Middlesex 2046
County Official Plan Update
Middlesex 2046
Middlesex 2046 is a community engagement campaign about land use in Middlesex County.
Middlesex County is creating an updated framework for growth and development to 2046 and is seeking ideas and input from people who live, work, or volunteer in the County.
Over the next 25 years, the County will grow at a faster rate than the previous 25 years.
We are creating a plan to ensure Middlesex County is ready for this growth and are seeking input from our community.

Planning to 2046
Did you know that by 2046 Middlesex County’s population will be somewhere between 96,300 and 115,000?
Population forecast by age group in Middlesex County.
In 2021 the County engaged Watson & Associates Economists to prepare growth forecasts over a 25-year time horizon. The project considered provincial projections and recent, rapid increases in growth within Middlesex County.
The project resulted in three growth scenarios: high, reference, and low. The three scenarios form the basis for growth planning in Middlesex County.
3 growth scenarios for Middlesex County

Agriculture is the most significant land use within Middlesex County and a major contributor to the local economy and culture. Agriculture in Middlesex County has a $1.2 billion annual impact, with 7,800 jobs and $290 million in wages and salaries.
The County is reviewing its agricultural land use policies to:
- Ensure the continued protection of agricultural land.
- Continue to allow for the severance of surplus dwellings.
- Allow for limited flexibility for agri-tourism, agri-business, multi-generational housing, and housing for farm labour.
Natural Heritage
Middlesex County’s natural heritage system includes woodlands, wetlands, valley lands and watercourses. Natural heritage is important because it:
- Provides habitat for plants and animals.
- Filters pollution and sediment from the water and air.
- Reduces flooding and erosion.
- Stores carbon and reduces greenhouse gas emissions, while supporting resilience against climate change.
- Supports the local economy with natural resources and tourism attractions.
- Supports agriculture through healthy soil and growing conditions.
Vegetation and Natural Heritage sites
With skilled workers, world class education and research facilities, low start-up costs and shovel ready sites, Middlesex County is a premiere business location.
Middlesex County offers competitive labour costs, highway access, reliable and affordable energy, a skilled workforce, proximity to major markets, outstanding educational facilities, strong business networks, research and development resources, and exceptional quality of life.
Key sectors include agriculture and agri-business, manufacturing, small business, and tourism.
Middlesex County has recently completed an Economic Development Strategic Plan , and we are reviewing our land use policies to strengthen support for economic objectives. This review includes broadband internet, employment land suitability and availability, infrastructure suitability and availability, creative industries, and other supports.
Since 2016 Middlesex County and local municipalities have seen an increasing amount of development applications and approvals.
There has been a 100 percent increase in subdivision and condominium activity, and a 25 percent increase in local approval issues like zoning amendments and minor variances. With anticipated growth projections, this activity is expected to increase even further.
Recent trends suggest new developments are larger in volume and more complex. This is consistent with growing demand for residential and commercial properties in Middlesex County.
Where We Develop: Explore the Map
Housing Projection = 25 Year High Growth Scenario Housing Units (Watson Report) allocated to settlement areas based upon estimated percentages.
Census % Change = 2016 to 2021 Census Population Change
If Middlesex County’s population grows to between 96,300 and 115,000 by 2046, between 10,800 and 17,900 housing units will be required to meet the needs of the community.
Our collective challenge is to ensure these housing units are created in a way that is:
- Attainable, accessible, and affordable for new homebuyers, renters, and seniors.
- Respectful of Middlesex County's natural heritage system.
- Constructed in urban areas so that agricultural land continues to be protected.
Middlesex County is considering a range of housing options to explore this challenge, such as townhouses, row houses, apartments, tiny homes, backyard units, and additional residential units within existing homes.
Get Involved!
We welcome your thoughts.
Participate in a virtual open house or attend a public meeting. Click here for more information.
Stay tuned to Middlesex.ca for updates or follow us on Twitter and Facebook .