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Cloverdale Road Project

Cloverdale, Amity to Victory & Amity and Cloverdale Roundabout

Drone image of Cloverdale from Victory to Amity


Thank you for taking the time to learn more about the Cloverdale Road, Amity Road to Victory Road & Amity Road and Cloverdale Road Roundabout Project. The purpose of this information is to give you an opportunity to review the designs before they are finalized.

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What We Heard

In September of 2023, ACHD reached out to the public to gather feedback on the design for the roadway and roundabout.

Top Themes of Support

  • Many favored the multi-use pathways for pedestrians and cyclists.
  • Respondents believed the improvements would slow speeds and enhance safety for school children.
  • Some suggested extending the improvements from Overland Road to Kuna.
  • Several noted that construction should start as soon as possible, due to the area's growth.

Infographic text regarding the September 2023 outreach
Infographic text regarding the September 2023 outreach

Top Concerns

The September 2023 outreach also indicated that residents had some concerns about the project.

What made you decide to build a roundabout instead of a traffic signal?

  • Historically, roundabouts have 48% fewer vehicle crashes and 78% fewer injury and fatal crashes than signalized intersections.
  • Constructing a roundabout will take approximately the same length of time as constructing a signalized intersection.

More construction?

  • We understand that construction, road improvements, and multiple road closures can mean inconvenience for you, our neighbors.
  • Currently, the roadway does not have a construction year, but when the time comes, we will look at construction impacts and take into consideration adjacent roadwork and impacts in the area.
  • The Amity and Cloverdale roundabout is currently scheduled for construction in 2029.

What is the benefit of raised medians?

  • Center medians are a raised portion of the roadway separating opposing directions of traffic and will provide traffic calming, aesthetic benefits, access management, and increase overall safety.

Project Purpose

  • Increase safety for those that walk, bike, roll, and drive
  • Improve current and future traffic flow

Project Description


Cloverdale Road, Amity Road to Victory Road

  • Widen Cloverdale Road to two lanes in each direction, with a center turn lane.
  • Construct curb and gutter and a detached 10-foot-wide multi-use pathway on both sides of the roadway for pedestrians and bicyclists.
  • Install center medians to calm traffic.
  • Install an enhanced pedestrian crossing (PHB) across Cloverdale Road, near Reutzel Drive.
  • Use mulch instead of gravel in buffer space. *NEW*

 Renderings are for illustrative purposes only. 

Rendering of Cloverdale Road from Amity to Victory

Cloverdale, Amity to Victory Design


Cloverdale Road and Amity Road

  • Construct a multi-lane roundabout at the Amity and Cloverdale intersection.
  • Add crosswalks at each leg of the intersection with two-stage pedestrian crossings.
  • Install rectangular rapid flashing beacons (RRFBs) at each pedestrian crossing.
  • Cloverdale, north and south, will have two lanes approaching the roundabout, with the left-hand lane functioning as a thru and left-turn lane, while the right-hand lane will function as a thru and right-turn lane.
  • Amity, east and west, will have a single lane approaching the roundabout that will function as a left-turn, thru, and right-turn lane.
  • Add curb, gutter, and a detached multi-use pathway.
  • Include a truck apron for larger vehicles to use if necessary.
  • Use mulch instead of gravel in buffer space. *NEW*

 Renderings are for illustrative purposes only. 

Rendering of the Cloverdale and Amity roundabout

Key Features

Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs)

Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) RRFBs are pedestrian-activated flashing LED lights, typically mounted on existing crosswalk signage, that signal to drivers that a pedestrian is about to enter a crosswalk.

Rectangular rapid flashing beacons (RRFBs) will be installed at each crosswalk in the Amity and Cloverdale roundabout.

Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon

Research shows RRFBs can reduce pedestrian crashes up to 47 percent.

 Illustration is for general education purposes and may not exactly reflect the design for Cloverdale Road. 

RRFB Informational Graphic

Multi-Use Pathways

Multi-use pathways offer a safe space for pedestrians and cyclists to share, separate from vehicular traffic. Multi-use pathways are planned along both sides of Cloverdale Road for the full length of the project.

 Illustration is for general education purposes and may not exactly reflect the design for Cloverdale Road. 

Multi-Use Pathway Informational Graphic

Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons (PHB)

A Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (PHB) is proposed across Cloverdale Road, near Reutzel Drive.

PHBs facilitate safe pedestrian crossings by stopping vehicle traffic as required.

Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon

Studies show a PHB can reduce pedestrian crashes up to 55 percent.

 Illustration is for general education purposes and may not exactly reflect the design for Cloverdale Road. 

PHB Informational Graphic

Project Considerations

When designing the roadway and roundabout projects, the project team had several things to consider.

  • Safety for those who walk, bike, roll, and drive
  • Bicyclists and pedestrian connectivity
  • Property and neighborhood impacts
  • Impacts to current and future traffic flow
  • Utilities

Future Projects

ACHD has many projects planned for this area over the next five years.




Design started

September 2023

Public input opportunity

October 2024

Refine design and public outreach (WE ARE HERE)


Begin purchasing property necessary for roundabout


Begin purchasing property necessary for roadway


Start construction on roundabout


Start construction on roadway


Please let us know if there is anything we missed before we finalize the design. While your comments are always welcome, they can be best used if received by October 15, 2024.

Did we miss anything? | ACHD Engage

Contact Us

Tawnya Converse, ACHD Project Manager

208-387-6100 |