Hull: Coastal Influence and Industry
A virtual look at the archaeology and history of Hull's industrial heritage and coastal development. Join us for a Virtual Low Tide Trail.
Our self-guided Low Tide Trails can be followed virtually as well as physically. If you do go for a physical walk using our trail as a guide you are responsible for your own welfare and safety. MOLA/CITiZAN cannot accept any liability for injury/damage/trespass as a result.
During the COVID-19 pandemic please do not visit the coast unless you live there. We encourage you to enjoy the coastline digitally, through our website and social media.
This virtual Low Tide Trail was written by Chris Kolonko (CITiZAN North Community Archaeologist).
Hull has a very interesting and long history, with much change taking place over the last 800 years. The North sea, Humber estuary and river Hull have often been the focus of and key to this development.
Today Hull is a very different place to what it was 800 years ago but remnants of the city’s past can still be found if you know where look.
Hull started to develop in the 1200s. Hull, or Wyke upon Hull, as it was then known was chosen by the monks of Meaux Abbey, located near Beverley, as a convenient place to establish a quay from where they could export their wool.
In 1293 Hull was acquired by King Edward I as a port from which he could supply his armies fighting the Scots to the North. The town’s name was changed to Kingston upon Hull (Kings town) to mark this acquisition.
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Part 1
Welcome to this Low Tide Trail. There are a total of 30 points (including this one) in Part 1 of the Hull Low Tide Trail.
This point highlights the extent of the route we'll be taking.
We'll start this tour outside the Hull and East Riding Museum on High Street in Point 2.
Corn Exchange
The site was originally a customs house. Deliberately located close to the old Hull dock, it proved difficult for customs and exise officials to assess the incoming cargo and charge duty on the goods due to the large numbers of keels and barges that were moored on the river Hull. Hull became fairly well known for not paying exise duty.
The Corn Exchange opened in 1856 and that’s the building seen here today. A corn exchange was a building where local merchants could meet to set prices for their corn and trade with local farmers. The location of this corn exchange on the banks of the river Hull highlight the trade of corn on the Humber and that the corn exchange was sited centrally to allow ease of access to merchants transporting grain via the Humber.
The building became the Museum to Commerce and Transport in 1923 and is now the Hull and East Riding Museum.
Warehouses lined both sides of the River Hull. It was essential to be able to store goods when they were unloaded from barges and ships so that they could be sold safely or traded with merchants locally.
These warehouses were built in 1829 and are fairly standard in terms of their design.
High Street
The High Street was one of the main Medieval thoroughfares in Kingston upon Hull leading to North Gate to the North.
The curving nature of the street is indicative of earlier Medieval activity and could well relate to the headland formed by ridge and furrow ploughing techniques. Also, some of these buildings along the way seem to sit on the old burgage plots that would have been common in Medieval Hull, indicated by the width of the buildings.
Hull's Fishing Fleet
Hull’s fishing industry can be traced back to the 12th century. In 1160, the Monks of Meaux Abbey, at Wawne near Beverley, were granted the right to fish in the Humber estuary and the open sea outside the estuary by King Henry II.
By the 1700s, Hull had a major fishing and whaling fleet. These fleets were the main reason for the development of the docks in Hull. In 1774 an act of Parliament was passed for new docks to be constructed, as the harbour was becoming packed with fishing vessels which hampered the loading and unloading of cargo ships.
The trawling industry took off in the area during the mid-1800s. Legend has it that a fishing boat sailing out of Scarborough was caught in a storm and was blown off course; ending up in the Humber estuary. All but one of the ship’s nets had been shredded; but the remaining net was full of sole, a luxury item at the time that was very expensive. The crew realised they had been blown off course across a huge fishing ground, later known as Silver Pit. Fishing boats from across the country, as far as Portsmouth and Brixham, took up residence in Hull’s harbour as a result of this discovery, leading to the further growth of the local fishing industry.
Between 1854 and 1887 there were over 1,000 fishing smacks registered in Hull.
Hull’s first steam trawler, the Zodiac launched in 1881. This saw the demise of the sail powered fishing smack as the main form of fishing vessel. The production of metal hulled steam trawlers also ties in with the development of the local ship building industry, which we shall also see later.
Eventually the St. Andrews dock to the East was used exclusively by Hull's fishing fleet, freeing up the other docks for shipping.
Garrison Side & Timber Yard
You’re currently walking along the route of the former moat of the 17th century citadel that sat in this area.
After the moat was infilled, this area was used to store vast amounts of timber that were stored after being imported into Victoria Dock.
Image: Britain From Above EPW036502
South Blockhouse
This spot marks the Southern extent of the Citadel. This spot marks the Southern extent of the Citadel. 300 years ago you’d be stood on the ramparts of the Citadel, next to the South blockhouse!
The South Blockhouse was a trefoil tower built to house cannons to defend the mouth of the River Hull. Originally constructed in the 1500s, the South Blockhouse was retained and incorporated into the later Citadel that was constructed in the 1600s.
The blockhouse was demolished in 1863.
Citadel Hotel
This was the site of The Citadel Hotel, a 19th century pub built within the heart of the Victoria Dock. Construction of The Citadel Hotel started in 1860, at the same time that the new streets were being laid out following the closure of the citadel fort and garrison. The Citadel Hotel sat on the corners of South Bridge Road and Citadel Street.
The original Citadel pub was burned to the ground during a suspected arson attack on the timber yards on 22 April 1893. The suspected arson took place during a dock strike in Hull which saw serious riots. Following this, the pub was rebuilt and opened once again in 1895. It continued to be a popular haunt of the local dock workers; only to see a steady decline following the closure of the South Bridge. The pub was demolished in 1960.
Hull Castle, Citadel & Garrison
This is the sole surviving piece of the Hull Citadel. Hull saw several phases of defence construction, representing the key stages of Medieval and Post-Medieval fortification.
Famously, Hull refused entry to Charles I in 1642, resulting in one of the first major military actions of the Civil War.
Hull’s first defences consisted of brick built town walls with four main gates (including North Gate & Beverley Gate) and a castle on the East banks of the Hull. These walls were constructed at the request of Edward I in the 14th century. The aim of these walls was to protect the town and the river Hull harbour.
This was followed by a second phase of fortification at the request of Henry VIII, during the 16th century.
The irregular triangular artillery fort, known as the Citadel or Garrison, came about in 1680 following the remodelling of the earlier Henrician defences. This fort retained the Castle and South Blockhouse of the earlier Henrician defences.
The Citadel was demolished in around 1893 to open the area up to industry and timber storage.
Winding house
Built in 1886, this is the only surviving building from the Victoria Docks following the area's redevelopment in the 1980s.
Site of Victoria Dock
The Victoria Dock was designed by John Hartley and built between 1845-50. It originally opened on the East bank of the Hull, but the Half-Tide Basin here was added soon after to give access directly from the Humber. Closed in 1970 and infilled.
Image: Britain From Above EPW010816
Swing Bridge
Grade II listed road bridge, former railway swing-bridge spanning the dock entrance. 1849. Made by Beecroft, Butler & Co., of Kirkstall Forge, Leeds, and the Haigh Foundry Co. of Wigan. The latter also made swing bridges and other fittings for the Albert Docks in Liverpool.
Site of Coal Conveyors
This point marks the Eastern extent of the Victoria Dock. The road you are walking on was once lined with warehouses.
A pair of huge coal conveyors for loading ships and barges with coal were located here. Railway trucks full of coal would be lifted by the conveyors and tipped into the waiting ships.
Image: Britain From Above EPW010815
Earle's Shipyard
Established in 1845 by brothers Charles and William Earle, this shipyard was once one of the largest in Hull; producing ships for both the British and Japanese Navy, yachts for the Russian aristocracy and flat pack vessels for Peru.
Some parts of the shipyard’s infrastructure remain; such as the wooden revetment, ship hards and slipways.
This section of the present day foreshore retains the shape of the entrance to Earle’s Shipyard’s Dock and one of a pair of Patent Slipways.
Image: Britain From Above EPW010811
Victorian Revetment
The wooden posts you can see lining the foreshore in front of the modern promenade are the remains of the 19th century bank revetment. These large timbers mark the former extent of the foreshore and edge of the dockyard.
Earle's Tidal Dock and Hulks
This point marks the entrance to the Earle’s Shipyard Tidal Dock. This is where ships awaiting repair would be docked before they were moved onto one of Earle’s Shipyard’s patent slipways.
The three timber-hulled vessels are not related to the shipyard and have been hulked there. It is unlikely that Earle's built these as Earle's specialised in iron and then steel hulled vessels. These vessels are likely to be Humber Keels, a vessel once commonly found working transporting goods along the Humber estuary and further inland via the canals and inland waterways.
The remains of three Keels can be seen, including the stern of one example and a relatively complete keel that has been hulked above the high water mark.
The vessels on the foreshore are not accessible and we do not recommend that you try to approach these vessels.
Earle’s Shipyard Slipways
Earle’s Shipyard had two patent slipways and four standard slipways with gantries for the repair and construction of ships. These slipways were also used to launch the newly built ships directly into the Humber.
The foreshore here consists of dumped iron working slag. This is likely to have come from the nearby Earle’s Iron Foundry as a waste product which was then used to fortify the foreshore against erosion.
Earle’s Shipyard went into liquidation in 1932 and its machinery and dockyard crane were sold to a company in Kowloon, Hong Kong.
The Burgemeester de Wael
Earle’s Shipyard also produced engines for ships, including triple expansion engines for ships of the Royal Navy.
Earle’s Shipyard also produced engines for ships much further afield. The Burgemeester de Wael, a 1203 Gross Register Tonne sailing ship built in Antwerp launched in 1883, was powered by a compound direct acting engine produced by the shipyard in 1869.
The ship was named after the Mayor of Antwerp, Leopold de Wael, a merchant and politician.
Documents for the Bergemeester de Wael, including plans of the ship, can be found on the Lloyd’s Heritage & Education foundation website-
The SS Bessemer
One of the more infamous ships launched from one of these slipways was the SS Bessemer. Designed to combat Sir Henry Bessemer’s (the designer of the ship and inventor of stainless steel) severe sea sickness, the vessel featured a hydraulically stabilised central saloon, which moved to counter the motion of waves and rough seas. Launched in 1874, the ship was a resounding failure. On its maiden voyage it crashed into Calais pear, causing considerable damage to the ship and the pier. The second voyage to Calais was just as eventful. After two attempts at entering the port, the SS Bessemer collided with the pier once again, demolishing a substantial section of it. The Bessemer was scrapped in 1879.
Although the ship was scrapped, the saloon was retained and moved to Hextable House, Swanley, Kent. The house later became a women's college and the saloon was used as a lecture hall. However, it was destroyed by a direct hit when the college was bombed in the Second World War.
More information can be found on the Lloyds Heritage and Education centre-
Timber Pond Number 1
The area to the North-East was once one of two substantial timber ponds established within the Victoria docks.
Timber easier to move and store in ponds and the size of these shows how much timber was imported and exported from Hull.
Although Timber Pond No.1 was constructed shortly after the opening of Victoria dock, it was soon extended through land reclamation in 1875. This saw significant change to the foreshore here and essentially extended the foreshore from the point of the Citadel, to the point we see today.
Image: Britain From Above EPW010816
Victoria Dock half-tide basin
This half-tide basin marks one of two entrances to the now infilled Victoria Dock.
Half-tide basins allowed ships to enter a dock at high tide but ensure that the dock is never fully drained of water at low-tide. This enables ships docked within to remain afloat despite tidal changes in water level.
Several of the half-tide basin’s features survive; including winding mechanisms and several warping bollards. You may also spot some more of these on your travels. The winding mechanism and warping bollards would have been used to maneuvre sailing ships into the docks. As these wind powered ships would have been unable to effectively navigate the entrance to the dock, they would have to be brought into the dock by other means.
Keep an eye out for other warping and mooring bollards along the way.
Surviving Patent Slipway
This surviving patent slipway is the only complete example that remains from the Victoria Dock. This example served the North Eastern Railway dockyard. Patent slipways allowed a vessel to be winched out of the water, above the high water mark where they could be repaired and easily relaunched.
A nearby winding engine would be used to winch the moving cradle which held the vessel being brought in for repair.
Site of Foreign Cattle Depot
During the 1800s, Hull was a major port for the importation of cattle into the country.
The Foreign Cattle Depot was established following an outbreak of ‘cattle plague’ (Foot-and-Mouth disease) in 1877 cattle imported from Hamburg were inspected and identified as carrying the disease. This caused much panic in London, where another batch of cattle from Hamburg were identified as infected with the disease. The disease was soon identified in at least one local dairy.
The Foreign Cattle Depot opened in 1885 to process and slaughter the incoming cattle into the Victoria Dock. Up to 36,000 cows a year would arrive in Hull at the time.
Humber Iron Works & Shipbuilding Company
Following the demolition of the Citadel, the area of land to the North (now the carpark for The Deep) was taken over by the Humber Iron Works & Shipbuilding Company; Hull’s biggest shipbuilder and one of the first to produce iron hulled steamships in the Humber region.
Established by Martin Samuelson as an engineering works in 1849, the business soon branched out into building iron ships in 1853.
Annie, a 443 tonne iron hulled cargo ship, was launched by the Humber Iron Works in 1864. Information and documents relating to this fascinating ship can be found on the Lloyd's Heritage and Education Centre website here-
R.38 Airship Crash
On 21 August 1921, the airship R.38 was flying over Hull.
The airship had set off from Cardington in Bedfordshire on a routine flight to RNAS Pulham, in Norfolk. Due to bad weather, the R.38 couldn’t moor at Pulham, so the crew decided to do some high speed tests over the sea, followed by some rudder tests to simulate the bad weather the airship may encounter on it’s trip across the Atlantic for it’s handover to the US Navy.
Shortly after 1730 hrs the airship broke in two, caught fire and exploded, smashing many windows in Hull. The wrecked craft crashed into the Humber just off the mouth of the river Hull.
44 of the 49 crew on board were killed. The result of the crash was put down to structural failure.
A memorial to the R.38’s crew can be found in Western Cemetery.
The image shows a piece of the R.38's fabric that was brought along by a volunteer to one of our Hull training events.
The River Hull & Tidal Surge Barrier
Believe it, or not, the River Hull is still navigable up to Frodingham Beck and Brigham; a distance of about 11 miles.
The river Hull has been central to the development of the city from its early origins in the 13th century (700-800 years ago) up to today.
Navigation of the Hull has its origins in 1213, back when the town to the East of the river was known as Wyke upon Hull. The Archbishops of York claimed the rights to bring boats up the river. By the early 1300s a toll was established to allow anyone else to use the river. However, the cost of transporting goods due to the toll annoyed local Merchants somewhat.
The toll was eventually scrapped in the 14th century and the River Hull became a free navigation.
When ‘The Dock’, later renamed The Queen’s Dock following a visit by Queen Victoria, was opened on 22 September 1778, the Hull acted as the entry point to the dock itself. At the time, this dock was the largest in Britain.
Entry to the docks later proved troublesome when larger ships tried to enter the Hull, which eventually led to the construction of the Humber dock and the basin that led directly from the Humber.
Tidal surges up the river present a threat to the city of Hull. In September 1969 a tidal surge caused extensive flooding in Hull, leading for calls for a barrier to be installed.
The rather impressive River Hull Tidal Surge Barrier opened on 15 April 1980, construction having started in 1977.
The structure you see today is Grade II listed.
Hull Central Dry Dock
Dry docks are central to the construction and maintenance of ships. The Hull Central Dry Dock was opened around 1820 for Gleadlow’s Shipyard to facilitate the construction of wooden vessels. The dry dock was eventually extended in 1875 to facilitate the repair of much larger iron hulled vessels.
This was the largest dry dock in the centre of Hull.
Former Pilot Office
The Humber pilotage service can be traced back to July 1512, when sailors made a request to the Mayor of Hull for experienced local mariners to bring their ‘hulks’ into the port. These ‘masters of hulks’ were happy to pay for the service. As a result the Humber Pilots were eventually formed when sailors of Hull Trinity House took up the offer.
The Humber Pilot’s Office opened in 1820 to facilitate the Pilotage service’s operations in the Humber region. The office eventually closed in 1998, being redeveloped into apartments shortly after.
During the Second World War, the buildings surrounding the Pilot Office, including the Pier Hotel, were destroyed during bombing raids on the City, leaving the building isolated but lucky to survive.
High explosive bombs fell in the surrounding area on the 7, 8 and 9 May 1943.
William De La Pole statue
William de la Pole was a wealthy wool merchant born in the now lost East Riding village of Ravenser some time between 1290 and 1295.
De la Pole and his brother made their fortune as Merchants exporting wool from Hull in the early 1300s.
De la Pole used his wealth to financially support the wars of Edward II and Edward III, including the wars against the Scottish, for which the port of Hull was a major supply line.
He became the Mayor of Hull in 1322 and founded a hospital in 1350.
De la Pole died on 22 June 1366.
Horse Wash
This 19th century horse wash was once an integral feature of the docks of Hull. The horse wash was used to bring working horses from the nearby docks and markets down to the banks of the Humber so they could be cleaned and watered.
Known locally as the ''Oss Wash', this structure is a reminder of the use of horses in everyday industry and shipping operations.
The horse wash can be seen in use in the Vittoria Hotel, the Pier, Hull, a painting by James Ashton.
Now is the perfect time to take a break and rest your legs. Grab yourself a cup of tea or glass of water. When you're ready, you can continue on part 2 of the Hull Virtual Low Tide Trail.
Part 2
Welcome to Part 2 of this Low Tide Trail. There are a total of 16 points (including this one) to visit in this section of the trail.
Victoria Corporation Ferry Pier
Before the Humber Bridge, ferry services had operated across the Humber for over 600 years; bridging the gap between Hull and North Lincolnshire.
This pier was renamed in Queen Victoria’s honour after her visit to the pier and station in 1854.
The Humber Ferry operated between Victoria Pier and New Holland from 1825 to 1981, bringing people, horses, cattle, and later cars across the Humber. The service’s paddle steamers are still fondly remembered. One of these paddle steamers, the PS Wingfield Castle, can be found preserved at the Hartlepool Maritime Experience museum.
The pier featured two tiers, as well as a floating pontoon to aid transfer of passengers onto the moored ferry.
Site of Tram Terminus and public conveniences
The Hull tramway ran throughout the city from 1876. Initially horse drawn, the network started to be electrified towards the end of the 1800s. This site marks the location of the Corporation Pier tram terminus, where people would alight to take the ferry across to North Lincolnshire or travel further afield by ship.
The Hull tramway was one of only two tram systems to adopt the central groove rail system. This led to a much smoother ride for the passengers.
The nearby public toilets were constructed at the same time as the tram terminus.
Dating from 1926, these public toilets were constructed to serve the nearby Tram terminus on Nelson street and the Victoria Corporation ferry terminal which served as the Humber ferry crossing to New Holland. This set of conveniences is significant due to the fact that they provide for both men and women. At the time of construction, most public conveniences were male only. This structure represents an important change in the place of women in society.
The structure received Grade II listed status due to its architectural and historical interest; retaining many of the original 1920s fixtures and fittings.
Ferry Ticket Booking Office
The Humber ferry booking office was opened in 1880 for the Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway Company. At this time the railway company ran the ferry that operated between Yorkshire and Lincolnshire. The ferry ran from the Corporation Pier to New Holland up until 24 June 1981, following the opening of the Humber Bridge.
The Minerva Hotel
Built between 1828 and 1829, the Minerva pub sat in the centre of the bustling Humber dockyard.
The pub’s first occupant, Richard Cortis, was an emigration agent during the 1850s.
4 inch Gun from SS Greltoria
The SS Greltoria was sunk on 27 September 1917 while on her maiden voyage. Attacked by a German submarine, possibly UB-34, the vessel sank just off Flamborough Head.
Constructed by Northumberland Shipbuilding Co. Ltd., the Greltoria was carrying a crew of 38 and one pilot at the time. Luckily no one was killed.
Merchant shipping had started to receive armaments to fend off attack by German submarines at this time. The Greltoria was armed with this 4 inch BL Mark IX (Q. F.) and a Lewis light machine gun. The Q.F. designation stands for ‘Quick Firing’ meaning the gun used a single-piece round of ammunition, consisting of a projectile attached to a cartridge containing the propellant. This increased the rate of fire of the gun considerably.
The gun was salvaged from the wreck on the 12th August 1984.
The Greltoria is listed in the 1917 casualty returns on the Lloyd’s register website. The Lloyd's Register Heritage and Education Centre website features a wide range of resources for researching ships and ship wrecks across the globe-
Humber Dock
Humber Dock, now the Hull Marina, was the first dock accessed directly from the river Humber. The nearby Queens Dock was only accessible via the river Hull, which caused many problems as vessels using the port began to increase in size.
The Hull dock enabled ships to enter the port directly from the Humber and also access the Queens Dock, increasing traffic to and from Hull.
Although the dock is now used as a marina, the surrounding area retains much of its dockside fixtures and fitting, including swing bridges, mooring and warping bollards, the watch house and remains of the dockside railway.
If you’re lucky, you may spot some Humber Keels docked in the Marina, along with the now preserved Spurn Lightship.
One notable event in the Humber dock took place on 3 June 1836. The Union steam packet was moored in the Humber dock. The packet was taking on passengers at the time when the ship’s boiler exploded. The explosion tore the ship apart; the funnel and top of the boiler landing on the quay a considerable distance away. Thirteen passengers were killed in the explosion, the body of one landing on top of a warehouse behind Minerva Terrace. An inquest showed that the cause of the explosion was a faulty or over-weighted safety valve.
You may like to spend some time investigating the Humber Dock area further, to see what surviving dockside infrastructure you can find.
Dockyard railway track
Dockside railways were common in docks across the UK. Humber dock was no exception. The remains of the dockside railway have been preserved in the road surface around the Humber Dock, acting as a reminder of the dock’s transport links.
Initially ropes and hydraulically powered capstans were used to move railway traffic along the dockside. However, Ferguson tractors fitted with couplings and a flat plate was later used to move wagons around the harbour.
Winding engine
This winding engine was built in 1866 by S.H. Morton & Co. Engineers, of Leith. Originally sited in the winding house we saw earlier, this engine would have been sued to winch ships out of the Humber and onto the patent slipway for repair.
Hull's Medieval Walls
The road that you have just crossed, Castle Street, ran through Myton Gate; one of four main gates that gave access through Hull’s Medieval defensive walls.
Although the walls don’t exist physically, their route is still preserved in the landscape.The Eastern edges of the Humber, Princes and Queen’s docks follow the outline of Hull’s earliest defensive walls.
In 1321, the people of Kingston upon Hull sought permission from Edward II to build a defensive wall around the town. Having received royal patronage in 1293, Hull was soon granted permission to construct its defences.
As you carry on walking along Princes Dock Street, you will be following the route of the Medieval walls between Myton Gate and Beverley Gate.
Prince’s Dock
Junction (later Prince's) Dock opened in 1829 and cost £165,000 to build. The dock lay between the Medieval Myton and Beverley Gates, linking Old (later Queen's) to Humber Docks, allowing traffic to enter directly from the Humber. Built by the engineer James Walker, it covers 6 acres. Much of its area now Prince's Quay Shopping Centre.
Image: Britain From Above EPW012697
Beverley Gate
This was one of the main town gates in Hull’s Medieval Town Walls. It was here that Sir John Hotham refused Charles I entry to Hull in 1642; the catalyst for the Civil War.
Demolished between 1784-1791, the remains of Beverley Gate were excavated in 1986. The remains of the gate have been left exposed and can be accessed via the stairs.
Hull Dock Company Offices (1871)
Designed by CG Wray of London, and opened in 1871, this was the third Dock Company office built in Hull.
The first office of the Hull Dock Corporation was established in Trinity House, on Postergate, in 1773.
The building incorporates many maritime architectural features. Can you spot any?
This building is now the Maritime Museum.
Queen's Dock
The Dock, built 1774-8, was the second largest dock in Britain at the time. Covering 9.75 acres, and costing £83,000 to build, it was designed by Henry Berry and Luke Holt.
This dock was renamed several times. Originally known as 'The Dock', it was renamed the 'Old Dock' when other docks started to open in the area. It was finally renamed 'The Queen's Dock' in 1855, following a visit to Hull by Queen Victoria.
The dock was eventually closed in 1930 and eventually infilled to create the Queen's Gardens we still see today.
Some of the dock's warehouses survive nearby. Can you find find them?
Wilberforce Monument
A commemorative monument built during 1838 by Clark of Leeds. The monument was resited c1960.
Wilberforce, a native of Hull, was a leading figure in the campaign for prohibition of slavery. The monument formerly stood in Queen Victoria Square but is now located at the north east end of Queens Gardens, Hull.
Queen's Dock Basin
When the Queen's Dock opened in the 1870s, it was accessed via the River Hull through this basin.
As ships began to grow in size, access via the River Hull proved difficult, so an additional entrance directly from the Humber was constructed, along with the Humber and Prince's docks. Queen's Dock could be entered from the Princes dock, via the Humber dock, allowing larger ships to enter and unload their cargoes.
Dock Office (1820)
This was the second Dock Office to be constructed in Hull. Sitting next to the river Hull basin for the Queen's Dock, this office was sited centrally to administer the every day business of the docks.
This Dock office eventually closed as it was too small and couldn't deal with the basic administrative needs of the Hull docks.
After all that, you've earned yourself Patty and Chips!
The Patty is a piece of local intangible heritage that came about as a direct result of Hull's development as a major fishing port. You can find out more in the video below from our 2020 conference.
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A man his patties and his scouse - Intangible Northern food