Internship at Energy Coalition

Home Audit Data and Action Plan

5 Steps to Conserve Energy

  1. Purchase energy-efficient appliances.
  2. Use Energy Star-certified LED light bulbs.
  3. Clean or replace your air filters (clean them every month or two).
  4. Wash clothes in cold water when possible.
  5. Unplug chargers or the TV to reduce energy going to the source.

The chart shows the comparisons of water usage in different households.

5 Steps to Conserve Water

  1. Recycle or donate old clothes.
  2. Only use the washing machine when you have a full load of laundry.
  3. Installing a low-flow shower head to reduce the amount of water being used.
  4. Invest in a greywater system, so your household can reuse water.
  5. Make sure to have a time limit when watering the lawn.

Equity Report of Camarillo

The map shows the income in Camarillo, California, and the specified areas.

The map shows Camarillo's climate plans and their development.

The graph shows the demographics of Camarillo.

This graph shows the age and voting percentage in Camarillo.

When researching Camarillo, CA, I noticed the population has increased in age, with more than half of the population able to vote. Camarillo has a relatively higher income rate due to the farmland and many generations of family living there. Also, during my research, I noticed that 64.7% of the population in Camarillo owns their home, and 35.3% rent their home. The population that is insured under 65 is 94.2%. In Camarillo, there are many different types of public transit, and 11% of the population uses the transit. Veterans in Camarillo made a transit called Medi Zoom to help wheelchair and ambulatory clients. Another form of public transit Camarillo offers is the CAT bus will take you to your destinations, and act like a taxi.

The city participates in a CCA called the Clean Power Alliance. The civilian employment population 16 years and over is 32,757. The median income in Camarillo is $111,847, and the median rent is $2,444 per month. Only 7.4% of the population lives below the poverty line. The average age of people who live in Camarillo is 40. The last graph shows the number of people who can vote and the number that do vote. About 60% of Camarillo citizens are registered voters, and 77% of the population is over 18. 17% of the population can vote, but decide not to.

School Site Comparisons

Throughout my internship, I analyzed data from six different school sites. Three sites consisted of High Schools, and the other three sites consisted of Middle Schools. I was able to compare and contrast the various schools and see how some schools have higher energy usage than others. I could see the differences, but if I did a similar internship, I would construct my graphs differently to better compare the school sites to each other. I would instead create a graph for each variable with the values for each school site for that respective variable. This approach would make it easier for me to compare the school sites side by side without having to toggle back and forth between graphs.

Powerville Highschool

Powerville Middle School

Powerville High School has a higher amount of electricity consumed than Powerville Middle School. I observed this difference and assumed more kids are attending the High School than the Middle school. Due to the population difference, there would be more electricity being used at the High School.

Energetic High School

Energetic Middle School

Energetic High School consumes more electricity than Energetic Middle School. I don't know the exact reason, but it could be due to the number of appliances used. The amount of electricity consumed at the Middle School is almost doubled at the High School.

Steven Sparker High School

Steven Sparker Middle School

Similar to the previous High Schools and Middle Schools, the electricity consumed is higher at the High School. Steven Sparker High School has the highest electrical consumption compared to the other two high schools. On the other hand, Steven Sparker Middle School has one of the lowest rates of electricity consumed.

Most and Least Affected Areas and Recommendations

The most affected school with the highest amount of utilities being used would be Steven Sparker High School. The reason for this could be because of after-school sports like football or track, having staff stay after school hours, or stadium lights being left on overnight. I observed that most high schools have a higher rate of electricity being consumed and total energy costs. The reason for this can be more faculty and a higher population of students attending the school. Most high schools also offer students laptops, which can increase the electricity being used to charge the laptop.

One of the least affected schools is Steven Sparker Middle School. Most of the Middle Schools have a lower rate of consumed energy than the High Schools. Steven Sparker Middle School could be implementing sustainable practices like lights that turn on when you walk into a room and turn off when you leave. Most of the high schools use double the amount of electricity than the middle schools. Some recommendations for Steven Sparker High School could be using energy-efficient lightbulbs that are Energy-Star Certified, or reaching out to the Steven Sparker Middle School on ways they decrease the amount of energy being used.

District Wide Comparison

Powerville Unified School District

I collected all of the data from all High Schools and Middle Schools, to be able to calculate an annual total for the whole district.

Total Annual Cost Per Month

As you can see each month contributes a percent to the total annual cost. I believe there is a trend in the contribution because the percentages spike in the summer months, then fall, and then rise again in the winter months. If I had to take an educated guess, this would be due to the schools using electricity at a higher rate in order to cool their buildings in the summer and heat their buildings in the winter. Heating and cooling buildings require extensive amounts of electricity and will drive up the bill.

Most and Least Efficient Areas and Recommendations

From the previous information stated, Steven Sparker High School is the least energy efficient, and Steven Sparker Middle School is the most energy efficient. Although district-wide electricity consumption is way higher than the other variables. Ways to be able to decrease the amount of electricity consumed would be adjusting thermostats or not using them when they are not needed, inserting solar panels over student parking, and making sure electronics are being unplugged when they are fully charged. I noticed when looking at the second graph, that most energy is being used during June, July, and August. This could be due to the schools using more air conditioners since those are the hotter months. On the other hand, students are not in session during those given months, so faculty could adjust the air conditioning in the room they are in to decrease the amount of energy being used.

Since Steven Sparker Middle School is the most energy efficient, other schools in the district can contact them so they can become energy efficient as well. Another way to be able to help the district become more energy efficient is by creating an action plan. Taking each strength from the school and seeing how they are energy efficient can help other schools do the same. For example, taking the strengths from Steven Sparker Middle School and implementing them in the other schools. With this, in the next years, the district could see a decrease in the electricity consumed among all the schools, and the total annual cost will be decreased.

Energy Career Highlight

The energy career that I researched is a hydrologist. Hydrologists study underground and surface waters' distribution, circulation, and physical properties. They also study the form and intensity of precipitation and its rate of infiltration into the soil, movement through the earth, and return to the ocean and atmosphere. The typical annual salary for the job is between $69,240 and $114,710.

On a normal day of being a hydrologist, you would collect water samples and collect data in the lab. Then, you would write reports on water quality, flood risks, or the environmental impact and changes in the specified water system. Hydrologists solve problems to improve water quality and increase the availability of water. They evaluate the impact of projects like hydroelectric dams or irrigation systems. Hydrologists typically have an equal amount of time in the office and the field, and most work full-time. To become a Hydrologist, it is required to at least have a bachelor's degree or a master's degree, but for advanced research or university faculty positions, it would be best to have a Ph. D.

Internship Reflection

The chart shows the comparisons of water usage in different households.

Powerville Highschool

Powerville Middle School

Energetic High School

Energetic Middle School

Steven Sparker High School

Steven Sparker Middle School

Powerville Unified School District

Total Annual Cost Per Month