Stormwater Utility

A guide to the City of Johns Creek's Stormwater Utility Program & Fees.

Stormwater Utility

What is a Stormwater Utility?

In 2020, the City of Johns Creek completed a citywide assessment of the stormwater system to determine the condition of the system and to estimate the cost associated with repair and maintenance over the next 10 years. The current infrastructure system of pipes will require repair and replacement due to age and deterioration. Also, the Federal Government passed the Clean Water Act in 1972, which has placed ever increasing requirements on the City to improve stormwater quality and quantity and requires the City to maintain a stormwater program. 

A Stormwater Utility is used to operate and fund a stormwater management program. It is considered the most equitable method of funding a stormwater program because of three features. First, the fees charged are based on a property’s contribution to the need for stormwater management. Second, all users of the system pay to use the program (user-fee system). Third, all collected fees are spent only on operating and administering the stormwater management program. 

Pursuant to Ordinance 2021-06-18, the City of Johns Creek officially established a Stormwater Utility on June 21, 2021. 

The city will extend a 50% reduction to ALL USER FEE BILLS for the first year (2021) to provide a transition period to all utility customers.

City Council adopted an Extent of Service area (EOS) for single-family residential properties that includes conveyances (pipes) and structures, extending to the first headwall upstream and downstream from a public right-of-way. Property owners are responsible to maintain swales, ditches, streams and detention/retention ponds, both above-ground and underground, that are located on private property outside the public right-of-way. Maintenance and repair of driveway culverts are the responsibility of the property owner.

What are the benefits of a Stormwater Management Program?

Stormwater management helps maintain the base flow in nearby stream and wetlands, replenishing drinking water supplies and reducing the overall volume of runoff to help with erosion. Another important factor of stormwater management is that it helps to prevent pollution by supporting good water quality. This is essential to supporting the overall environment, by sustaining existing ecosystems and improving community health, function and resiliency. Runoff can include bacteria and organic matter from trash and animal waste, oil and grease from vehicles on the roads, toxic chemicals like pesticides and more. Many of these pollutants carry nitrogen, phosphorous and sediment which in small amounts are beneficial to aquatic systems but in larger amounts are detrimental to system health and function, and the environment. Operation of an effective stormwater management program by establishing a stormwater utility will benefit the quality of life of Johns Creek residents as well as the health and function of local bodies of water. 

What is a Stormwater Utility Fee? 

 A Stormwater Utility Fee is a user fee providing for the most equitable assignment of costs to operate the stormwater management program. Stormwater fees are akin to fees property owners pay for water and electric utilities or sanitation services. Users of these services are charged based on the demand (runoff) they place on the system. 

Who has to pay the fee? 

 All property owners will pay a stormwater utility fee - residential homeowners, commercial properties, churches/religious institutions, nonprofit organizations, government and schools. A user fee is not a tax and does not exempt certain properties such as schools, government and churches. 

How are fees calculated? 

The fee is based on the amount of stormwater runoff that flows off of a property. The most important factor in determining the contributing stormwater runoff from a property is the amount of impervious surface (areas that prevent rain from soaking into the ground) followed by the amount of pervious surface (vegetated land). Collectively, these land surface types are referred to as runoff area. 

The city's formula is: (0.95 x impervious area) + (0.05 x pervious area) = runoff area.

How does the Stormwater Utility fee calculation and billing work?

 The City has developed a rate schedule to ensure equity is reflected in the bills. All residential customers will be divided into six tiers based on the amount of runoff area on their property. Approximately, 50% of residential customers in the City would be billed for one (1) Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU), resulting in an annual bill of $69.60. Utility bills will be mailed out annually in the summer. One ERU equates to 4,000 square feet of runoff area.

Can I reduce my fee? 

 A reduction to the Stormwater Utility fee is available by qualifying for a credit based on the  Stormwater Utility Credit Manual . Credits must be approved by December 31 of each calendar year to apply to the following year’s utility bill.


Starting in July, please be on the lookout for your 2024 Stormwater Utility bill. Your bill will be coming directly from the City of Johns Creek and can be paid on the City’s website: .

You can mail your Stormwater check payments to the City of Johns Creek, 11360 Lakefield Drive, Johns Creek, GA 30097.

These funds are used to maintain, repair, and replace the pipes and inlets that help drain our neighborhoods and roadways.

How to Pay Your 2024 Stormwater Utility Bill

Late fees 

A late fee of 10% of the unpaid billed amount will be assessed to any property owner failing to pay the utility fee before the billing due date. 

Additionally, interest in the amount of one percent (1%) per calendar month shall accrue on all unpaid amounts beginning on December 1 of the year in which the payment is due. 

Stormwater Utility Fee Rate Schedule 

Rate Structure Categories 

Impervious Surface Lookup

Use the map below to lookup any parcel in Johns Creek by address. Once an address is located, you can click on the parcel in the map and see the total square feet of impervious surface that has been measured.

Stormwater Utility Bill Lookup Property


Email or call 678-512-3200 and ask to speak with a stormwater utility representative. 

If you believe that your assessed stormwater utility fee does not reflect your Billing Class or Billing Unit (ERUs) accurately,  click here .

A customer’s stormwater utility account must be paid and current prior to consideration of an adjustment request by the City, except during the period prior to issuance of the first bill.

Related Information

Stormwater Utility in Johns Creek

Stormwater Utility Program - Education and Outreach

City Council adopted an Extent of Service area (EOS) for single-family residential properties that includes conveyances (pipes) and structures, extending to the first headwall upstream and downstream from a public right-of-way. Property owners are responsible to maintain swales, ditches, streams and detention/retention ponds, both above-ground and underground, that are located on private property outside the public right-of-way. Maintenance and repair of driveway culverts are the responsibility of the property owner.