Adopt-A-Trailhead Montana

Adopt-a-Trailhead Montana (AATM) is a cooperative volunteer program to help protect Montana's trails from noxious weeds.

AATM Trailhead Map

Sawmill Trailhead

Little Sheep Creek Trailhead

Lewis and Clark Caverns State Park A

Lewis and Clark Caverns State Park B

Painted Hills Trailhead

Bozeman M Trail

Middle Cottonwood Trail

Moose Creek Trailhead

Humbug Spires Trailhead

Pipestone Pass - Homestake Trail (A)

Pipestone Pass - Homestake Trail (B)

Big Creek Trailhead

Bear Creek Trailhead

Falls Creek Trail

Cooney Reservoir State Park

Blue Bird Trail

Gunner's Ridge

Roundup River Walk and Heritage Trailhead

Two Moon Park (A)

Two Moon Park (B)

Smoking Boomer Rail Trail

Bitter Creek Loops (Upper and Lower)

Upper Scabrock Trail

Lower Scabrock Trailhead (A)

Camp Baker Smith River Launch

Morony Sulphur Springs Trailhead

Rainbow Trailhead

Ryan Trailhead

Whitmore Ravine Trailhead

Colter Trailhead

Giant Springs Trailhead

First People's Buffalo Jump State Park

Spring Meadow Lake Walking Trail

Old Shooting Range/Davis Gulch Trailhead

Lost Creek State Park

Calf Creek Wildlife Management Area

Roaring Lion Trailhead

Rattlesnake Horse Trail

Rattlesnake Trailhead

Russel Gates Memorial Fishing Access

Westfork of the Clearwater River Trailhead

Owl Packer Trailhead

Owl Packer Trailhead

North Holland Lake

Rumble Creek

Smith Creek Trailhead

Lion Creek

Gorge Creek

Meadow Creek

Clary Coulee Trail

Jones Creek

Beaver Creek

Silvertip Trailhead

Upper Big Bill

South Creek Trailhead

Upper Twin Trailhead

Lower Twin Trailhead

Owen Sowerwine Natural Area (A)

Owen Sowerwine Natural Area (B)

Stanton Lake

Summit Trailhead

Sheldon Mountain Trailhead

Missoula Lake

Diamond/Cliff Lakes

Heart Lake

N Fork Trail #32

Monture Creek Trail #27

Lodgepole Creek Trail #13

Pyramid Pass Trail #416

Sawmill Trailhead

Kiosk Installed: 2021

Volunteer group: Yet to be adopted

Beaverhead County

Land Agency: USFS Beaverhead-Deerlodge NF, Dillon RD

Little Sheep Creek Trailhead

Kiosk Installed: 2021

Volunteer group: Yet to be adopted

Beaverhead County

Land Agency: USFS Beaverhead-Deerlodge NF, Dillon RD

Lewis and Clark Caverns State Park A

Kiosk Installed: 2017

Volunteer Group: Yet to be adopted

Jefferson County

Land Agency: FWP, Region 3 Bozeman 

Lewis and Clark Caverns State Park B

Kiosk Installed: 2017

Volunteer group: Yet to be adopted

Jefferson County

Land Agency: FWP, Region 3 Bozeman 

Painted Hills Trailhead

Kiosk Installed: 2021

Volunteer Group: MSU Weed Ecology/Gallatin Co. WD, Adopted 2021

Gallatin County

Land Agency: Gallatin County

Bozeman M Trail

Kiosk Installed: 2023

Volunteer Group: MSU Student Services

Gallatin County

Land Agency: Forest Service

Middle Cottonwood Trail

Kiosk Installed: 2023

Volunteer Group:

Gallatin County

Land Agency: Forest Service

Moose Creek Trailhead

Kiosk Installed: 2017

Volunteer group: Montana Wilderness Association Southwestern Wildlands Chapter, Adopted in 2017

Butte-Silverbow county

Land Agency: Butte BLM Field Office

Humbug Spires Trailhead

Kiosk Installed: 2017

Volunteer group: Montana Wilderness Association Southwestern Wildlands Chapter, Adopted in 2017

Butte-Silverbow county

Land Agency: Butte BLM Field Office

Pipestone Pass - Homestake Trail (A)

Kiosk Installed: 2020

Volunteer group: Montana Native Plant Society, Calypso Chapter


Land Agency:

Pipestone Pass - Homestake Trail (B)

Kiosk Installed: 2020

Volunteer group: Montana Native Plant Society, Calypso Chapter


Land Agency:

Big Creek Trailhead

Kiosk Installed: 2016

Volunteer group: Mountain Sky Guest Ranch, Adopted in 2016

Park county

Land Agency: USFS Custer Gallatin NF, Livingston RD

Bear Creek Trailhead

Kiosk Installed: 2017

Volunteer group: Yet to be adopted

Madison County

Land Agency: USFS Beaverhead-Deerlodge, Madison RD (Ennis, MT)

Falls Creek Trail

Kiosk Installed: 2017

Volunteer group: *

Sweetgrass county

Land Agency: USFS Custer Gallatin NF, Livingston RD

Cooney Reservoir State Park

Kiosk Installed: 2017

Volunteer group: *

Carbon county

Land Agency: FWP, Region 3 Bozeman 

Blue Bird Trail

Kiosk Installed: 2017

Volunteer group: **

Dawson county

Land Agency: Makoshika State Park (Region 7)

Gunner's Ridge

Kiosk Installed: 2017

Volunteer group: Yet to be adopted

Dawson county

Land Agency: Makoshika State Park (Region 7)

Roundup River Walk and Heritage Trailhead

Kiosk Installed: 2020

Volunteer group: Musselshell/Golden Valley 4H Council and Weed District, Adopted in 2020

Musselshell county

Land Agency: Golden/Musselshell Valley Weed District

Two Moon Park (A)

Kiosk Installed: 2023

Volunteer Group: Buckthorn Bandits

Yellowstone County

Land Agency: Yellowstone River Parks Association

Two Moon Park (B)

Kiosk Installed: 2024

Volunteer Group: Buckthorn Bandits

Yellowstone County

Land Agency: Yellowstone River Parks Association

Smoking Boomer Rail Trail

Kiosk Installed: 2020

Volunteer group: Wheatland County Weed District, Adopted in 2020

Wheatland county

Land Agency: Wheatland County Weed District

Bitter Creek Loops (Upper and Lower)

Kiosk Installed: 2018

Volunteer group: Smith Creek Water Resources

Land Agency: USFS Custer Gallatin Yellowstone RD

Upper Scabrock Trail

Kiosk Installed: 2018

Volunteer group: Smith Creek Water Resources, Adopted 2018


Land Agency: USFS Custer Gallatin Yellowstone RD

Lower Scabrock Trailhead (A)

Kiosk Installed: 2018

Volunteer group: Smith Creek Water Resources, Adopted 2018


Land Agency: USFS Custer Gallatin Yellowstone RD

Camp Baker Smith River Launch

Kiosk Installed: 2018

Volunteer group: Smith River Weed Volunteers, Adopted 2018


Land Agency: FWP, Region 4 Great Falls 

Morony Sulphur Springs Trailhead

Kiosk Installed: 2017

Volunteer group: Yet to be adopted

Cascade county

Land Agency: FWP, Region 4 Great Falls 

Rainbow Trailhead

Kiosk Installed:

Volunteer Group: Not yet adopted

Cascade County

Land Agency: FWP, Region 4 Great Falls 

Ryan Trailhead

Kiosk Installed: 2017

Volunteer group: Yet to be adopted

Cascade county

Land Agency: FWP, Region 4 Great Falls 

Whitmore Ravine Trailhead

Kiosk Installed: 2017

Volunteer group: Yet to be adopted

Cascade county

Land Agency: FWP, Region 4 Great Falls 

Colter Trailhead

Kiosk Installed: 2017

Volunteer group: Yet to be adopted

Cascade county

Land Agency: FWP, Region 4 Great Falls 

Giant Springs Trailhead

Kiosk Installed: 2017

Volunteer group: Upper Missouri Breaks Audubon Chapter

Cascade county

Land Agency: FWP, Region 4 Great Falls 

First People's Buffalo Jump State Park

Kiosk Installed: 2018

Volunteer group: Yet to be adopted

Cascade county

Land Agency: FWP, Region 4 Great Falls 

Spring Meadow Lake Walking Trail

Kiosk Installed: 2017

Volunteer group: Yet to be adopted

Lewis and Clark county

Land Agency: FWP, Spring Meadow Lake Park

Old Shooting Range/Davis Gulch Trailhead

Kiosk Installed: 2017

Volunteer group: Montana Department of Agriculture, City of Helena Parks and Recreation, Adopted 2017

Lewis and Clark county

Land Agency: City of Helena

Lost Creek State Park

Kiosk Installed: 2017

Volunteer group: Yet to be adopted

Anaconda-Deerlodge county

Land Agency: FWP, Region 3 Bozeman 

Calf Creek Wildlife Management Area

Kiosk Installed: 2019

Volunteer Group: Bitterroot BCH, Adopted 2019

Ravalli County

Land Agency: FWP, Region 2 Missoula

Roaring Lion Trailhead

Kiosk Installed: 2016

Volunteer group: Selway-Pintler BCH, Adopted 2016

Ravalli County

Land Agency: USFS Bitterroot NF, Bitterroot RD

Rattlesnake Horse Trail

Kiosk Installed: 2016

Volunteer group: Missoula BCH, Adopted 2016

Missoula county

Land Agency: USFS Lolo NF, Missoula RD

Rattlesnake Trailhead

Kiosk Installed: 2015

Volunteer group: Rattlesnake Trail Users, Adopted 2015

Missoula county

Land Agency: USFS Lolo NF, Missoula RD

Russel Gates Memorial Fishing Access

Kiosk Installed: 2017

Volunteer group: Blackfoot Challenge, Adopted 2017

Powell county

Land Agency: FWP

Westfork of the Clearwater River Trailhead

Kiosk Installed: 2019

Volunteer group: Missoula County Weed District, Adopted 2019

Missoula county

Land Agency: FWP, Region 2 Missoula

Owl Packer Trailhead

Volunteer group: NW Back Country Horsemen Chapter, Adopted 2018

Kiosk Installed: 2018


Land Agency: USFS Flathead Swan Lake RD

Owl Packer Trailhead

Volunteer group: NW Back Country Horsemen Chapter, Adopted 2018

Kiosk Installed: 2018


Land Agency: USFS Flathead Swan Lake RD

North Holland Lake

Volunteer Group: Northwest MT Back Country Horseman, Adopted 2018

Kiosk Installed: 2018

County: Musselshell

Land Agency: USFS Flathead NF Swan Lake RD

Rumble Creek

Kiosk Installed: 2018

Volunteer group: NW Backcountry Horseman Chapter, Adopted 2018


Land Agency: USFS Flathead Swan Lake RD

Smith Creek Trailhead

*check coordinates

Kiosk Installed: 2018

Volunteer group: NW Backcountry Horseman Chapter, Adopted 2018


Land Agency: USFS Flathead Swan Lake RD

Lion Creek

Kiosk Installed: 2018

Volunteer Group: NW Backcountry Horseman Chapter, Adopted 2018


Land Agency: USFS Flathead Swan Lake RD

Gorge Creek

Kiosk Installed: 2018

Volunteer Group: NW Backcountry Horseman Chapter


Land Agency: USFS Spotted Bear RD

Meadow Creek

Kiosk Installed: 201

Volunteer Group: NW Backcountry Horseman Chapter, Adopted 2018


Land Agency: USFSSpotted Bear RD

Clary Coulee Trail

Kiosk Installed:

Volunteer Group: Not Yet Adopted


Land Agency:

Jones Creek

Kiosk Installed:

Volunteer Group: Friends of the Tetons


Land Agency:

Beaver Creek

Kiosk Installed: 2018

Volunteer Group: NW Backcountry Horseman Chapter, Adopted 2018


Land Agency: USFS Spotted Bear RD

Silvertip Trailhead

Kiosk Installed: 2018

Volunteer Group: NW Backcountry Horseman Chapter, Adopted 2018


Land Agency: USFS Spotted Bear RD

Upper Big Bill

Kiosk Installed: 2018

Volunteer Group: NW Backcountry Horseman Chapter, Adopted 2018


Land Agency: USFS Spotted Bear RD

South Creek Trailhead

Kiosk Installed: 2018

Volunteer Group: NW Backcountry Horseman Chapter, Adopted 2018


Land Agency: USFS Spotted Bear RD

Upper Twin Trailhead

Kiosk Installed: 2018

Volunteer Group: NW Backcountry Horseman Chapter, Adopted 2018


Land Agency: USFS Spotted Bear RD

Lower Twin Trailhead

Kiosk Installed: 2018

Volunteer Group: NW Backcountry Horseman Chapter, Adopted 2018


Land Agency: USFS Spotted Bear RD

Owen Sowerwine Natural Area (A)

Kiosk Installed: 2018

Volunteer group: Flathead Audubon, Adopted 2018

Flathead county

Land Agency: Kalispell DNRC

Owen Sowerwine Natural Area (B)

Kiosk Installed: 2018

Volunteer group: Flathead Audubon, Adopted 2018

Flathead county

Land Agency: Kalispell DNRC

Stanton Lake

Kiosk Installed: 2021

Volunteer group: Glacier View 4H Group, Adopted 2021

Flathead county

Land Agency: USFS Flathead NF

Summit Trailhead

Kiosk Installed: 2018

Volunteer group: BMWF-MT Back Country Hunters & Anglers, Adopted 2018


Land Agency: USFS Helena-Lewis & Clark NF, Rocky Mountain Ranger Dist. 

* check coordinates

Sheldon Mountain Trailhead

Kiosk Installed: 2017

Volunteer group: Cabinet BCH

Lincoln county

Land Agency: USFS Kootenai NF, Libby RD

Missoula Lake

Kiosk Installed: 2024

Volunteer/Sponsor Group: Great Burn Conservation Alliance


Land Agency: Lolo National Forest

Diamond/Cliff Lakes

Kiosk Installed: 2024

Volunteer/Sponsor Group: Great Burn Conservation Alliance


Land Agency: Lolo National Forest

Heart Lake

Kiosk Installed: 2024

Volunteer/Sponsor Group: Great Burn Conservation Alliance


Land Agency: Lolo National Forest

N Fork Trail #32

Kiosk Installed: 2024

Volunteer/Sponsoring Group: Bob Marshall Wilderness Foundation


Land Agency: Lolo National Forest

Monture Creek Trail #27

Kiosk Installed: 2024

Adopting/Sponsoring Group: Bob Marshall Wilderness Foundation


Land Agency: Lolo National Forest

Lodgepole Creek Trail #13

Kiosk Installed: 2024

Volunteer/Sponsoring Group: Bob Marshall Wilderness Foundation


Land Agency: Lolo National Forest

Pyramid Pass Trail #416

Kiosk Installed: 2024

Adopting/Sponsoring Group: Bob Marshall Wilderness Foundation


Land Agency: Lolo National Forest

The AATM Map is continuously being updated. Contact us if there are any changes or updates you would like to see!


AATM started in 2015, with it's first kiosk being installed at the Rattlesnake National Recreation site in Lolo National Forest.

Now, there are over 50 adopted trailheads and 74 AATM trailhead sites!

Photo: Glacier View 4H at Stanton Lake

At each kiosk you can find information on the noxious weeds of concern, as well as recognition of the adoptee group.

Photo: Makoshika Park

Thank you to all of the AATM adoptee groups!

For even more information about what is happening with Adopt-A-Trailhead, check out the  AATM newsletter!  


Sam Yonan Adopt a Trailhead Montana Coordinator / AgCorps Member Phone: (406) 444-3462 E-mail:

Jasmine Chaffee State Weed Coordinator Phone: (406) 444-3140 E-mail: 

Adopt A Trailhead Montana

Montana State Department of Agriculture