Bay Area High Schools and Colleges Partnerships
Focus on Funding in opportunity zones for health programs
Analysis is for Bay Area High schools and community colleges with workforce career Technical Education programs to help in identify the strong workforce partnership grant funding that are not currently utilized. Focus of the analysis is to locate high schools that are in Opportunity zones and not funded.secondly Health care programs offered where SWP Funded high schools are located. Identify the partnership on college campuses that are within 2 mils of high schools. I used GIS for visual analysis using the web maps and created images with geo spatial techniques such as Join, buffer, select by location and attributes etc.
- Community college campus shape files
- High Schools data gathered from California Department of Education
- Opportunity zones shape file downloaded from US Department of Treasury web page
- High schools receiving Strong Workforce Partnership funds as a CSV file
- Inventory of health care programs offered at Bay Region college campuses in CSV file
- California Counties shape file .
Focus of the analysis is for the following bay area counties.
- Alameda
- Contra Costa
- Marin
- Monterey
- Napa
- San Francisco
- San Mateo
- Santa Clara
- Santa Cruz
- Solano
- Sonama
First step is collecting the data from different sources and adding them to Geo database. Using Arc GIS Pro, created a project and added the shape files and csv files. I cleaned data in csv files. Once data was added to the arc gis project, Using the GEO Spatial techniques created GIS Maps for the analysis. Using Join, select by attributes created the high schools, college campuses and opportunity zones. Once desired maps were created, they were exported as a Map or PDF.
Bay Area High schools, College campuses and Opportunity Zones
Map shows the high schools (purple) and college campuses (green) that are in opportunity zones (yellow). High school data downloaded from public schools and districts ( and US department of treasury community development funding page (
California Opportunity zones Campuses with Health programs
Map shows community campuses that provide health programs and opportunity zones
Bay Area High schools and Campuses with 2 mile buffer and opportunity zones
Combined map shows the high schools and community college campuses with 2 mile buffer. Using the Select by location to identify Schools without funding, but are in opportunity zones and are close to the campuses with health programs are potential for the grants. Map clearly identify locations near Oakland area of High schools.
SWP - Non funding schools in opportunity zones - Potential for getting the funding
Created a map with 2 mile buffer around the campuses that has high schools not funded and are in opportunity zones are the schools that has higher opportunities to get the grant funding
Non funding schools near by campuses in opportunity zones
Potential partnership schools for funding with college campuses that are in or near opportunity zones
Summary of Geospatial analysis
After reviewing the maps, potential partnership schools that are currently not receive SWP funding and are in opportunity zones are in Alameda County and San Francisco areas. From the webmap can get the list of non funding schools and campuses with health programs.
Further Study:
Scope for further analysis include using population data with income level, demographics, age to accurately identify the population that uses health program in colleges. Using the population data with heat analysis, give additional recommendations to identify target schools and will potentially benefit the target population and major impact to the grant funding dollars.