City of Laramie Construction 2024

Construction Projects for Laramie, WY

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City of Laramie Road Closure Map:

Overview of Planned Projects

Project: 20"/24" Crossover

Summary: This project is to connect the 20" and the 24" transmission mains near the west edge of Laramie to improve the hydraulic capacity of treated water transmission mains. Currently, these transmission lines diverge and the connection is planned at a location north of I80 and south of the UW vet lab. A connection with valve was installed during the 20" transmission lining project in anticipation of this project.

Scheduled Completion Date: Fall 2024

Project Manager: Cole Inghram

Phone: 307.721.5250

Status: Under Construction

Project: 3rd Street Utility Rehabilitation Phase 2

Summary: The 3rd Street Utility Rehabilitation Phase 2 project will include the replacement of the water main within 3rd Street between Russel Street and Palmer Dr.

Scheduled Completion Date: Fall 2024

Project Manager: Zeb Coulter, PMP

Phone: 307.721.5250

Status: Under Construction

Project: B2 Corthell - Bill Nye Sanitary Sewer Connector

Summary: This project aims to connect the future Bill Nye sewer line to the existing B2 sewer line that runs along Spring Creek. The new sewer line will be located on Corthell Road, extending from Whitman Street to Spring Creek. Approximately 2,800 linear feet of new sanitary sewer line will be installed along with the necessary manholes and service lines.

Scheduled Completion Date: Summer 2025

Project Manager: Cole Inghram

Phone: 307.721.5250

Status: Under Design

Project: B2 Sanitary Sewer Outfall Replacement Phase 2

Summary: The B2 Sanitary Sewer Outfall Replacement - Phase 2 project will utilize trenchless technologies as well as conventional excavation techniques to replace the sanitary sewer outfall line between 18th Street and 11th Street. Manholes along this alignment will be replaced. This work is needed to execute an agreement between the City and ACSD that accommodates future expansion in the area of the new high school.

Scheduled Completion Date: Summer 2024

Project Manager: Cole Inghram

Phone: 307.721.5250

Status: Under Construction

Project: C Line Replacement Phase 2

Summary: This project is the next phase of a multi-phase project to replace an existing sewer trunk main that collects wastewater from the area around the University. The structure of the existing system is in conflict with DEQ regulations, and multiple future projects, completed in a phased schedule, will correct these deficiencies and increase capacity. The phases of these projects are planned based on DEQ requirements for the upstream upgrades.

Scheduled Completion Date: Fall 2024

Project Manager: Cole Inghram

Phone: 307.721.5250

Status: Under Construction

Project: Indoor Meeting Space Expansion

Summary: This project will expand the landfill's only temperature controlled indoor meeting space.

Scheduled Completion Date: Spring 2025

Project Manager: JR Slingerland

Phone: 307.721.5279

Status: Under Design

Project: North Side Outfall Line

Summary: The North Side Outfall Line project includes the installation of a new sanitary sewer main running between the intersection of 30th Street and Asphalt lane to the existing Main lift station located off of PFE Road.

Scheduled Completion Date: TBD

Project Manager: William Winkler, P.E.

Phone: 307.721.5250

Status: Under Design

Project: North Side Tank & Transmission Lines

Summary: The North Side Tank Project will include the construction of a new treated water storage tank and associated pipe line improvements for the northern portion of the community including capacity for new development. It also includes installation of approximately 7800 LF of 24" water main, a one million gallon water storage tank (Zone 3) and associated infrastructure.

Scheduled Completion Date: Fall 2024

Project Manager: William Winkler, P.E.

Phone: 307.721.5250

Status: Under Construction

Project: Optimize Drainage Ponds

Summary: The Optimize Drainage Ponds project will include maximize the storage capacity of regional pond located around Nighthawk Drive and 22nd Street. By Modifying the outlet structures of this pond as well as minor grading the City will increase the storage capacity and allow for the installation of water quality enhancements.

Scheduled Completion Date: Summer 2024

Project Manager: Mark Hazelett, P.E.

Phone: 307.721.5250

Status (Nighthawk and 22nd): Under Construction

Status (Reynolds and 22nd): Postponed

Status (Scout Park): Postponed

Project: Press Building Restroom

Summary: This project will build a small restroom (toilet and sink) in the press building for staff use.

Scheduled Completion Date: Fall 2024

Project Manager: Mark Hazelett, P.E.

Phone: 307.721.5250

Status: Under Construction

Project: PRV Replacement - Bill Nye

Summary: This pressure reducing valve (PRV) station located adjacent to Corthell Road was evaluated during the Bill Nye reconnaissance study and was scheduled for replacement to accommodate the new Bill Nye roadway. This project will include removing the existing PRV station, and relocating and building a new PRV station in an above ground housing structure to accommodate construction of the future Bill Nye roadway.

Scheduled Completion Date: Fall 2024

Project Manager: Cole Inghram

Phone: 307.721.5250

Status: Under Construction

Project: Secondary Clarifier Mechanism Replacement

Summary: This project includes rebuilding the secondary clarifier mechanisms due to age. Then, all the existing rakes, drums, and related mechanical items will be removed and rebuilt. The coating on the concrete structures will also be inspected to determine concrete integrity.

Scheduled Completion Date: Fall 2024

Project Manager: Mark Hazelett, P.E.

Phone: 307.721.5250

Status: Under Design

Project: Thornburgh Dr. Alleys

Summary: This project will provide for design and construction to replace multiple existing sewer lines and manholes in the 2 alleys adjacent to Thornburgh Drive. This project will also involve replacing the water mains within the alleys north and south of Thornburgh Drive as well as the two alleys that extend north to Sheridan Street.

Construction will start as soon as contractors are able and to be completed by Fall 2025

Scheduled Completion Date: Fall 2025

Project Manager: Zeb Coulter, PMP

Phone: 307.721.5250

Status: Under Design

Project: WWTP Upgrade Project Construction

Summary: The WWTP upgrade project will consist of the removal and replacement of the existing oxidation ditch blowers and piping, the conversion of the existing aerobic digestors to aerated sludge holding tanks, removal and replacement of the existing digestor blowers, a new ASHT blower building with new blower equipment and miscellaneous improvements to site civil, mechanical, electrical and instrumentation and controls.

Scheduled Completion Date: Fall 2023

Project Manager: Mark Hazelett, P.E.

Phone: 307.721.5250

Status: Under Construction

Project: Wyoming Ave

Summary: The construction for this project includes Wyoming Avenue, Colorado Avenue between Jefferson and Wyoming, and the West Laramie Storm Sewer Outfall. Will consist of the water and street improvements. The project limits for the roadway improvements are Wyoming Avenue between Johnson Street and Pierce Street, and Colorado Avenue between Jefferson Street and Wyoming Avenue. The storm sewer improvements will be within Wyoming Avenue and extend to a new storm sewer outfall eventually tying in at Adams Street. This project will coordinate with water main improvements under all asphalt sections.

Construction is planned for 2025.

Scheduled Completion Date: Fall 2025

Project Manager: Zeb Coulter, PMP

Phone: 307.721.5250

Status: Under Design

Project: Chip Seal - Street Reconstruction

Summary: Chip seals provide essential maintenance extend the life of roadways at critical points prior to further deuteration leading to more extensive and expensive maintenance options.

The chip seal projects will be applied to multiple roadways throughout Laramie. The priorities for this project are identified annually by the Street Manager.

Upcoming projects include the following locations: 4th (Grand to Sheridan), 4th (Harney to Flint), 4th (Reynolds to Shields), 4th (Sheridan to Russell), 9th (Lewis to Grand), 15th (Bill Nye to I-80 Bridge), 17th (Spring Creek to Person), 18th (Rainbow to Sheridan), 30th (Grays Gable to Grand), Flint (3rd to 4th), Garfield (30th to Boulder), Northview (West EOP to Inca).

The City of Laramie will be starting to chip seal some major roadways in town starting Wednesday, August 7th. The City has contracted with contractor Knife River to complete the project. The project is estimated to take about 3 weeks.

Scheduled Completion Date: Fall 2024

Project Manager: Zeb Coulter, PMP

Phone: 307.721.5250

Status: Under Design

Project: Cured in Place Pipe (CIPP) Lining

Summary: Through regular maintenance inspections Public Works Utility and Street divisions maintain a list of sewer segments for the annual Cured in Place Pipe (CIPP) project.

Cured in Place Pipe (CIPP) projects will be applied to sanitary and storm water sewer throughout Laramie. The priorities for this project are identified annually by Public Works.

Scheduled Completion Date: Fall 2024

Project Manager: Zeb Coulter, PMP

Phone: 307.721.5250

Status: Under Design

Non-City Managed Planned Projects

UW Project: 15th Street Improvements

Summary: The University of Wyoming is reconstructing 15th Street between Lewis Street to Ivinson Avenue as part of their housing project. Please see the University's website for more project details or contact their project manager.

Scheduled Completion Date: Fall 2024

UW Project Manager: Sam Farstad, Sr. Project Manager University of Wyoming

Phone: 307.760.1454

Status: Under Construction

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City of Laramie, Wyoming

Public Works Department/Engineering

 Kyle Jordan