Resources for Students Experiencing Financial Insecurity
This guide provides information about resources that could benefit students experiencing food and housing insecurities.
Project History
Excerpt from a proposal for The Library Collective's 2020 Connection Conference
In Spring 2019, library faculty and staff at Austin Peay State University’s Woodward Library launched an interactive map of local organizations (within five miles of campus) that could benefit students experiencing food and housing insecurity. The original map was created in Google Maps and embedded in a LibGuide to display the location of community shelters, food pantries, and other organizations that provide general assistance with monthly expenses.
This current project is an expansion of our original dataset to include resources in the broader Clarksville, Nashville, and Memphis areas where a large portion of our students come from. We have also transitioned to using ArcGIS StoryMaps, which allows us to add a map layer displaying the location of organizations relative to public transportation routes.
Additional information
Data collection for this map began as a crowd-sourced project in which conference participants collected the latitude, longitude, and other attribute data for organizations in Nashville and Memphis that could provide services for low-income and un-homed students. Participants were provided with a written outline of instructions and corresponding video tutorials with transcripts for completing the tasks outlined below. They added the information to a shared Google Form that was connected to a cloud-based Google Sheet which included previously mapped entries in an ArcGIS-friendly format. This information was used to create a layer in ArcGIS Online. The tools used in this project are freely accessible to anyone and the project can be easily replicated -- see the page on Supplemental Materials for Replicating this Project.
Map Legend
- Green icons represent locations that provide assistance with food, such as food pantries and soup kitchens.
- Blue icons represent local shelters that provide a safe place to sleep.
- Red icons represent organizations that provide general assistance with monthly expenses, SNAP benefits, prescription medicine costs, etc.
- Highlighted streets indicate public transportation routes.
- Click on an icon or highlighted street to learn more about a public service resource or transportation route.
Clarksville, TN
"Montgomery Co. Courthouse 3" by (aka Brent) is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0
Helpful Websites:
- Department of Human Services, Montgomery County
- Clarksville-Montgomery County Community Action Agency
- The Montgomery-Clarksville Day Shelter
- Salvation Army Emergency Shelter
- Buffalo Valley Housing Assistance Program
- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
- Clarksville Food Pantries
- Old Firehouse Day Shelter
- Manna Cafe Ministries
- Hope Pregnancy Center
- Good Samaritan Medical Dentistry Center
Nashville, TN
"Nashville skyline" by Jim_Nix is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
Helpful Websites:
- Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
- Metro Nashville Household Assistance
- Summer Food Services for Children
- Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee
- Nashville CARES
- Room in the Inn
- Nashville Rescue Mission
- Metropolitan Development and Housing Agency
- Urban Housing Solutions
- NeedLink Nashville
- RoofTop Rental and Mortgage Assistance
Contact Information
Ellen Brown -
Jenny Harris -
Tina Reid -
Nicole Wood -