Getting Started in StoryMaps in APHG


Unit 1

Thinking Geographically

Topic: Site/situation, basic info about establishment of the community

Skills: Basic - Text using different styles, sizes, colors of text

Add information about the site and situation of your hometown

This is a sample of my text.

This is my second idea.

Here is more about my narrative.

Unit 2

Population and Migration

Topic: Population Dynamics

Skills: Basic - Add a quote; Media - Add an image using a link

Type your narrative in response to the journal instructions for the Hans Rosling video:  DON'T PANIC — Hans Rosling Showing the Facts About Population”  

Feel free to practice any of the text options that you used in Journal 1, as you write Journal 2.

Remember to add a quote and its source. Quotes are either italicized or put in quotation marks. The preference is italicize, especially if a longer quote and set apart, as it is in StoryMaps.

There are 2 examples below, depending on how you indicate your source and showing how to indicate it is a quote. Remember to add the full citation source at the bottom of the Journal webpage.

AP Human Geography asks students to not just dabble in geographic skills but immerse themselves in rigorous thought, data, sources, and scale analysis, as well as spatial relationships. As Murphy and Hare noted in "The Nature of Geography and Its Perspectives in AP Human Geography" (2016)

We should be treating it as an opportunity to advance understanding of what it means to think geographically . . if students are to emerge from their studies with the conceptual tools and habits of mind that are needed to make sense of the forces reshaping life on Earth. (Murphy)

"We should be treating it as an opportunity to advance understanding of what it means to think geographically . . . if students are too emerge from their students with the conceptual tools and habits of mind that are needed to make sense of the forces reshaping life on Earth.(Murphy)

Remember to add an image:

This map of current trends in migration. (Source: World Economic Forum,

Unit 3

Cultural Patterns and Processes

Topic: Diffusion of Religion and Language

Skills: Media - 2 ways of adding a video to your journal

Basic -->The Button

You can add a button that will open the video in YouTube or other Internet video source. The button allows you to add any hyperlink - video, article, image, anything with an URL. It takes the reader out to that site. An issue with this is you are limited to the number of letters you can put on the button. A downside is that readers leave the StoryMap site, which may not be what you want.

Media --> Video:

Using media, you can directly embed the video into your Journal. It plays from the Journal, rather than going out to another site, as when you use the button to hyperlink too something. Notice that the title of the video is added below it.

If you hover over the video, will will get different options for showing the video: size, placement of the window, etc.

Source: "Why Did English Become the International Language?"

Unit 4

Political Patterns and Processes

Narrative - Add text to respond to the questions in the Journal 4 Overview

Topic: The Function of Political Boundaries

Skill: Media - Add a swipe (using images)

The middle line with two arrows can be used to swipe across the two maps to compare the 2016 Schenger Area/Borders to 2020 changes.

Add additional text to compare the information contained in the two maps in the Swipe Map above.

BONUS: Add an Image Gallery (4 images = 1 point)

Blue road signs with gold stars indicates that a country is part of the Schengen Area. Some regions are not part of the Schengen and are designated as such. Crossing Schengen borders is as easy as driving through a toll booth. Citizens are issued Visas (VISUM), allowing them to cross the borders easily.

Unit 5

Agriculture and Rural Land-Use Patterns and Processes

Topics: Agricultural Production Regions

Skill: Immersive - Map Tour

Watch the video "King Corn." I decided to add three images that show three stages of growing and harvesting corn in Iowa. So even though the location technically is the same, I altered the map by zooming in, so there were different maps each time.

As I selected images, I also collected information for the Works Cited.


Fertilizing in Spring

To provide proper nourishment to the young corn plants, fertilizer is added.


Tassel Count in Mid-Summer

Drones are used to do a tassel count, providing a prediction of yield.


Harvesting Corn in Fall

The fields look barren after the corn is harvested. No till is the preferred method, leaving roots and short stalks in the ground to prevent wind and run-off erosion during the winter months.

Unit 6

Urban Patterns and Processes

Topic: The Internal Structure of Cities

Skill: Immersive Media - Slide Show

Urbanization is not about simply increasing the number of urban residents or expanding the area of cities. More importantly, it’s about a complete change from rural to urban style in terms of industry structure, employment, living environment and social security. ~Li Keqiang

For this week's journal, you will add a slide show. This will seem very similar to adding a map tour. The major difference is that you are adding photographs - and not showing where they are located. And rather than the images/text/map scrolling downward, the slide show will have arrows at either end to scroll horizontally.

New Urbanization in the City

Despite urban sprawl and the creation of several galactic cities around Chicago, the city continues to look for new development in areas of industrial or residential decay. This rendering of "The 78" - on the right side of the Chicago River - is a plan for a former industrial area that has fallen into decay. This new development does not come without controversy. It will increase residential density and provide for jobs, but many feel that this area is being designed for high income families instead of developing much needed housing for lower income families in the city.

South Side Chicago

It is more typical to see decayed housing on the south side of Chicago. Not only will you see property in disrepair, unsuitable for living, but you will see many vacant lots where the housing was torn down to prevent a hazard in the community.

There is a movement to save houses on the South Side by renovating them, so residents can continue living in their neighborhood.

The south side of Chicago is known for its industrial areas, such as this ash plant./

Unit 7

Industrial and Economic Development Patterns and Processes

Topic: Trade and the World Economy

Skill: Media - Express Map

After watching "Planet Money Makes a T-Shirt," students create an Express Map about locations that show the economic process.

Journal 2

Murphy, Alexander B., and Phillip R. Hare. “The Nature of Geography and Its Perspectives in AP®Human Geography.” Journal of Geography 115, no. 3 (2016): 95–100. Date Accessed 27 January 2021.

Gray, Alex. “These charts show how migration is changing our cities.” World Economic Forum. 25 Oct 2017. Accessed 25 Jan 2021.

Journal 3

"Why Did English Become the International Language?" Langfocus. 2017. Date Accessed 10 February 2021.

Journal 4

Centanni, Evan.  “Map of Temporary Border Controls in the Schengen Area, March 2016.”  Political Geography Now.  March 3, 2016.

Denková, Adéla. “Mini-Schengen not an option, for now.” EURACTIV.

Parkes, Roderick. “Ghost of Borders Past: Old borders present new challenges for Schengen.” Border Management Magazine. 29 Mar 2019. Accessed 18 Sep 2021.

“Schengen: a guide to the European border-free zone.”  News  European Parliament 

Schengen Visa Information.” 2021. Accessed 18 Sep 2021. 

Journal 5

Block, Tom. “Mexico Threat on Imports Worries Iowa Corn Growers.” Iowa Farm Bureau. 20 February 2017. https :// . Date Accessed 24 February 2021.

Journal 6

Cross, Latoya. “Facing Fate.”South Side Weekly. 10 October 2018. Date Accessed: 28 February 2021.

Keqiang, Li. “51+ Powerful Quotes on Urbanization and Urban Sprawl.” Conserve Energy Future. 2021. Date Accessed: 28 February 2021.

Koziarz, Jay. “City Council approves $2B in TIF money for Lincoln Yards, The 7866.” Curbed Chicago. 10 April 2019. Date Accessed: 28 February 2021.

Smith, Stephen J. “Is Chicago Still the Urban Development Promised Land?” Next City. 9 April 2014. Date Accessed: 28 February 2021.

This map of current trends in migration. (Source: World Economic Forum,

The middle line with two arrows can be used to swipe across the two maps to compare the 2016 Schenger Area/Borders to 2020 changes.