Ice Age Trail Communities
Hiker destinations for Ice Age Trail enthusiasts
Hiker destinations for Ice Age Trail enthusiasts
By becoming an Ice Age Trail Community, they show their support for the Trail and recognize Trail users as important players in their local economies.
As you follow the path of the Ice Age Trail, you’ll go through or near hundreds of Wisconsin communities. When you visit one that’s an official Ice Age Trail Community, you’ll know you’re visiting a place that values the Trail, understands its impact on the quality of life for its residents and visitors, and supports the work of the Ice Age Trail Alliance. You’ll be in a hiker-friendly community, so support its businesses; take a shopping break, stop for a bite to eat, grab a drink—explore what makes the community unique, and enjoy your time.
Before heading out check the Trail Alerts Dashboard for current trail alerts and updates. Visit our online store for full versions, both print and electronic, of our Guidebook and Atlas.
Exploring our Trail Communities is an excellent way to dive deep into the Wisconsin experience of supper clubs and the tall tales told at the local watering holes. Grab a coffee and a sweet treat from a local bakery and check out one-of-a-kind treasures only found in small-town shops!
Remember to visit 3 Trail Communities during the Mammoth Hike Challenge to earn your certificate and patch.