Walk, Bike, Ride Leb

A plan to create a safe, comfortable, and connected walking and bicycling network in the City of Lebanon, NH.

Scroll down to learn more about Walk Bike Ride Leb, and to view interactive analyses of walking and bicycling in Lebanon.

Walk, Bike, Ride Leb is a plan to create a safe, comfortable, and connected walking and bicycling network, including connections to public transportation.

Scroll through the steps below to learn how the City developed this plan.

Action Step 1: Build off prior plans and studies.

The City has completed various plans and studies that address walking and bicyclist transportation in different ways; what we lack is a comprehensive plan covering the entire City. An in-depth review of all prior plans and studies has been completed.

Action Step 2. Assess current walking and biking conditions.

Mapping the Existing Walking and Bicycling Network

Existing Pedestrian Infrastructure

Pedestrian infrastructure includes sidewalks, crosswalks, accessible ramps, and multi-use paths.

Zoom in on the map to explore pedestrian infrastructure in Lebanon.

Sidewalks provide physical separation for pedestrians from vehicles.

Multi-use paths are physically-separated from roadways, and are wide enough for use by both pedestrians and bicyclists.

Trails with an improved crushed stone surface provide safe walking and bicycling connections as well.

Existing Bicycle Infrastructure

Bicycle infrastructure includes multi-use paths well as painted bike lanes and shared-lane markings. Additionally, children under the age of 12 are permitted to ride bicycles on sidewalks.

Zoom in on the map to explore bicycle infrastructure in Lebanon.

Painted bike lanes designate a section of roadway for use by bicyclists, but do not provide physical separation from traffic.

Shared lane markings are typically used where bicyclists must share the travel lane with drivers. They help alert drivers to the presence of bicyclists.

Transit Stops

Bus stops are key part of the pedestrian and bicycle network. The majority of people who ride the bus do not drive a car to the bus stop - most walk, and some ride their bike.

Zoom in on the map to see individual bus stop locations.

Analyzing the Current Walking and Bicycling Network

"Walkability" Analysis

"Walkability" refers to the amount of destinations within walking distance of a residence or place of employment. A destination within a 5 - 10 minute walk (0.25 - 0.5 miles) is generally considered walkable.

Areas shown in darker green have higher concentrations of destinations (employment, services, recreation sites, bus stops) within walking distance of residences, and are considered more "walkable."

This analysis helps identify priority areas for improving the safety and convenience of walking to different destinations in Lebanon.

Bicycle Suitability Analysis

This analysis helps show which City roads are more suitable for bicyclists of different ability levels. The analysis includes automobile traffic volumes and speeds; the presence of bike paths, lanes, or shoulders; and the presence of obstacles like on-street parking, commercial driveways, and challenging intersections.

Roads shown in green are considered suitable for families and children, while yellow roads are suitable for most adult bicyclists. Roads in orange and red are more suitable for experienced, skilled adult bicyclists.

Areas of steep slopes are also highlighted, as these present additional challenges for bicyclists of different ability levels.

This analysis helps identify priority areas for improving bicycle transportation to provide options for bicyclists of different ability levels.

Action Step 3: Gather input from the public and stakeholders to determine the highest priorities of the community. 

In March of 2022, we asked how you feel about pedestrian, bicycle, and public transit infrastructure in our community. We received 410 responses with 90% of respondents living or working in Lebanon, indicating the remaining 10% of respondents from outside of the community also have a vested interest in pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure.  Survey results can be seen in the interactive dashboard below.

Walk, Bike, Ride Leb - Online Survey Results Dashboard

Action Step 4. Develop a Network Map

Through Steps 1-3, a desired network was developed and mapped. Below are some examples of identified improvement areas. For full access to the all of the map features click  here .

Mapping Network Gaps and Improvement Areas

This map highlights the network gaps and desired improvement areas in the bicycle, sidewalk, and separated path networks identified through the analyses and surveys in Steps 1 and 2.

Priority Projects

Priority projects were identified to address the network gaps. This map shows the location, project type, and status of each project.

Action Step 5: Develop key strategies to enhance the implementation of the plan. 

Pedestrian and bicycle capital projects are critical for increasing connectivity and facilities. While the prior tasks focused on corridor gaps and infrastructure improvements, these strategies require complementary “soft interventions” to ensure the success of Lebanon’s Complete Streets Policy implementation. These key strategies include education/engagement, infrastructure design, operations & maintenance, pilot programs, regulations & policy, and safety. 

Action Step 6. Develop a plan to improve the walking and bicycling network.

The City and UVLSRPC developed a final plan to improve the walking and bicycling network. The plan summarized existing data, plans, and studies, provided an analysis of the pedestrian, bicycle, and transit network, described public engagement and community outreach strategies, and created pathways for implementation.

Plan implementation includes utilizing the key strategies, prioritizing projects for cost estimates and preliminary engineering, reviewing project priorities and updating project statuses, and applying for funding opportunities.

One of the immediate results of the Plan included a grant award from the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Program (CMAQ) to extend the Mascoma River Greenway by 1.3 miles (as seen on the right).

The final draft of the Walk Bike Ride Leb (WBRL) Plan and Appendix were reviewed by the Pedestrian and Bicyclist Advisory Committee on May 2, 2023, the Planning Board on May 22, 2023, and was presented to, and approved by City Council at the June 7, 2023 meeting.

To read a copy of the Plan, click  here. 


Sidewalks provide physical separation for pedestrians from vehicles.

Multi-use paths are physically-separated from roadways, and are wide enough for use by both pedestrians and bicyclists.

Painted bike lanes designate a section of roadway for use by bicyclists, but do not provide physical separation from traffic.

Shared lane markings are typically used where bicyclists must share the travel lane with drivers. They help alert drivers to the presence of bicyclists.