5th Avenue Bridge

Planning Study | Duluth, MN

Welcome to the first virtual open house for the 5th Avenue bridge planning study! We created this interactive resource to provide a project information and gather your valued feedback.

To view the open house, continue scrolling down the page or use the menu tabs above to jump to specific topics.

Project Overview

5th Avenue West is a key connection between Duluth’s downtown district and the Bayfront/Canal Park areas with many stakeholders with a vested interest in the future of this connection. The 5th Avenue bridge is currently scheduled for improvements in 2031, with the potential to advance this work if budget allows. This planning study will provide recommendations that will help focus and frame the future project scope and priorities.

The following represents the project objectives:

Tour the Project Area

Take a tour of the project area: Use the Google Streetview image below to explore the existing conditions along the 5th Avenue corridor.

Project Location Map

Project Timeline

Survey & Engagement

The survey and mapping activity are now closed for comments.

Contact Us

Questions can be directed to Doug Kerfeld, P.E., Project Manager

Phone: (218) 725-2746

Project Location Map