A Trip to the City of St.Paul
On 11/18/2020 I traveled to St. Paul to take photos of buildings and structures that stood out.
Map of the Places
During my outing to the city of St. Paul these were the places I visited to take pictures
Location: Raspberry Island St. Paul MN
This photo was taken on Raspberry Island next to Wabasha Bridge. This is one on the many staircases leading up to the top of the bridge. This spot caught my attention because I loved the shadows the sun created on the staircase and railings. I also loved the industrial feeling it gave off with the metal railings and the structure in the top center.
I wanted to brighten this photo up so I used contrast and brightness layers to bring out the shadows more. Then I used saturation and vibrance layers to give it more color. I also had to use the paint brush tool to hide the graffiti.
Location: Harriet Island St.Paul MN
This image was taken at Harriet Island Park. This sculpture was near the pavillion and the park. I thought this structure was very interesting as there was a lot of triangles and rectangles that fit into those to towers along with the triangles seen in the wires. I also thought it was cool to see that the two towers were holding up that massive structure in the middle. The biker was on accident as they were passing by but I personally think it adds more character to the photo.
In my mind the unedited version was a little dull and I wanted the red hughes of the towers to stand out along with the wires. So the first thing I did was to up the contrast. Then I brought in more saturation and vibrance to give it more color. However in my opinion it was not doing it justice so I played around with the curves and got the red I was looking for. Finally I wanted to the towers to stick out so I cropped the image to make the towers to stand out more.
Worm's Eye/Aerial Viewpoint
Location: Assumption Church St.Paul MN
This was the front side of Assumption Church. This building is across from Mickey's dinner. I loved the intricateness within the brick of the door. I also liked the symmetry of the building. This was a fun photo to take because in order to get this photo I had to sit on the ground and lean back to get the top of the building.
I wanted to edit the photo because some of the color was lost in the brightness of the sun and with the camera settings. So I used saturation layers to bring the color back into the photo. Then I used contrast layers to bring out the bricks.
Location: On the Corner of Wabasha Street and 5th Street St. Paul MN
The building does not really have a name but according to google maps it is called the Commonwealth Properties. This building got my attention because of the intricate details on the building and the patterns it shows off in each floor of the building. With the pattern of the arches to the pattern of the brick. This building reminds me of a gingerbread house.
Location: Next to Assumption Church and near 7th Street W St. Paul MN
This building was next to Assumption Church and I believe the building was for a grocery store. I like this because of the texture of the brick but I also liked the texture of the darker brick because they were wet and it showed some contrast. I also liked this because it is something you don't normally see in the city. When I think of the city I think of the Tall building and the streets filled with people and cars.
I love color and I wanted to make this picture vibrant. So I used contrast and brightness to make the brick building along with the wet bricks pop a little more. Then I used the saturation and vibrance layer to give more of that pop in color. I also wanted to crop the image to focus more on the brick and the door. The edited version reminds me of legos.
Location: On the Corner of Wabasha Street and 5th Street St. Paul MN
The sculpture was located on the corner of Wabasha Street and 5th Street. This sculpture caught my eye because of the contrast in color. The blue in my opinion really stands out from the silvers, greys and blacks. Even the two building in the background contrast each other as one is black and the other is a silverish gray color.
Windows of 3's
Location: Wabasha Street Caves St. Paul MN
This was located at Wabasha Street Caves. I thought this was a pretty cool location because it may not appear in this image but this building is actually built in the caves. What stood out to me were these three window panel/ openings. I appreciated the design on them and it complimented the brick very nicely. I also liked the symmetry this structure had as well.
I knew I could bring out the brick a little more so I used contrast and brightness to make the brick and the window panel stick out so it catches the people's eyes. Then I used the saturation and vibrance layer to give more of that pop in color to the brick and the color that was in the window. I also cropped it to focus in more on the windows but also show the symmetry of the building.
Architectural Framing
Location: Raspberry Island St. Paul MN
This photo has been edited scroll down to see unedited version.
This photo was taken on Raspberry Island located on the second level heading up to the wabasha bridge. This place caught my attention because I loved they way the pathway lead to the light. The shapes in this image also caught my eye.
In the editing process I wanted to quick touch up the color so I used Saturation, vibrance and color balance. Then to heighten the image I used the brightness/darkness layer along with the contrast layer.
Honorable Mentions
It was hard choosing just 8 images out of the 675 photos that were taken. Which is why I wanted to create a honorable mention section.
Location: Building along St, Peter Street St. Paul MN
Location: Raspberry Island St. Paul MN
Location: Mickey's Diner St. Paul MN
Location: Mickey's Diner St. Paul MN
Wabasha Street and 5th Street St. Paul MN
Location: Assumption Church St. Paul MN
Location: Assumption Church St. Paul MN
Location: Somewhere along Water Street St. Paul MN
Location: Somewhere along Water Street St. Paul MN
Location: Union Pacific Along Water Street St. Paul MN
Location: Raspberry Island St.Paul MN
Location: Landmark Building St. Paul MN