ARC Resources

Mapping Tool

To inform the evaluation of the community conditions on the ground in Ventura County, we turn to a key data source: the California Healthy Places Index (HPI), produced by the Public Health Alliance of Southern California. The HPI ranks eligible California census tracts from 0 to 100, with higher percentile ranks indicating healthier community conditions. There are 25 indicators in eight different policy action areas - Economic, Education, Transportation, Social, Neighborhood, Clean Environment, Housing, and Healthcare Access.

Screenshot of the California Health Places Index Tool
Screenshot of the California Health Places Index Tool

Screenshot of the California Health Places Index Tool

By combining individual indicators and related decision support layers we were able to provide insight and guidance into the most effective and impactful strategies to increase community resilience to climate change in ARC communities.

Cal/OSHA Data

The ARC farmworker advisory committee expressed a lack of faith in, and understanding of, the Cal/OSHA inspections process. In response to these concerns, we conducted a 5-year analysis of agricultural inspections in Ventura County between 2015-2019. We sought to understand the frequency of inspections and penalties, the size of penalties for heat violations, and the response of Cal/OSHA to worker complaints.

Main findings:

  • A farm in Ventura County had roughly 1% chance of being inspected in a given year
  • The most common heat violation was failure to create a heat illness prevention plan with an average penalty of just $356
  • The large majority (4 in 5) of complaints were anonymous
  • Only 35% of complaints were inspected, despite 80% being deemed "valid"
  • Complaint driven inspections were more effective at finding heat violations (57% v. 27%)
  • Only one random planned inspection occurred in the 5-year period

Read the white paper with more detailed results of Cal/OSHA inspections  here .

Screenshot of the California Health Places Index Tool