Sharing Our Story
Sharing Our Story
Welcome to the Digital StoryMap of Abbey Village in East Galway. As you scroll through the following pages you will explore the heritage of our place. We hope you enjoy your journey.
This StoryMap has been created as a result of the Abbey and District Heritage Audit which the Abbey Heritage group commissioned in 2017 with support from the Heritage Council. It is a comprehensive baseline report of the built, natural and cultural heritage monuments and sites in our area and you can view it at
We wish to thank each of the following for their help in making this StoryMap become a reality.
And all the voluntary members of Abbey Heritage who gave their time so generously.
Disclaimer: This StoryMap is merely an information guide and does not act in any way as an invitation to any person to enter onto any of the properties listed in this StoryMap. While every care has been taken to ensure accuracy in the compilation of this map, neither the project steering committee, the editorial team, or the owners of the properties listed in the map can accept responsibility for errors, omissions or inaccuracies. All information is received and provided in good faith. All liabilities for loss, disappointment, negligence or any other damage caused by the reliance on information contained in this StoryMap, or in the event of bankruptcy or liquidation of any organisation, company, individual or firm mentioned, or in the event of any organisation, company, individual or firm ceasing to trade, is hereby excluded.
You will find the village of Abbey on the R353 road between Portumna and Loughrea in East Galway. The name comes from an ancient Abbey which is the centrepiece of our village. It is Ireland’s only monastery founded by the Carthusian Order. The Carthusians were founded by St Bruno who was born in Cologne in 1038.
Historically, our area was known as Kilnalahan. This name comes from the Irish name Cinéal F(h)eichín which translates as ‘the Tribe of Feichin’. Feichin was the Gaelic chieftain of the area in the 6 th century.
Our history stretches back into time and we invite you to explore the map below and engage with the heritage of our place. This interactive map shows the location of fifteen sites of heritage interest. Text and visuals provide the story, while local people share their personal memories through video and recordings.
Interactive maps of Abbey: Present day geographical view of the 15 major historical sites that have shaped Abbey (left) and a historical six inch map view of Abbey showing the landscape during the 19th century (right). © Ordnance Survey Ireland.
Including additional images for some points on the StoryMap