Human Development Index
How the HDI connects to fertility, crime, and GNI
Human Development Index
Canada is ranked 13th with an HDI score of 0.92 in 2019. The HDI is ranked mainly off of three areas. Life expectancy, Schooling, and GNI per capita, all of which Canada has high rankings in. Canada's average life expectancy is around 82, whereas the highest life expectancy is 84 in Japan. With expected and mean schooling, Canada also ranks very high. Canada's GNI per capita is approx. 43 mil. This isn't as high as America's 56 mil, but it's considerably high compared to many other countries.
From 2000- 2019 Canada's HDI scores have improved, going from a 0.86 to a 0.92.
High and Low HDI
The country that I selected for high HDI was Sweden, with an HDI rating of 8. The one I selected for lowest was Mali with a rating of 184. The ratings of these countries do not surprise me, as the countries chosen has vastly different living statuses. Sweden has a high life expectancy, high GNI, and high expected and mean schooling. Mali, on the other hand, is very low in each of these categories. This is most likely because of the wealth of each country. Countries with more money tend to rank higher on the HDI, while poorer ones rank lower.
Murder Rates
A countries HDI and murder rates are connected to each other. As shown on the map, the countries with the highest murder rates are mostly countries in South America, such as Brazil, Mexico, Venezuela, and Columbia. None of these countries have very high HDI, and they're all low in two specific categories: schooling and GNI. Out of these countries, the highest years of schooling is only 8.6, and the highest GNI is 17mil. This could relate to murder rates because these aspects show that these are underdeveloped countries. Countries with low HDI and low education are more likely to have higher murder rates.
Fertility Rates
The map shows that the continent with the highest fertility rate is Africa. The average birth rate of every country in Africa is around 6.2, whereas most other countries have a birth rate of around 1.5. Africa is a third world country, and has the highest fertility rates of the world. This is most likely because many people in third world countries often have large families to support them, or because many children die of sickness and diseases. More developed countries have easier access to medicine and money, and the infant mortality rate is much higher than that of a struggling country.
Canada ranks very low in fertility rates, with the average in 2018 being 1.5. This is because Canada is a well-developed first world country, with easy access to money and treatments. Families do not have children to help support the family as most familes are wealthy enough to easily support them and multiple children.
GNI Per Capita
The country with the highest GNI per capita is Norway, closely followed by America. Norway is #1 on the Human Development Index. Norway exports oil, gases, and petroleum to other countries, which is one of the biggest industries in the world. Norway also has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the world, which benefits to its GNI. With Norway having a small population, they do not need to worry about not being able to provide for everyone in the country.
Canada ranks highly with a GNI of 50mil. There is a connection between GNI, fertility rate, and crime. Countries with lower crime rates have a higher GNI because they do not need to spend as much money on prisons or police. Countries with a lower fertility rate also have a higher GNI because there is less people to provide to in a country.