Decent Work and Economic Growth

Sustainable Development Goal 8

A construction worker balances on a house frame while using tools

"By the end of 2021, global economic recovery had been hampered by new waves of COVID-19 infections, rising inflationary pressures, major supply-chain disruptions, policy uncertainties and persistent labour market challenges." —United Nations (

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals—adopted by all United Nations member states—serve as a blueprint to protect the planet and improve the lives of all people, with no one left behind.

Sustainable Development Goal or SDG 8 aims to promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all.

The United Nations established targets for achieving and measuring progress towards SDG 8 including:

  • Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and encourage the formalization and growth of micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises, including through access to financial services
  • By 2030, achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including for young people and persons with disabilities, and equal pay for work of equal value
  • By 2030, devise and implement policies to promote sustainable tourism that creates jobs and promotes local culture and products

Sample stories

Explore place-based stories, created with  ArcGIS StoryMaps , that examine the barriers to decent work and economic growth around the world and efforts to eradicate these barriers.

Looking below the surface

Learn how one coastal African community is dealing with climate change while also supporting the livelihoods of those that live there.

An aerial view of clear blue coastal waters with coral and a rowboat in the foreground

Engage the real change makers

Learn how engaging forest and farm producer organizations (FFPOs) results in stronger local voices that impact policy-making and sustainable production techniques.

A close-up of a variety of colorful vegetables

Explore the health of the economy through unemployment rates

by Esri

Consider ways to visualize economic health and its impacts on local communities.

Alt text A dark blue map with yellow and light blue trend lines that represent unemployment rates in cities

Data sources

Access a few data sources and apps behind the sample stories and consider ways to tell your own SDG 8 narrative.

USDA Global Agricultural Trade System (GATS)

 GATS  provides current and historical data on international trade in agricultural, fish, forest and textile products.


 Prindex  provides open source global data for perceptions of tenure security.

Explore unemployment trends based on U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and the Chmura CVI index with the  Economic Impact Dashboard  below.

Explore more data sets in  Esri's Living Atlas of the World , a collection of maps, apps, and data layers from around the globe.

Learning resources

Get hands-on experience with SDG 8 geospatial data through Esri learning materials. Then build your storytelling skills with ArcGIS StoryMaps tutorials, for beginners and beyond.

About the Storytelling for a Sustainable World collection

The  Storytelling for a Sustainable World collection  was created as a storytelling resource for the Global Councils on the SDGs. The collection, which includes one story for each United Nations Sustainable Development Goal, will assist the Global Councils as they work to ensure progress toward the global goals. Each SDG story includes topical sample stories, relevant data sets, and learning resources to get started.