D4I overall (Practicum submission)

This is a template for a potential D4I overall StoryMap. This StoryMap can be edited to best fit the message D4I wants to convey.

What is D4I

D4I is a consortium led by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in partnership with Palladium, ICF, Jon Snow, Inc.,  and Tulane University. 

 D4I strengthens country capacity to generate and use high-quality health data for strategic decisions on health policy and programming at national, subnational, and community levels. D4I draws on the technical expertise that exists in each partner organization and an extensive network of country partners in USAID’s priority countries. 

History of D4I

D4I draws upon decades of experience from MEASURE Evaluation. 

Timeline or MEASURE Evaluation evolution to D4I, Measure Malaria, and TB DIAH
Timeline or MEASURE Evaluation evolution to D4I, Measure Malaria, and TB DIAH

The evolution MEASURE Evaluation

In 2018, MEASURE Evaluation was split into three associate awards – Data for Impact, PMI Measure Malaria, and TB DIAH – continuing its long legacy of building evidence to improve health systems and programs.  

D4I supports countries to generate and use high-quality data to improve their programs, policies, and health outcomes in areas such as adolescent health, child protection and care, counter-trafficking/refugee support, family planning and reproductive health, infectious disease, maternal and child health, food security and nutrition, in addition to cross-cutting areas like health system strengthening, private sector, and supply chains.  

D4I's Objectives

D4I's Work

Between September 2018 to 2022 D4I has done the following:

D4I's Countries

Below is a map with all the countries that D4I has ever worked with or is currently working with.

Click the country image to learn more about D4I's work with that country

Recent Work

D4I Year Four Results and Highlights


This StoryMap was produced with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under the terms of the Data for Impact (D4I) associate award 7200AA18LA00008, which is implemented by the Carolina Population Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, in partnership with Palladium International, LLC; ICF Macro, Inc.; John Snow, Inc.; and Tulane University. The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States government.

The evolution MEASURE Evaluation