Current Air Quality

Networks of sensors linked to networked computing enable us to continually monitor—and map—the State of California.

EPA air quality conditions

Everyday activities, such as driving, burning coal for electricity, wildfires, manufacturing, and even cooking and cleaning, release particles into the air. Besides being an irritant, small particles less than 10 micrometers are a health hazard because they can damage delicate tissues deep within the respiratory system. Exposure to high levels of small particles and ground level ozone increase the risk of respiratory and cardiovascular illnesses.

The map is updated every few hours and is provided by the EPA's AirNow service.

Several variables go into the Air Quality Index (AQI) developed by the U.S. EPA. Each variable has its own hazard scale, and they can be combined for an indicator of overall air quality.

Click a station for a chart that displays the current levels of each pollutant. Not all pollutants are measured at every station, and data are updated hourly.

Networks of linked sensors enable us to continually monitor—and map—air quality conditions across the state.

More information about air quality: