Coastal Flooding Community Science: December 23, 2022

On the morning of December 23, 2022, a storm bringing strong winds and heavy rain intersected with high spring tides and caused coastal flooding throughout Maine.  Gulf of Maine Research Institute  is partnering with dedicated community members to combine photographic flood impact data with local water level measurements in Saint George, the Boothbay peninsula, and Portland (learn more about the project  here ).

Historically, how bad was the flooding? The NOAA Portland tide gauge record goes back to 1910, and this storm roughly ties the Blizzard of 1978 for the highest water level recorded at the Portland gauge over the past 113 years (it’s difficult to precisely rank the two storms relative to each other because in 1978, the gauge was taking one water level measurement per hour, and now the gauge measures once every 6 minutes). Sea level rise and the predicted tide were the two big contributors to this flood event breaking records. In Portland, the storm surge itself (the rise in water level from strong winds) was under 3 feet, putting it somewhere between the type of surge we experience annually to once in 5 years. This routine storm surge, however, happened to intersect with a predicted tide of 11.3 ft above MLLW, which is in the top 2% of high tides in Portland. For context, the January 17th storm in 2022 had a significantly higher storm surge (it was over 3 ft), but it intersected with a lower high tide so it didn’t cause nearly the same extent of flooding as this event. If we had not been experiencing sea level rise over the past 100 years, the Blizzard of ’78 would have been the clear flood record-breaker, and this December storm would have been roughly a 1-in-10 year event.

Explore the maps below to see tide gauge data and photographs from the storm.

Tide Gauges & Water Levels

Explore the map below to access real-time water level data from new gauges along the Maine coast and view graphics showing water levels during the storm in Saint George and Portland.

Portland NOAA Tide Gauge

Portland NOAA Tide Gauge. Click to expand.

Portland Back Cove Hohonu Tide Gauge

Portland Back Cove Hohonu Tide Gauge. Click to expand.

Note that the "prediction" line in the graph above is not just the predicted astronomical tide, so we are not using it to calculate storm surge in Back Cove. We are showing water levels in ft. above NAVD88 rather than ft. above MLLW because there is no water under this tide gauge at low water.

Saint George Southern Island Hohonu Tide Gauge

Saint George Southern Island Hohonu Tide Gauge. Click to expand.

We do not have tide predictions or tidal datums (MHHW, MLLW, etc.) calculated for Saint George quite yet, but we will soon.

Pending Boothbay Tide Gauge Installation

Pending Boothbay Tide Gauge Installation. Click to expand.

We will tried to install a gauge in Boothbay to capture the storm, but we ran into technical issues. We will revisit Boothbay in late-January to install a gauge in Linekin Bay or Boothbay Harbor.

Portland NOAA Tide Gauge

Portland Back Cove Hohonu Tide Gauge

Note that the "prediction" line in the graph above is not just the predicted astronomical tide, so we are not using it to calculate storm surge in Back Cove. We are showing water levels in ft. above NAVD88 rather than ft. above MLLW because there is no water under this tide gauge at low water.

Saint George Southern Island Hohonu Tide Gauge

We do not have tide predictions or tidal datums (MHHW, MLLW, etc.) calculated for Saint George quite yet, but we will soon.

Pending Boothbay Tide Gauge Installation

We will tried to install a gauge in Boothbay to capture the storm, but we ran into technical issues. We will revisit Boothbay in late-January to install a gauge in Linekin Bay or Boothbay Harbor.

Portland photos

Click on the locations below to view photos of flooding and the associated water level from the Portland NOAA gauge (Commercial Street sites) or the Back Cove Hohonu gauge (Bayside sites). Water levels are in feet above NAVD88 and feet above mean lower low water (MLLW), aside from Bayside sites where MLLW cannot be calculated because there is no water under the gauge at low tide.

Highest observed water levels on 12/23 were at 10:24am (NOAA tide gauge) and 10:36am (Back Cove tide gauge).

Custom House Wharf

Widgery Wharf

Portland Pier

Ocean Gateway

Somerset and Chestnut

Whole Foods - Somerset Street

Marginal Way - Cove Street

Marginal Way - Diamond Street

Custom House Wharf

1) 10:12am, 13.51 ft (MLLW), 8.25 ft (NAVD88)

2) 10:13am, 13.51 ft (MLLW), 8.25 ft (NAVD88)

3) 10:21am, 13.68 ft (MLLW), 8.42 ft (NAVD88)

Widgery Wharf

1) 10:17am, 13.68 ft (MLLW), 8.42 ft (NAVD88)

2) 10:19am, 13.68 ft (MLLW), 8.42 ft (NAVD88)

3) 10:32am, 13.61 ft (MLLW), 8.35 ft (NAVD88)

4) 10:35am, 13.61 ft (MLLW), 8.35 ft (NAVD88)

5) 10:36am, 13.54 ft (MLLW), 8.28 ft (NAVD88)

Portland Pier

1) 10:16am, 13.68 ft (MLLW), 8.42 ft (NAVD88)

2) 10:18am, 13.68 ft (MLLW), 8.42 ft (NAVD88)

3) 10:18am, 13.68 ft (MLLW), 8.42 ft (NAVD88)

4) 10:19am, 13.68 ft (MLLW), 8.42 ft (NAVD88)

5) 10:20am, 13.68 ft (MLLW), 8.42 ft (NAVD88)

Ocean Gateway

1) 10:29am, 13.61 ft (MLLW), 8.35 ft (NAVD88)

2) 10:29am, 13.61 ft (MLLW), 8.35 ft (NAVD88)

Somerset and Chestnut

1) 9:53am, 8.08 ft (NAVD88)

2) 9:53am, 8.08 ft (NAVD88)

Whole Foods - Somerset Street

1) 9:48am, 8.06 ft (NAVD88)

2) 9:48am, 8.06 ft (NAVD88)

3) 9:48am, 8.06 ft (NAVD88)

4) 9:48am, 8.06 ft (NAVD88)

Marginal Way - Cove Street

1) 10:38am, 8.35 ft (NAVD88)

2) 10:39am, 8.35 ft (NAVD88)

Marginal Way - Diamond Street

1) 9:57am, 8.08 ft (NAVD88)

2) 9:57am, 8.08 ft (NAVD88)

South Portland photos

Click on the locations below to view photos of flooding and the associated water level from the Portland NOAA gauge. Water levels are in feet above NAVD88, and ft above MLLW.

The highest observed water level was at 10:24am.

Bug Light


Willard Beach

Bug Light

1) 11:18am, 13.33 ft (MLLW), 8.07 ft (NAVD88)

2) 11:19am, 13.33 ft (MLLW), 8.07 ft (NAVD88)

3) 11:22am, 13.33 ft (MLLW), 8.07 ft (NAVD88)


1) 10:54am, 13.45 ft (MLLW), 8.19 ft (NAVD88)

2) 10:58am, 13.46 ft (MLLW), 8.20 ft (NAVD88)

3) 10:59am, 13.46 ft (MLLW), 8.20 ft (NAVD88)

4) 11:00am, 13.46 ft (MLLW), 8.20 ft (NAVD88)

Willard Beach

1) 11:19am, 13.33 ft (MLLW), 8.07 ft (NAVD88)

2) 11:20am, 13.33 ft (MLLW), 8.07 ft (NAVD88)

3) 11:21am, 13.33 ft (MLLW), 8.07 ft (NAVD88)

Saint George photos

Click on the locations below to view photos of flooding and the associated water level from the Saint George Southern Island Hohonu tide gauge. Water levels are in feet above NAVD88 because we do not have quite enough data yet to calculate mean lower low water (MLLW) at this site.

The highest observed water level was at 10:36am.

Drift Inn Beach Road

Martinsville Bridge

Working Waterfront

Cold Storage Rd

Factory Rd

Turkey Cove Rd.

Drift Inn Beach Road

1) 12/25, 11:54am, 5.88 ft

Martinsville Bridge

1) 10:04am, 7.83 ft

2) 10:05am, 7.83 ft

3) 10:06am, 7.83 ft

4)10:06am, 7.83 ft

5)10:06am, 7.83 ft

Working Waterfront

1) 10:24am, 7.92 ft

2)10:25am, 7.92 ft

3) 10:26am, 7.92 ft

Cold Storage Rd

1) 10:20am, 7.81 ft

2) 10:21am, 7.81 ft

3) 10:22am, 7.92 ft

Factory Rd

1) 10:19am, 7.81 ft

Turkey Cove Rd.

1) 10:50am, 8.01 ft

Boothbay photos

Unfortunately, we experienced technical issues with the Boothbay tide gauge, so we do not have water levels accompanying these photos. We will be going back to Boothbay to install another gauge in January 2023.

Footbridge Parking Lot

East Boothbay

Shore Rd

Footbridge Parking Lot

1) 10:17am

2) 10:19am

3) 10:28am

East Boothbay

1) 10:47am

2) 10:48am

Shore Rd

1) 10:57am

2) 11:00am

3) 11:09am