Taylor Bridge Crossing StoryMap

Personal information collected for the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, is under the authority of sections 26(c) and 26(e) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for the purpose of informing the Taylor Bridge Crossing.

The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (the Ministry) acknowledges that this project is on the territories of the Treaty 8 First Nations.

Welcome to the Taylor Bridge Crossing StoryMap.

This StoryMap outlines the findings from field studies and previous engagement, showcases the concepts that have been developed, and allows you to provide your input.

All you have to do is scroll down. 

The slide show below outlines how to navigate this StoryMap. Please hit the right arrow to reveal more instructions. This platform is best used on a desktop or tablet.

Planning for the Future

The Taylor Bridge Project is in the concept development stage of planning. This stage will identify a preferred solution, timeline, and budget to support government decisions on the future of the Taylor Bridge Crossing.

Three Foundational Goals

In Phase 1, three foundational goals for the Taylor Bridge Project were confirmed. These goals are guiding the development of a long-term solution that will benefit the Peace Region and the province as a whole.

The Concepts for the Future

Five concepts are under consideration and evaluation to identify a long-term solution. Some of the images below are interactive. To interact with these images, use the arrow button in the centre of the image to swipe back and forth.

4. Replace the existing bridge with a new four-lane bridge

Built to highway standards for travel comfort, smoothness, and reliability. This concept supports future economic growth in Northeast B.C. and across the province.

This concept creates new opportunities for safer active transportation on the bridge and enhances connections to trails and Peace Island Park.

This concept would require a new in-stream and foreshore bridge footprint.

Interactive image. Please click and drag the arrow over the image to see Concept 4 compared to the current bridge.

5. Renew the existing bridge and add a new two-lane bridge

Combines the renewal and two-lane replacement concepts.

This combined concept prolongs the useful life of the existing bridge, adding a new solid deck surface. This concept would meet current and future demand by increasing capacity through a new two-lane bridge.

This concept also creates new opportunities for safer active transportation on the bridge and enhances connections to trails and Peace Island Park.

This concept would require a new in-stream and foreshore bridge footprint for the new two lane structure.


Click on the grey arrow below to view the slideshow of the Taylor Bridge Crossing, and the work done to date.