technology Dr Bridge Reconstruction. Click to expand.

This project is a joint effort between the City of O'Fallon, Great Rivers Greenway, and the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT). The original project scope included a stand alone pedestrian bridge, a parking lot area, and connections to existing path infrastructure in this area. The City and MoDOT determined through the design scoping that it would be more advantageous and economical to rebuild the existing Technology Dr outer road bridge structure. The reconstruction effort will include a 12' wide shared use path facility across the bridge structure. The planned 10' path sections would then be connected to the parking lot area and existing paths as intended with the original scope. This connection is a vital part of the overall regional connectivity for Great Rivers Greenway through St. Charles with ultimate connectivity planned to the Katy Trail.

Diehr Road Reconstruction

Diehr Road Reconstruction. Click to expand.

Diehr Rd. Extension

Diehr Rd. Extension. Click to expand.

Lake St. Louis Blvd. Phase 3

Lake St. Louis Blvd. Phase 3. Click to expand.

Connect Lake St. Louis Blvd. from Paul Renaud Blvd. south toward Hwy DD. There will be a 10 foot wide multi use path along the East side of the proposed roadway. The roadway will be two lanes.

Weldon Spring Road Phase 1

Weldon Spring Road Phase 1 . Click to expand.

Planned improvements on this project include a new widened pavement cross section, adjusted pavement profile, intersection improvements at Crusher and Weldon Spring Road, and pedestrian improvements including sidewalks and a 10' shared use path.

Main Street Phase 3

Main Street Phase 3. Click to expand.

The scope of this project includes a dedicated turn lane from Third Street to St. Joseph Avenue, intersection improvements at 3rd street, pedestrian improvements including an 8' multi-use path with a 2' decorative border, installation of decorative lighting to match other areas of O'Fallon's Main Street, and repair and/or replacement of deficient pavement along the project corridor.

Eggering Dr Improvements

Eggering Dr Improvements. Click to expand.

The project improvements include the reconstruction of the existing deteriorated roadway with a new concrete or asphalt typical section similar to existing limits. New storm system will be evaluated and it will also include the installation of a new sidewalk for pedestrian use and connectivity to Westhoff Park entrance/Sheppard Dr. Design will determine the extent of the sidewalk width.

Main St Phase 2

Main St Phase 2. Click to expand.

This project will resurface Main St. from W. Terra Ln. to Pitman St. This will include ADA upgrades, an 8' wide multi use path on the east side of Main St. and new 5' sidewalk on the west side. Waterline upgrades by the City will be coordinated with this project.

Highway K & N Improvements

Highway K & N Improvements. Click to expand.

This project will be adding dual left turn lanes from both eastbound and westbound Hwy N. There will be a connection made on the Northeast corner to the sidewalk. Sidewalk will be added along HWY N from Hwy K to the West. This project is planned to help improve movements through the intersection.

2025 Annual Concrete Program

2025 Annual Concrete Program. Click to expand.

The 2025 Concrete Program will be working in Ward 1 following the established Pavement Management Strategy. (see link below)

2025 Targeted Joint Repair Program

2025 Targeted Joint Repair Program. Click to expand.

The 2025 Targeted Joint Repair Annual Program will be performing work in Ward 5.

2025 Crackseal Program

2025 Crackseal Program. Click to expand.

The City seals all cracks and joints less than 2 inches wide on all City maintained pavement on a 5 year cycle.

West Terra Lane Intersection Improvements

West Terra Lane Intersection Improvements. Click to expand.

The City has entered into an agreement for engineering services needed to study and design a realignment of West Terra Lane to allow for congestion mitigation at the intersection of Bryan Road and West Terra Lane.

2024 Path Maintenance Program

2024 Path Maintenance Program. Click to expand.

This year as part of the City's annual maintenance programs the 2024 Path Maintenance Program utilized mudjacking to address trip hazards on paths.

Dardenne Greenway Sports Park to Bluebird Meadow Park

Dardenne Greenway Sports Park to Bluebird Meadow Park. Click to expand.

Tom Ginnever Ave. & N. Cool Springs Intersection Improvements

Tom Ginnever Ave. & N. Cool Springs Intersection Improvements. Click to expand.

The proposed project includes construction of a roundabout at the intersection of Tom Ginnever Ave and N Cool Springs Rd, currently a three-way stop-controlled intersection, to address traffic flow issues and improve emissions. The proposed roundabout will also include pedestrian improvements including high visibility crosswalks to provide a pedestrian route across Tom Ginnever Ave and N Cool Springs Rd at the roundabout. The sidewalk on the south side of Tom Ginnever Ave adjacent to the roundabout within the project limits would be increased to a 10’ wide shared use path.  The sidewalk on the north side will be reconfigured as necessary to accommodate a crosswalk connecting the proposed 10’ shared use path on the south side of Tom Ginnever Ave.

Hoff Road Phase 2

Hoff Road Phase 2. Click to expand.

The proposed project includes the reconstruction of Hoff Road, beginning north of Progress W Lane and ending north at the termination of the City of O'Fallon City Limits. The project will include the re-alignment of the intersection of Hoff Road and Kemmar Ct. and a fully reconstructed pavement section for the entire length of the project.

Old Highway N Improvements

Old Highway N Improvements. Click to expand.

This project will be adding signals at Hawk Ridge Trail and at Sommers Rd. Curb will be installed from Old Forester Dr. to Hawk Ridge Trail and the road will be widened to include a center turn lane. There will also be a 10 foot wide multi use path installed along the south side of the Roadway. A signal is being installed at Sommers Road also and the entrance to QT is being realigned to match up to Old Highway N that was reconstructed a few years ago.

Project Map Legend

I-70 South Outer Rd Phase 2-Woodlawn Ave to Hwy K


Please see below for an animated map of the new system and the potential movements that can be made through the new system. Once the link is open, you will have to click the exhibit to start the animation.

Main Street Phase I

This project includes resurfacing Main Street from Pitman north to the railroad tracks with pedestrian and lighting improvements.

Crestview Dr. Extension

This project has been temporarily put on hold after discussions with St. Charles County in order to acquire the necessary information related to the I70 work to install additional lanes between Wentzville and St. Charles County limits.

This will be a supporting project to the newly constructed improvements to the intersection of Hwy K as part of Phase 1, and Woodlawn Ave as part of Phase 2 of the overall I-70 corridor outer road re-construction. This project is anticipated to continue to further mitigate the traffic congestion at Hwy K/M as it will provide an additional route to access I-70 for both east bound and west bound traffic. The improvements also include a pedestrian shared use path that will connect to a proposed round-about along Veterans Memorial Parkway and ultimately connect to the City owned Zumwalt Park. There will also be pedestrian improvements along Crestview Dr for connectivity to Woodlawn Ave.

Project Schedule: To Be Determined

Dardenne Greenway Connector-Technology Dr Bridge Reconstruction

This project is a joint effort between the City of O'Fallon, Great Rivers Greenway, and the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT). The original project scope included a stand alone pedestrian bridge, a parking lot area, and connections to existing path infrastructure in this area. The City and MoDOT determined through the design scoping that it would be more advantageous and economical to rebuild the existing Technology Dr outer road bridge structure. The reconstruction effort will include a 12' wide shared use path facility across the bridge structure. The planned 10' path sections would then be connected to the parking lot area and existing paths as intended with the original scope. This connection is a vital part of the overall regional connectivity for Great Rivers Greenway through St. Charles with ultimate connectivity planned to the Katy Trail.

Project Schedule:

Design 2023-2024

Right of Way/Easements 2024

Construction 2025

For additional information through Great Rivers Greenway please visit:

Diehr Road Reconstruction

An Informational meeting to discuss design progress for Phase I of this project (Lynette Ln to Long Gate Ct) will be held on Wednesday, August 28, 2024 from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm at the O'Day Lodge located at 1100 O'Day Park Drive, O'Fallon, MO.

The City is moving forward with design for Phase 1 of the project which will extend from Lynette Ln to Long Gate Ct. The project subsurface geotechnical boring work is set to begin the week of April 15th, 2024. This work will be completed for the entire corridor from Lynette Ln to Hopewell Rd. The geotech contractor will be establishing mobile work zones as they work through the corridor to get the borings done. The bore locations will be within the existing pavement and in ROW areas. These work zones will impact traffic flow. Please consider alternate routes and thank you for your patience while this work gets done.

This project consists of the reconstruction of Diehr Road to improve traffic flow and safety along the entire corridor. This project is large and will be evaluated to be done in phases which are yet to be determined. Currently the City and St. Charles County are coordinating multiple different improvements of Diehr Rd and Hopewell Rd as a result of increased interest for developments in this area. The improvements of the reconstruction would include, but are not limited to, a widened pavement section(s) that will allow for two way turn lanes, reduction of road way curve alignment where able, improved sight distance as needed, and bike/pedestrian facilities for a safe connectivity along the entire corridor.

The first public meeting was held on Thursday, November 2, 2023 from 5-7pm at the O'Day Park Lodge. Information from that meeting is available via links below. The public comment time frame is closed as of November 22, 2023.

Project Schedule:

Design 2023-2024

Right of Way/Easement Acquisition 2024-2025

Construction 2026-2027

Diehr Rd. Extension

This project will extend Diehr Rd. to the West of Hopewell Rd. This project is a collaborative effort between the City of O'Fallon, St. Charles County and the developer for the Harvest Subdivision. This will be a collector road within the Harvest Subdivision. The roadway is anticipated to extend farther to the West and connect to a new St. Charles County planned development. Completion of this new roadway is expected by late summer/early fall 2024.

Project is mostly completed. There are a few minor items to be completed in November 2024.

Project Schedule:

Design 2023

Construction 2024

Lake St. Louis Blvd. Phase 3

Connect Lake St. Louis Blvd. from Paul Renaud Blvd. south toward Hwy DD. There will be a 10 foot wide multi use path along the East side of the proposed roadway. The roadway will be two lanes.

Project is in review for Environmental Clearance

Project Schedule:

Design 2023-2025

Construction anticipated 2026-2027

Weldon Spring Road Phase 1

Planned improvements on this project include a new widened pavement cross section, adjusted pavement profile, intersection improvements at Crusher and Weldon Spring Road, and pedestrian improvements including sidewalks and a 10' shared use path.

Project Schedule:

Full Closure Begins: 3/24/25, closure is anticipated to last 8 months. Primary detour routes will be Technology Drive and Highway K

Main Street Phase 3

The scope of this project includes a dedicated turn lane from Third Street to St. Joseph Avenue, intersection improvements at 3rd street, pedestrian improvements including an 8' multi-use path with a 2' decorative border, installation of decorative lighting to match other areas of O'Fallon's Main Street, and repair and/or replacement of deficient pavement along the project corridor.

Project Open House Scheduled for 12/17/24 from 4pm-6pm at City Hall. More information is included in the button below:

Project Schedule:

Design 2023

Right of Way/Easement Acquisition 2025

Construction 2026

Eggering Dr Improvements

The project improvements include the reconstruction of the existing deteriorated roadway with a new concrete or asphalt typical section similar to existing limits. New storm system will be evaluated and it will also include the installation of a new sidewalk for pedestrian use and connectivity to Westhoff Park entrance/Sheppard Dr. Design will determine the extent of the sidewalk width.

Project Schedule:

Design 2024

Right of Way/Easement Acquisition 2024-2025

Construction 2026-2027

Main St Phase 2

This project will resurface Main St. from W. Terra Ln. to Pitman St. This will include ADA upgrades, an 8' wide multi use path on the east side of Main St. and new 5' sidewalk on the west side. Waterline upgrades by the City will be coordinated with this project.

Final Plans have been approved by MODOT.

Project Schedule:

Design 2023-2024

Right of Way Acquisition 2024

Construction 2025 - bidding is anticipated for fall of 2024. Construction could start as early as late 2024.

Highway K & N Improvements

This project will be adding dual left turn lanes from both eastbound and westbound Hwy N. There will be a connection made on the Northeast corner to the sidewalk. Sidewalk will be added along HWY N from Hwy K to the West. This project is planned to help improve movements through the intersection.

Final plans have been approved. Project has been advertised for bid. Bid opening is scheduled for 11/14/2024 at 2PM

Project Schedule:

Design 2023-2024

Right of Way Acquisition 2024-2025

Construction - 2025

2025 Annual Concrete Program

The 2025 Concrete Program will be working in Ward 1 following the established Pavement Management Strategy. (see link below)

Next Level Construction was chosen by the City to perform this work. Construction is scheduled to begin the week of March 24th in the Hampton Woods Subdivision.

The City selects various street segments to perform selective slab replacement based on specific criteria in the Pavement Manual.

2025 Targeted Joint Repair Program

The 2025 Targeted Joint Repair Annual Program will be performing work in Ward 5.

O'Fallon added a Partial Depth Repair Program to compliment the Concrete Program. This Program focuses on joint repair where the slab has not completely failed. This process uses a durable and aesthetically pleasing product that will increase the overall condition of concrete pavement for many years.

Residents will encounter parking restrictions and temporary lane closures while the contractor is working. The duration for the majority of the streets is 3-4 days once work has started. Your patience and cooperation are appreciated during this time.

2025 Crackseal Program

The City seals all cracks and joints less than 2 inches wide on all City maintained pavement on a 5 year cycle.

The Crackseal Program is scheduled by ward by year. The 2025 program is in Ward 4.

West Terra Lane Intersection Improvements

The City has entered into an agreement for engineering services needed to study and design a realignment of West Terra Lane to allow for congestion mitigation at the intersection of Bryan Road and West Terra Lane.

The initial traffic study for the intersection indicated a roundabout at this location is the preferred design alternative. Staff submitted an application for federal funding in February 2024 to assist in land acquisition and construction costs for the project. The City will find out in the fall of 2024 if grant funds were awarded for this project.

Project Schedule:

Traffic Study and Design 2023-2024

An application for federal funding assistance was submitted in February 2024.

The project has been recommended for outside funding. A public meeting to review the project status is anticipated in Spring of 2025.


2024 Path Maintenance Program

This year as part of the City's annual maintenance programs the 2024 Path Maintenance Program utilized mudjacking to address trip hazards on paths.

The 2024 Path Maintenance Program was completed in August of 2024 and adjusted over 1,200 sidewalk slabs.

Dardenne Greenway Sports Park to Bluebird Meadow Park

This project will provide trail connectivity through a 1.5 mile portion of the Dardenne Greenway from Bluebird Meadow Park to Sports Park/Route K.  The project includes a new minimum 12’ wide shared use path to connect Bluebird Meadow Park to Sports Park. Also included is upgrading the existing path 8’wide path in Sports Park to 12’ wide, providing a bike repair kiosk, landscaping, signage and other amenities to create an inviting trailhead in Sports Park, two pedestrian bridges, a vehicular bridge and addressing storm water and creek bank concerns.  In addition, the project will look at connecting existing segments of the path on Route K at Sports Park, extending the path to the east under Route K at Schote Creek and providing a path on the Route K bridge over Dardenne Creek. 

For additional information through Great Rivers Greenway please visit:

Tom Ginnever Ave. & N. Cool Springs Intersection Improvements

The proposed project includes construction of a roundabout at the intersection of Tom Ginnever Ave and N Cool Springs Rd, currently a three-way stop-controlled intersection, to address traffic flow issues and improve emissions. The proposed roundabout will also include pedestrian improvements including high visibility crosswalks to provide a pedestrian route across Tom Ginnever Ave and N Cool Springs Rd at the roundabout. The sidewalk on the south side of Tom Ginnever Ave adjacent to the roundabout within the project limits would be increased to a 10’ wide shared use path.  The sidewalk on the north side will be reconfigured as necessary to accommodate a crosswalk connecting the proposed 10’ shared use path on the south side of Tom Ginnever Ave.

Project Schedule:

Design 2024-2025

Right of Way Acquisition 2025

Construction 2026

Hoff Road Phase 2

The proposed project includes the reconstruction of Hoff Road, beginning north of Progress W Lane and ending north at the termination of the City of O'Fallon City Limits. The project will include the re-alignment of the intersection of Hoff Road and Kemmar Ct. and a fully reconstructed pavement section for the entire length of the project.

The purpose of the project is to improve the conditions for the vehicles traveling on Hoff Road by improving an intersection with a difficult curve, as well as widening the roadway to add a two-way left-turn lane.

Project Schedule:

Design 2024-2025

Right of Way 2025

Construction 2026

Old Highway N Improvements

This project will be adding signals at Hawk Ridge Trail and at Sommers Rd. Curb will be installed from Old Forester Dr. to Hawk Ridge Trail and the road will be widened to include a center turn lane. There will also be a 10 foot wide multi use path installed along the south side of the Roadway. A signal is being installed at Sommers Road also and the entrance to QT is being realigned to match up to Old Highway N that was reconstructed a few years ago.

Construction 2024-2025