30X30: A movement to protect a third of our planet's surface

We depend on nature for our survival. We need to give it space to thrive.

30X30 graphic

The goal

Goal: protect at least

A large "thirty percent"
A large "thirty percent"

of Earth's lands and waters by

A large "2030"
A large "2030"


Why 30X30?

The ecosystems on which we depend are under enormous pressure from human activities.

A circle with silhouettes of a variety of mammals, birds, reptiles, and insects
A circle with silhouettes of a variety of mammals, birds, reptiles, and insects

Populations of mammals, fish, birds, reptiles, and amphibians have declined by two thirds between 1970 and 2016.

The same circle, now as a pie chart showing that two-thirds have disappeared
The same circle, now as a pie chart showing that two-thirds have disappeared

More than a million species are currently at risk of extinction. Protecting natural areas will reduce this risk.

Silhouette with a large "1,000,000" superimposed
Silhouette with a large "1,000,000" superimposed

Conserving a third of our planet will boost local economies, provide recreation opportunities, and help achieve equal access to nature's benefits.

And it will protect the natural capital on which we all depend.

Where do we stand?

Ocean covers 71% of Earth's surface; the remaining 29% is land.

Two circle graphics, the smaller one showing a forest from above, the larger showing the ocean surface

As of 2021, about 17% of Earth's land surface and 8% of the world's oceans was protected or conserved.

The graphics turn into pie charts showing 15 percent and 7 percent protection for land and ocean, respectively

Here's what the current patterns of protection look like.

To reach the 30X30 goal, at least an additional 13% of Earth's land surface and 22% of the world's oceans need to be protected.

The leaders of more than 70 countries have announced their support for 30X30

...as has the International Union for the Conservation of Nature ( IUCN )

30X30 initiatives

Achieving the 30X30 goals will require action at all levels, from global to local, involving policy-makers and grassroots groups, and the leadership of indigenous peoples and local communities. The goals will not be achieved by expanding strict protected areas alone, but through the recognition of a diverse range of effective and equitable protected and conserved areas.


National (United States)

State and Provincial

What you can do

Sign the petition. Express your support, as an individual or as an organization, of the 30X30 goals.

Support an organization. The Campaign for Nature lists links to organizations promoting 30X30 and working toward its implementation.

Advocate for 30X30 in your community. Most natural area protection starts at the local level. You can work with local land conservation groups. The Land Trust Alliance has listings of local organizations; find one near you, and support it!

Tell your 30X30 story. Is your organization working to protect Earth's lands and waters? Tell your story, and share it.


Esri believes that geospatial infrastructure is essential to supporting organizations and indigenous communities working to achieve 30X30. This integrating technology provides spatial reference to holistic conservation planning, incorporating community feedback and evaluating scenarios for sustained landscape conservation.  More information 
