Coordinated Public Transit–Human Service Transportation Plan

SEDA-COG and Williamsport Area Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs)


This plan updates and amends the Coordinated Public Transit–Human Services Transportation Plan (“Coordinated Plan”) of the SEDA-COG Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). The plan was first developed in 2007 and most recently revised in 2019 on behalf of the SEDA-COG MPO and its local stakeholders with an interest in human service transportation programs. The SEDA-COG MPO serves as the regional transportation planning body for the eight counties of Clinton, Columbia, Juniata, Mifflin, Montour, Northumberland, Snyder, and Union. The SEDA-COG MPO closely coordinates transportation planning activities with neighboring Lycoming County, which is served by the Williamsport Area Transportation Study (WATS) MPO. Since 2014, the SEDA-COG MPO and WATS MPO have developed a joint Coordinated Plan to satisfy planning requirements and use resources more efficiently. While this joint Coordinated Plan update considers all human service transportation needs, an emphasis is placed on transportation needs of low-income populations, seniors, and persons with disabilities.

Federal Programs


This plan also fulfills a federal requirement first enacted in 2005 through the passage of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU), which stipulated that starting in Fiscal Year 2007, projects funded through three SAFETEA-LU programs—the Job Access and Reverse Commute Program (JARC, Section 5316), the New Freedom Program (Section 5317) and the Formula Program for Elderly Individuals and Individuals with Disabilities (Section 5310)—are required to be derived from a locally developed, coordinated public transit–human services transportation plan. SAFETEA-LU guidance issued by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) described the plan as a “unified, comprehensive strategy for public transportation service delivery that identifies the transportation needs of individuals with disabilities, older adults, and individuals with limited income, laying out strategies for meeting these needs, and prioritizing services.”

July 2012 MAP-21

In July 2012, Congress enacted a new two-year federal surface transportation authorization, Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21), which retained many but not all coordinated planning provisions of SAFETEA-LU. Under MAP-21, JARC and New Freedom were eliminated as stand-alone programs, and the Section 5310 and New Freedom programs were consolidated under Section 5310 into a single program, Formula Grants for the Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities, which provides for a mix of capital and operating funding for projects. This is the only funding program with coordinated planning requirements under MAP-21. However, FTA encourages continuation of the coordinated planning process as a best practice for project selection because it ensures the target population for these projects is included in the planning process.

December 2015 FAST Act

In December 2015, the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act was signed into law. The FAST Act authorized transportation funding through September 2020 and kept intact the established structure of the various highway- and public transportation-related programs. The Section 5310 program continued to focus on improving mobility for seniors and individuals with disabilities by removing barriers to transportation service and expanding transportation mobility options. Section 3006(b) of the FAST Act created a discretionary pilot program for innovative coordinated access and mobility—open to 5310 recipients—to assist in financing innovative projects for the transportation-disadvantaged that improve the coordination of transportation services and non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) services, such as: the deployment of coordination technology, projects that create or increase access to community, One-Call/One-Click Centers, etc.

2021 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law

The 2021 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law had a profound impact on human services and transit planning nationwide through enhanced federal transit programs managed by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). Initiatives such as the All Stations Accessibility Program have received increased funding to upgrade rail systems for ADA compliance, significantly improving accessibility for individuals with disabilities. Additionally, the Buses and Bus Facilities Program has prioritized investments in low- or no-emission vehicles, advancing sustainability goals while revitalizing bus fleets across urban and rural areas. This legislation also supports expansive transit projects like demand-responsive transit and commuter rail expansions through the Capital Investment Grants Program, aiming to bolster connectivity and reliability across diverse communities. Specifically, the Grants for the Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities program which funds transportation services planned, designed, and carried out to meet the special transportation needs of seniors and individuals with disabilities. By integrating innovative technologies and emphasizing sustainability, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law serves as a commitment to equitable and efficient public transit systems, ensuring improved accessibility for users.

To learn more about the federal transit programs applicable to this plan click the links below:

To learn more about the Coordinated Plan requirements and the Federal Transit Programs project solicitation and award, read the Introduction chapter in the PDF Plan.

Plan Development & Outreach

The development of this plan included outreach efforts to gather input from:

  • Public transit providers
  • Human service agencies
  • Veterans and veterans groups
  • Senior Citizens and senior citizen groups
  • Persons with disabilities and groups who represent and work with persons with disabilities

The outreach efforts included focus groups, one-on-one interviews, and a public survey to identify gaps in transit services. In addition, demographic, economic and travel pattern data was collected, mapped and analyzed. All the data collected was analyzed and transportation needs and gaps were identified and summarized, followed by a proposed action plan to help address the identified needs and gaps.

Demographic Profile

This section describes current data related to the demographic characteristics of seniors, individuals with disabilities, and low-income residents in the SEDA-COG/WATS MPO area. These target populations are the primary beneficiaries of FTA programs covered by this plan. Data for minority, female householder with children, journey to work, and other characteristics are also provided herein, because they commonly correlate to transit dependency.

Identifying potential transit demand is critical in transit planning. Transit demand represents two major categories of passengers: captive riders and non-captive or “choice” riders. The captive riders are those persons that must rely on transit services. They include many senior citizens, people with disabilities, students, and people who do not have access to an automobile. The non-captive riders are those persons who have a choice either to use public transportation or to use a private automobile. Socioeconomic characteristics provide a sound basis for identifying these potential riders, especially the captive riders.

Total Population

According to 2022 U.S. Census American Community Survey (ACS) 5-Year Estimates, 487,276 people live within the plan’s nine-county region. Since 2013, the region’s population has remained relatively stable or has only slightly declined. The region experienced a 1.8 percent decrease in population between 2018 and 2022 while the Commonwealth saw a 1.6 percent increase during the same period.

Population Density

Public transportation is most efficient and effective in densely populated areas. The region’s population density was 103 persons per square mile in 2022, lower than the statewide average of 290 persons per square mile. Northumberland County had the highest population density (about 200 persons per square mile) and Clinton County had the lowest (about 43 persons per square mile). The population densities of the remaining counties in the region were higher than the regional average except for Juniata and Lycoming counties (60 and 93 persons per square mile, respectively). The rather large land areas and considerable state forest/open space districts in several counties contribute to lower countywide population densities. Nevertheless, density can be an important factor for establishing public or human service transportation and/or determining the types of services to offer. As would be expected, the highest population densities are in or surrounding the region’s cities and boroughs.

Population 65 Years and Older

Persons 65 years of age and older are typically more reliant on public transportation compared to other age groups. It is also more common for these individuals to have limited income and experience challenges that limit their ability to operate a vehicle. Seniors accounted for 20.3 percent of the region’s total population in 2022, indicating a slightly older composition than the statewide figure of 18.74 percent.

Over the past decade, the region experienced a 15.6 percent increase in its senior population. During the same time period, Snyder County experienced the highest percent increase of seniors in the region at 25 percent. This figure trends similarly with the state’s percent change of 21.4 percent.

Low-Income Population

Individuals with low incomes tend to rely more heavily on public transportation, because they may not be able to afford an automobile, or they may decide not to use their limited income for costly automobile ownership expenses. The 2022 ACS indicated that 56,368 residents in the region were living below the poverty level, which represents 12.5 percent of the total population for whom poverty status is determined. The largest percentage of low-income residents was in Mifflin County at 16.7 percent; the smallest was in Snyder County at 8.4 percent.

Individuals with Disabilities

As part of the ACS, a person is counted as having a disability if they report any of the six following disability types: hearing difficulty, vision difficulty, cognitive difficulty, ambulatory difficulty, self-care difficulty, or independent living difficulty. Persons with these disabilities could be less likely to drive and therefore more likely to be dependent on public transportation than the general population; they could also be eligible for discounted transit fares. Although the ACS disability designation does not automatically mean that the disability impacts an individual’s mobility, it serves as an indicator of populations that may need additional transportation assistance.

In 2022, there were 71,006 individuals with disabilities living in the region—15.3 percent of the region’s total civilian non-institutionalized population. Northumberland County had the highest proportion of individuals with a disability at 16.7 percent, and Juniata County had the lowest at 13.3 percent.

Vehicle Availability

Owning or having access to a vehicle directly relates to an individual’s mobility choices. Households without at least one personal vehicle are more likely to depend on the mobility offered by public transit. People without access to a vehicle may rely on family, friends, or public transportation for trips that cannot be made on foot or by bicycle. Areas with significant urban populations often have a greater share of households without access to a vehicle than rural areas due to the availability of goods and services within walking distance and/or the availability of transit service.

While not owning a personal vehicle can be a lifestyle choice for residents of more urban areas, it can also be due to limiting factors such as low income or a disability. Especially in non-urban areas, carless households can be correlated with low-income households. Also, the SEDA-COG/WATS MPO area is home to significant Plain Sect populations, including Plain Sect, Old Order Mennonites, and other religious groups that do not own motorized vehicles. These groups are not documented directly in Census counts but are typically reflected in data on households without vehicle access.

The table below lists the number of households by county without a vehicle available, as reported for the 2022 ACS. On average, 9 percent of the region’s households had no vehicle available.

Source: 2022 ACS 5-Year Estimates

Montour County had the highest percentage of households with no vehicle available (10.3 percent). Further, Geisinger Hospital, a major employer, is at a walkable location in the urban core of the Borough of Danville, and Montour County has undertaken Walk/Bike to Work marketing efforts as part of their “Live Where You Work” Initiative discussed in the County’s Comprehensive Plan.

Female Head of Household with Children

The accompanying map presents data on females heading a household with no husband present, and with at least one child under 18 years of age who is a son or daughter by birth, a stepchild, or an adopted child of the householder residing in the home. This factor was chosen for inclusion in this plan because there is a correlation between this characteristic and transit dependency. Lycoming County had the highest percentage in the region of female householders with no husband present and a child less than 18 years old (9.8 percent).

Limited English Proficiency Population

Executive Order 13166 on Limited English Proficiency (LEP) requires all federally funded agencies to make services more accessible to eligible persons who are not proficient in the English language. LEP persons are those individuals who do not speak English as their primary language, and who also have a limited ability to read, speak, write, or understand English. These language barriers affect a person’s ability to obtain information about transportation services, navigate public transportation systems, understand signage, obtain a driver’s license, and communicate their transportation needs to policymakers.

According to 2022 Census data, the region’s LEP population percentage is 1.7 percent , compared to the statewide level of 4.5 percent. Lycoming County had the region’s highest overall number of LEP persons (1,243).

As expected, some more urban tracts have among the highest percentages. However, several rural, large land area tracts also pop out with the highest LEP percentages. This is likely influenced by the Plain Sect communities, and higher incidences of German and Other West Germanic languages primarily spoken at home by these residents. Also, the margins of error are considerably high for the language data. The presence of the Lewisburg/Allenwood Federal Prisons in Union County represents special cases that likely skew the percentages for the Census tracts containing these correctional facilities.

Non-Hispanic Minority Population

USDOT Order 5610.2(a) on Environmental Justice sets forth steps to prevent disproportionately high and adverse effects upon minority or low-income populations. In the order, “minority” means a person who is:

  1. Black: a person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa;
  2. Hispanic or Latino: a person of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race;
  3. Asian American: a person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent;
  4. American Indian and Alaska Native: a person having origins in any of the original people of North America, South America (including Central America), and who maintains cultural identification through tribal affiliation or community recognition; or
  5. Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander: a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands.

The region’s non-Hispanic minority population percentage was 5.9 percent, much lower than the statewide figure of 17.4 percent. Lycoming County had the region’s highest overall number of non-Hispanic minority residents (10,202) and both Lycoming and Union County had the highest proportions (8.9 percent).

 As expected, the urban Williamsport area tracts have among the highest percentages. The presence of the Lewisburg/Allenwood Federal Prisons in Union County and the Coal Township State Prison in Northumberland County represent special cases that likely skew the percentages for the Census tracts containing these correctional facilities.

Hispanic or Latino Minority Population

As noted previously, the USDOT considers Hispanic or Latino to be a minority population, whereas the U.S. Census Bureau recognizes that Hispanic or Latino is technically an ethnicity, with persons of Hispanic origin possibly being of any race. Statistics associated with Hispanic-origin populations are used in numerous social justice programs and are vital in making policy decisions. There can be a correlation between Hispanic origin and transit dependency. In addition, Hispanic migrant or seasonal workers that sometimes reside in the area could be reliant on public transportation.

The region’s Hispanic minority population percentage was 3.1 percent, compared to the statewide level of 8.1 percent. Northumberland County had the region’s highest overall number of Hispanic residents (3,879), while Union County had the highest percentage of Hispanic residents (5.6 percent).

As would be expected, the more urban tracts have among the highest percentages of Hispanic residents. The presence of United States Penitentiaries at Lewisburg and Allenwood in Union County, and the State Correctional Institution at Coal Township in Northumberland County, represent special cases that likely skew the percentages for the Census tracts containing these correctional facilities.

Transportation to Work

Driving to work alone is, by far, the most common method of commuting for the region’s workers, as it is for most Pennsylvanians. As of 2022, about 78 percent of the region’s workforce (those workers 16 years and over) drove alone to work, and 71 percent of Pennsylvanians commuted via single-occupant vehicles. The region’s carpooling and walk to work means also corresponded with the statewide percentages. However, only 0.5 percent of the region’s workers used public transportation for traveling to work, while 4.3 percent of Pennsylvanians used public transportation for commuting. Just over 7 percent of the region’s workforce worked from home with no commute, trailing behind Pennsylvania’s average of 11.8 percent.


The need for and the nature of public transportation and human services in an area relates to the employment conditions. According to the U.S. Census Bureau’s Longitudinal Employer Household Dynamics (LEHD) Quarterly Workforce Indicators (QWI) data for the 1st quarter of 2023, employment in the region totaled 182,870 jobs.

The table below shows the job numbers by county and their percentage of the regional total. Over half of the jobs in the region were in three counties: Lycoming, Northumberland, and Columbia.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, LEHD QWI for 1st Quarter 2023

The City of Williamsport in Lycoming County was the region’s top employment center in 2021 (latest available Census data), with almost 20,000 jobs, followed by Montour County’s Mahoning Township with 12,476 jobs, and Lycoming County’s Loyalsock Township with 6,163 jobs. The top 10 municipalities, by jobs, are presented in the table below. Together, these municipalities comprised 38.2 percent of the nine-county region’s job totals. Overall, most of the top workplace destinations in the area are concentrated along the major transportation corridors, including US 11, US 15, US 220, I-80 and I-180. Major employment concentrations are a good indicator of land use patterns supportive of transit for work trips.

Within the plan area, there are several major business and community activity centers. These centers serve as logical destinations or generators for many transportation trips. These attractions include medical centers, large retail establishments and shopping centers, senior citizen facilities (i.e., nursing/retirement homes and senior centers), post-secondary schools, government centers, and public social service agencies. The accompanying table (on the left-hand side of the screen) uses the PA Department of Labor & Industry’s Center for Workforce Information & Analysis to identify major employers by county. Comparing these employer locations to the areas exhibiting higher transit-dependent characteristics (discussed earlier in this profile) can indicate the likely travel patterns and destinations for persons using public transportation to meet mobility needs.

To read more about the demographic and economic characteristics of the region, read the Demographic Profile section of the PDF Plan.

Existing Transportation Services

The SEDA-COG/WATS MPO region is served by a variety of public transportation services, including fixed-route, demand-responsive, intercity bus, and taxi services. Assessing existing public transportation resources is fundamental to developing a coordinated public transit-human services transportation plan. A list of known current transportation providers (public, private, and non-profit) was compiled to shape a picture of what public transportation services are currently available. Most of the transportation services provided in the SEDA-COG MPO region are shared-ride/demand-responsive, primarily serving the needs of seniors, persons with disabilities, and low-income users. Fixed-route transit systems serve urban areas and towns in more heavily populated rural areas. In addition, Amtrak has a station stop in Lewistown, Mifflin County, making passenger rail service available to the region’s population. Fullington Bus offers stops in the region on its intercity bus service. Since the previous report, several local taxi companies have ceased service, leaving the area with two taxi companies offering limited service. There is no evidence of any Transportation Network Company (TNC) (e.g., Uber, Lyft) playing a significant role in meeting transportation needs outside of Williamsport.

Transit Operator Profiles

The transit operators serving the region are briefly described below. A detailed description of each operator, the services provided, ridership and financial information can be requested from the operators or PennDOT.


As noted above, the fixed route transit providers include River Valley Transit Authority (RVTA) and Lower Anthracite Transit System (LATS), as shown on the accompanying map. Also shown in the map is the Fullington Trailways/Greyhound Bus routes.

River Valley Transit Authority (RVTA)

RVTA provides fixed-route transit service in the Greater Williamsport area, including the City of Williamsport; the boroughs of Duboistown, Hughesville, Jersey Shore, Montgomery, Montoursville, Muncy, and South Williamsport; and the townships of Loyalsock, Old Lycoming, Piatt, and Woodward. RVTA was originally an office of the City of Williamsport but is now a municipal transportation authority. It is funded from state and federal grants with local matching funds and passenger revenue.

The RVTA system consists of 19 routes, which include several variations in terms of operations, ridership, revenue, and performance. In 2022, RVTA provided nearly 1.3 million total passenger trips; senior citizen ridership totaled more than 200,000 passenger trips. The RVTA system operates Monday through Saturday from 5:30 a.m. to 11:45 p.m. However, most bus service ends by 7:00 p.m., with a “Super Nightline” route comprised of two buses serving an east and west alignment that operate between 7:00 p.m. and 11:45 p.m. RVTA does not operate Sunday service.

The base cash fare to ride an RVTA fixed-route bus is $2.00; children aged five and under ride for free when accompanied by a fare-paying adult. Transfers are issued free of charge for the next available bus and are valid for one hour from the time the transfer is issued. All RVTA transit vehicles have electronic validating fareboxes that count passengers as they board and pay fares, thus assisting RVTA in providing more detailed analysis on the performance of each route. A variety of discounted fare programs and multi-ride options are available which lower the cost per ride. These programs include discounted tokens (four tokens for $5.00), $1.00 for youths under the age of 17, and free transportation for riders 60 or older. Discounted fare programs for students, persons with disabilities, and senior citizens are predicated on the rider meeting certain eligibility conditions and showing proper identification. Persons with disabilities ride RVTA for $1.00 on weekdays between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. and ride for free on Saturdays and designated holidays. Senior citizens (60+) ride RVTA for free any time of the day. Fares for riders aged 65 and older are covered under the Lottery-funded Free Transit Program for Senior Citizens, and fares for riders ages 60 to 64 are sponsored by the Bi-County Office of the Aging. In addition, students, faculty, and staff from Lycoming College and the Pennsylvania College of Technology ride RVTA for free any time of the day under a contractual arrangement between RVTA and the colleges.

ADA complementary paratransit service is provided by River Valley Transit Plus, which is operated by STEP Transportation under contract to RVTA and in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. This service is available to individuals who are unable to use accessible fixed-route transportation because of a disability. Rides are available during the same operating hours as the fixed-route service, with comparable fares. Service must be provided to locations within ¾ of a mile of the RVTA routes. RVTA certifies clients as eligible for the paratransit service. STEP Transportation is responsible for accepting reservations and providing transportation. The ADA paratransit service fare is twice the RVTA base fare. 

Learn more about RVTA by visiting their website or reading the 2024 Ride Guide:

Lower Anthracite Transit System (LATS)

LATS operates ADA-accessible, fixed-route bus service over three routes in the lower Northumberland County area in and between the City of Shamokin, Coal Township, and the boroughs of Kulpmont, Marion Heights, and Mount Carmel. The system is operated and managed by the Borough of Mount Carmel. It is funded mainly by state and federal grants and local matching funds. Revenue is also generated by passenger fares. In 2022, LATS provided more than 20,000 total passenger trips; senior citizen ridership totaled almost 9,000 passenger trips.

The LATS service operates Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., and Saturday service runs between 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Recently, LATS has worked with its bus operator (Catawese Coach) to establish a new service route to Knoebel’s Amusement Park that runs mostly during the week and on some weekends during park operations. During the spring and fall, LATS also operates a Saturday route to the Susquehanna Valley Mall in Selinsgrove and the Monroe Marketplace in Shamokin Dam. In late 2023, LATS expanded its fleet with plans to create a Sunbury Route bringing passengers from Mount Carmel and Shamokin into Sunbury.

The base cash fare to ride a LATS fixed-route bus depends on the origin and destination (i.e., zone or distance-based), with fares starting at $1.00. Discounted fare programs are available for senior citizens (65+) and persons with disabilities by meeting certain eligibility conditions and showing proper identification. Senior citizens ride LATS for free with the trips paid for through the Lottery-funded Free Transit Program for Senior Citizens. Children up to the age of four ride free; children between the ages of five and ten ride for $0.50 per trip (all children must be accompanied by a fare-paying adult passenger). LATS also offers frequent-rider passes and monthly passes for a discounted rate. ADA complementary paratransit service in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 is available to individuals who are unable to use the LATS accessible fixed-route buses because of a disability. Rides are available during the same operating hours as the fixed-route service with comparable fares. Service is available within ¾ of a mile of the LATS routes. Responsibility for service delivery has been contracted to rabbittransit, which is the shared-ride provider serving Northumberland County.

Learn more about LATS by visiting their website:


Each shared-ride operator provides service for any trip purpose (e.g., medical, shopping, senior centers, etc.). Most of the trips provided by the systems are subsidized or are provided at no charge to program clients. Shared-ride services are open to the general public; however the full general public fare is relatively high, which discourages use by unsubsidized passengers. Various levels of coordination are occurring among the demand-responsive systems in the plan area, with each of the systems coordinating cross-county trips with at least one other provider. Coordination among the systems typically involves transferring passengers at county borders, or at specific areas or major destination points.

Call A Ride Service, Inc. (CARS)

CARS is a private, non-profit organization that provides door to-door demand-responsive transit services to any resident of Mifflin County or Juniata County. Program services cover Senior Shared-Ride, Persons with Disabilities (PwD), Area Agency on Aging, Medical Assistance Transportation (MATP), and the general public. Regularly served destinations are senior centers, hospitals, dialysis clinics, grocery stores, employment locations, and social service agencies. Service hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., although CARS recently started offering some evening and Saturday services for dialysis patients. Passenger fares are distance-based, with discounted or free fares provided to program clients, and the full fare charged to the general public. In 2024 CARS will provide on average more than 3,000 trips per month.

Learn more about CARS by visiting their website:


The Susquehanna Regional Transportation Authority (SRTA) is known locally as rabbittransit and provides shared ride services for an 11-county area in central Pennsylvania that includes Adams, Columbia, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Montour, Northumberland, Perry, Snyder, Union and York Counties. In the SEDA-COG MPO region, the Commissioners of Columbia, Montour, Northumberland, Snyder, and Union Counties appointed rabbittransit as their Shared Ride Coordinator to reduce costs, streamline operations, reduce artificial county line barriers, and take advantage of technological advancements.

Origin-to-destination demand responsive transit service is provided by rabbittransit to any resident of Columbia, Montour, Northumberland, Snyder, or Union Counties. Program services cover Senior Shared Ride, Persons with Disabilities (PwD), Area Agency on Aging, Medical Assistance Transportation Program (MATP), Mental Health/Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities (MH/IDD), Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA and PwD), Veterans Transportation and the general public. Registration through an application process is required. rabbittransit uses subcontractors for some trips if necessary.

Regularly served destinations include Geisinger Medical Center and other area hospitals, dialysis centers, VA medical centers, grocery stores and food banks, Walmarts, social service agencies, senior centers, shopping centers, and employers. Passenger fares are distance based, with discounted or no-cost-to-rider fares provided under various programs to eligible individuals. Full fare rates apply to those individuals who are not sponsored by a program.

In FY2023 rabbittransit provided nearly 154,000 total passenger trips within the 5-county area; senior citizen ridership totaled more than 63,000 passenger trips.

Beyond its regular shared ride service, rabbittransit launched a transportation pilot brokerage project in 2018 with funding from Geisinger to assist patients who face transportation challenges in attending medical appointments. This pilot has since matured into a comprehensive value-added service program covering a 50-mile radius around Geisinger’s Danville hospital, and a 25-mile radius around Geisinger’s Scranton hospital.

Since April 2018, rabbittransit has been providing origin-to-destination transportation for patients that come through a referral process initiated by community health assistants, social workers, patient navigators, etc. Approximately 66% of total trips were focused on medical necessity. Recently, there has been a notable increase in demand, with 34% of trips now including requests for food access and social services.

Trips suitable for other shared ride providers within the program's scope of service are overseen by rabbittransit’s Mobility Management (4Ride) team, with subcontractors brought in as required. The transportation data gathered aids in expanding necessary services and optimizing the efficiency of the public transit system.

Learn more about rabbittransit by visiting their website or reading their Paratransit/Shared Ride guide:

rabbittransit – Stop Hopper

rabbittransit’s Stop Hopper service is an app-driven, on-demand, origin-to-destination shuttle service that operates in 3 zones in the SEDA-COG area: Bloomsburg to Danville, Lewisburg to Milton, and Selinsgrove to Sunbury. This microtransit service allows users to request and schedule rides within a specific zone using the StopHopper smartphone app. The app provides an estimated pick-up time, tracks rides in real-time, and provides an alert for vehicle arrival. In FY2023, Stop Hopper provided nearly 31,000 trips. Planning efforts for future expansion and addition of more microtransit zones in identified areas are underway.

Learn more about rabbittransit's Stop Hopper by visiting their website:

STEP, Inc.

STEP Transportation is a program within the Lycoming-Clinton Counties Commission for Community Action, a private, non-profit community action agency. Door-to-door shared-ride service is available through STEP Transportation to residents of Clinton and Lycoming counties. Program services cover Senior Shared-Ride, Persons with Disabilities (PwD), Area Agency on Aging (AAA), Medical Assistance Transportation Program (MATP), Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Welfare to Work (W2W), and the general public. The STEP service area encompasses Lycoming, Clinton, Centre, Columbia, Montour, Northumberland, Snyder, and Union counties; the system also provides MATP trips throughout Pennsylvania as needed. STEP recently launched three Designated Stop Program public service routes in Clinton County: Mill Hall to Lock Haven, Renovo to Lock Haven, and Lock Haven to Jersey Shore and Williamsport. Other regularly served destinations include Geisinger Medical Center, the Eye Center of Central Pennsylvania, UPMC Susquehanna Health System, dialysis units, senior centers, and the STEP Office of Aging. Services hours are Monday through Friday from 5:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. with varying hours for Designated Stops. Passenger fares are distance-based, with discounted or free fares provided to program clients, and the full fare charged to individuals without program sponsorship. In 2024, STEP reported providing approximately 7,000 trips per month.

Transportation Needs Assessment and Gaps

This section documents the public transportation needs identified through analysis and outreach completed in 2024, including:

  • Stakeholder Focus Group Meetings: Meetings were held with transportation providers, human service agencies, veterans' groups, senior citizen groups, healthcare providers, persons with disabilities, and tribal nations.
  • Passenger Experience Interviews: Individual rider interviews were conducted with senior citizens, veterans, and persons with disabilities across the transportation providers to help capture individual trip experiences.
  • Public Survey: An online public survey was conducted to gather input from the general public, including transit riders.

Stakeholder Focus Group Meetings

An important step in developing this Coordinated Plan was to meet and gather input from key stakeholders who are involved in delivering transportation or are agencies/providers who work with senior citizens, persons with disabilities, and/or veterans on a daily basis. Stakeholders who depend on public transportation to provide their clients with access to the services they offer are integral to understanding current transportation options as well as the challenges, unmet needs, and service gaps that confront their clients. The planning team invited individuals to focused meetings of the following categories:

  • Area Agencies on Aging and human service agencies
  • Healthcare providers and nursing homes
  • Persons with disabilities
  • Veterans
  • Tribal nations
  • Transportation providers

Over two dozen people participated in the meetings, and several written responses were received from people unable to participate in the discussion. No one from a tribal nation attended the stakeholder meetings. The following summarizes the findings from the meetings with area agencies on aging and human service agencies, healthcare providers and nursing homes, agencies representing persons with disabilities, agencies representing veterans, and transportation providers.

Passenger Experience Interviews

A way to glean an understanding of the true passenger experience of people with disabilities, senior citizens, and veterans in using public transportation/shared-ride or other means of transportation to meet their daily transportation requirements is to conduct direct interviews with individuals. The planning team conducted one-on-one interviews with eight individuals about their transportation needs, experiences, and the challenges they face in getting their transportation needs met in the region. The individuals were identified through the stakeholder focus group meetings described in the previous section of this report. Each individual volunteered to be interviewed with the understanding that their identity would be kept anonymous in the report. The following summarizes highlights from each interview.


Ms. A is a 93-year-old residing in Lewisburg without a car. She uses both rabbittransit shared-ride and Stop Hopper to meet her travel needs. She has used shared-ride service for more than 18 years. She learned about shared-ride service from friends and about Stop Hopper from the newspaper. Being a senior, she pays only 15 percent of the fare on shared-ride. She rides free on Stop Hopper, which is very important to her—she is on a fixed income and every penny counts. She only uses a cane for stability. Ms. A has a smartphone, an iPad, a Kindle, and a computer with Internet service. Recently she has been able to use  Find My Ride  and makes reservations through her smartphone.

Ms. A uses shared-ride to go to doctor appointments and Stop Hopper to return home rather than wait a long time for a return trip. She also uses shared-ride for travel to longer-distance destinations. Stop Hopper takes her to the grocery store, Walmart, and other in-town destinations. She appreciates the Stop Hopper driver helping her with groceries.

Ms. A finds making reservations usually easy and quick. She appreciates the calls in advance of the vehicle's arrival. She likes the drivers, appreciates their assistance, and feels safe with them. Ms. A likes having an account from which her shared-ride fares are drawn rather than paying on the vehicle. Shared-ride normally gets her to doctor appointments on time. She likes the fact that Stop Hopper allows her to make doctor's appointments later in the day.

Ms. A Key Takeaways

  • Ms. A would appreciate more communication when the vehicle is late.
  • Ms. A believes that the newspaper and word of mouth are the most effective ways to spread information about the service.
  • Ease of payment through an account with the transit provider is important.
  • She believes Stop Hopper provides an important service and believes local officials should support the service to ensure that it continues.

Read about more about the passenger experience interviews and rider profiles in the Passenger Experience Interviews section of the Transportation Needs Assessment and Gaps chapter in the PDF plan.

Public Survey

A public survey was developed and conducted as part of the planning process to gather input from the general public, transit riders, seniors, veterans, low-income individuals, and people with disabilities about their transportation needs and the challenges that they face with transportation. A set of survey questions was developed and tested. Most questions were multiple choice or involved selecting priorities from lists. The survey questions are provided in Appendix B. The survey was primarily conducted as an online survey in Microsoft Forms. A survey kit was developed that included email communications, QR code links, and flyers that could be posted or distributed to people to complete the surveys. The survey was distributed with the survey kit to the following groups to distribute via email and social media:

  • County offices
  • Transit providers
  • Human service agencies
  • Senior centers
  • Veterans’ offices
  • Other related groups

The survey was opened on May 7, 2024 and was closed on June 10, 2024. The planning team received 90 completed surveys.


  • About half of the people completing the survey are regular transit riders and about half report that they have never used transit. Of those riding transit, the majority use rabbittransit services.
  • About 70 percent of those completing the survey are female, 22 percent are male, and 2 percent are transgender. The remainder did not want to report their gender.
  • Sixty-two percent of respondents are aged 18-64, while the remainder are over 65 with 18 percent of respondents 75 or older.
  • The vast majority (90 percent) of respondents report as White or Caucasian with the remainder reporting as Black/African American and Hispanic or “other.”
  • Ninety-eight percent of respondents reported as non-Hispanic ethnicity.
  • Twelve percent of respondents reported that they are veterans.
  • Eleven percent reported that they do not have a smartphone.
  • Seventy percent of survey respondents have a car or have access to a car while 30 percent report that they have no access to a car, even through friends/family.

The following summarizes results and key findings.

As shown in the figure below, 21 percent of respondents have a household income of less than $15,000 per year and 40 percent have a household income of less than $25,000 per year. For people in these income categories, bus fare or co-pays can consume a significant portion of their income per year. For example, for a person taking 10 one-way trips per week at a cost of $2.00 per trip, the annual cost is $1,120. To someone in the lower income categories, it represents a large percentage of their income and can have a significant impact on their ability to afford groceries, utilities, and/or medical expenses.

A large percentage of the survey respondents (69 percent) participate in some form of government service.

Survey Findings

The survey findings related to needs and gaps in meeting transportation needs for senior citizens, low-income individuals, people with disabilities, and veterans are summarized in the following bullets:

  • The top three reasons why people do not use or no longer use public transportation (beyond preferring to drive themselves) are infrequent service, travel takes too long, and service is not offered to locations where the person needs to go.
  • The top three purposes for using public transportation are medical appointments, grocery shopping, and employment/training. All are essential trips, making the service in this region a lifeline for people who rely on it.
  • Fifty percent of people using transit report that they ride for free, while only 19 percent report that they regularly pay more than $2 per trip.
  • When asked what is the most they are willing to pay for a trip, only 10 percent said zero, while 33 percent stated they would pay $2 or more per trip. This indicates that people know they are getting good value for the service and will pay, but only a relatively low price.
  • Most people who use public transportation reported that they typically spend between $10 and $20 per week on fares, with some reporting more—up to $30 per week.
  • Riders reported that they have experienced late or missed trips for medical appointments, work, and grocery shopping in the past 6 months.
  • The majority of people (79 percent) report they most need transportation during the day Monday through Friday, with 11 percent needing trips on Saturdays and Sundays and less than 7 percent needing trips on weekday evenings or nights.
  • As shown in the following figure, respondents were asked to rank importance of strategies to improve public transportation. The most important items included more service in rural areas, more information if a ride is going to be late, increased reliability, and prioritizing medical appointments.
  • Most people reported hearing about transportation by word of mouth, social media, or through a case worker.
  • Respondents ranked direct mailing and social media as the best ways to advertise services.
  • When asked what locations they would like to go to that are not available to them today, respondents indicated a variety of destinations, as shown below.

Transportation Needs and Gaps Identified through Data Analysis and Surveys

The transportation needs and gaps identified during the planning process through the interviews, surveys, and other data collection are highlighted in this section.

Strategies to Address Gaps

Progress Since Last Plan (Status Update)

The needs/gaps were identified in the previous section of this report. They reflect the importance of public transportation for providing mobility for seniors, veterans, low-income individuals, and persons with disabilities who need to access jobs, shopping, and medical appointments. It is understood that efforts to create a fully coordinated public transit-human services transportation system are challenging and will probably not be measured in years but in decades. Since the last Coordinated Plan, the region has made significant strides in improving its coordinated transportation system, including:

  • Further consolidation and coordination of transit services in the region;
  • Implementing the Stop Hopper microtransit service; Implementing the Find My Ride Application for trip scheduling;
  • River Valley Transit forming into a Transit Authority;
  • Transit maintenance and storage facility improvements advancing, with some now in design; Participating in the PennDOT Same-Day Trip Scheduling Pilot;
  • and Surviving and recovering from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Strategies to Meet Primary Regional Transportation Needs

Transportation needs will always be greater than the funding available to tackle them. However, this plan aims to institute a more coordinated approach to satisfying transportation needs, eliminating inefficiencies, spurring collaboration in service delivery, and prioritizing warranted improvements. Below are strategies to overcome primary regional needs based on outreach and analysis of regional data, and to integrate alternative improvement concepts from prior assessments. The strategies are grouped into three categories:

The strategies are included in the following table for each of the categories above. The table also identifies the type of need addressed by each strategy and the timeframe associated with the action strategy. The proposals have been categorized into three implementation timeframes: near- (1-3 years), mid- (3-6 years) and long-term (beyond 6 years). The assigned timeframes reflect various factors, including:

  • Revisions to existing versus entirely new programs or services.
  • Institutional complexity (e.g., number and type of entities involved and the likelihood of obtaining the necessary buy-in).
  • Lead time required to plan and properly execute a transition.
  • Whether new funding would be required, and the relative amount of funds required.

Some strategies for meeting regional needs or service gaps have already been approved by the SEDA-COG and WATS MPOs and included in their respective Transit Transportation Improvement Programs. Establishing additional fiscally constrained priorities requires further coordination with regional providers and consumers of public transportation. The MPOs will do their part to advocate for high-priority projects and call for prudent regulatory changes and increased program flexibility that will improve public transportation.

PennDOT Studying Shared-Ride Model: Note that concurrent with Coordinated Plan development, PennDOT was working on a statewide study to examine the shared-ride funding and service delivery crisis. The study aims to develop options to stabilize funding and explore new models for delivering service and establishing fares and structures. As of the completion of this plan, the PennDOT study has not yet been completed and released. It is recommended that the counties, public transit providers, and other stakeholders involved work together with PennDOT and the Pennsylvania State Legislature to improve/reinvent community transportation from the model that started in the 1980s to better meet today’s needs.

Draft Plan Review and Comment Period

The detailed PDF Coordinated Plan is available for review and public comment until DATE. Click the button below to download a copy!

Have any questions or concerns? Use the contact information below.

Source: 2022 ACS 5-Year Estimates

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, LEHD QWI for 1st Quarter 2023