Canadian Shield Landform.
Location: Labrador,Quebec,Ontario,Manitoba,Saskatchewan, Alberta,NW Territories,Nunavut,Arctic Archipelago. Cities: Thunder Bay, Sudbury.
Rough outline of the Canadian Shield
The rocks that are found in the Canadian Shield are sedimentary and igneous rocks, the region was formed through plate tectonics, erosion and glaciation. As for the physical features, the Canadian Shield is mainly rocks, plateaus, lakes, rivers and wetlands.
The economy in the Canadian Shield is based mainly mining, due to the Canadian Shield being one of the richest areas in terms of mineral ores.
Mining in the Canadian Shield
Amethyst Mine Panorama
An Amethyst!
What affects the climate around the Canadian Shield is its wind and air masses, ocean currents (the one affecting the Canadian Shield would be Labrador), the Canadian Shield's elevation, and its nearness to water.
What this animation shows is that the more time that passes, and with the global climate getting hotter and hotter, the severity of seasonal forest fires are going to get worse and worse.