High Bridge and the Jerome Park Reservoir
Innovation Across Three Centuries
Many of us New Yorkers are used to living with lots of people. You probably live with lots of folks too in your house or apartment.
When you or someone in your family goes to the bathroom, where does it go? When you fill a glass of water to drink, where does it come from?
In the 1800s in New York City, people lived just like us in smaller homes or apartments. However, people weren't so lucky to have toilets and sinks. In fact, people and factories had to dump their waste right into whatever water source was nearby! And in many cases, that was the same water source where your drinking water came from...
Creating the Croton System
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Looking North
If a city does not have enough fresh water, that could lead to many problems.
This inspired engineers to look elsewhere for a source of clean, plentiful water.
The Bronx River was the first choice, but it was determined that that might not have been enough water.
The Bronx River at the beginning of the 20th century. Image Credit: NYPL Digital Collections

The Final Choice
By the 1840s, New York City's engineers decided to dam the Croton River, almost 40 miles away from the crowded city. The new water source included the Croton River and its surrounding smaller rivers, or tributaries. The entire area was known as the Croton Watershed. This location was far enough from a large population to stay clean, and provided enough water for the growing city.
An engraving from 1887 depicting the Croton Watershed. Image Credit: Scientific American via Wikimedia Commons

How does water travel more than 40 miles?
Imagine the Croton River running through tall hills. Then, think of midtown Manhattan which is much flatter and lower - as low as the rivers surrounding it.
If you were to pour water from a hill to a lower valley, which direction would the water flow?
An impressive aqueduct, or tunnel for water, carried the water underground all the way from the Croton Watershed down into Manhattan. When the aqueduct reached the Bronx, it was carried over the Harlem River by a magnificent bridge called the High Bridge.
The High Bridge as viewed from the Bronx in 1916. Image Credit: NYC DEP via Flickr
Building High Bridge
High Standards
The High Bridge, completed in 1848, is the oldest remaining bridge in New York City. It stands at 140 feet above the water, and was originally built with 14 stone arches crossing the water.
A diagram of the arches for the High Bridge. Image Credit: NYC DEP via Flickr
Under Pressure
Upper Manhattan needed water as well. Because these neighborhoods are on hills higher than the aqueduct, it was challenging to get the water to residents. In 1872, a water tower was constructed at today's High Bridge Park to store the water. The gravity pumps it back out so the water has enough pressure to travel further.
The water tower rises over the bridge path. Image Credit: Roy Smith via Wikimedia Commons
Making a Splash
The water for the water tower was stored in a reservoir right at its bottom. A reservoir is a human-engineered lake or structure where usable water is stored. In the 1930s, that reservoir became the popular High Bridge Pool.
An 1871 illustration of the High Bridge. Image Credit: NYPL Digital Collections
Changing Times
By 1928, New York City had grown even more as a place for business. This led to ships going up and down the Harlem River, some ships being quite tall and difficult to fit under the bridge. To make it easier for ships to pass underneath, the High Bridge was redesigned. Several of the original stone arches were replaced with a large steel arch.
The High Bridge's steel arch can be seen from far away. Image Credit: Jim Henderson via Wikimedia Commons
A Destination
New Yorkers were excited to have fresh water. They were also excited about their new, beautiful bridge. Many would travel uptown to marvel at it. Others would visit to stroll across the path on the top of the bridge. Some came to have a picnic while watching the others
Today, you can still walk across the High Bridge from Manhattan to the Bronx, or vice versa.
People enjoying a day at the bridge. Image Credit: GRANGER
Form and Function
While certainly a beautiful landmark, it's important to remember that the High Bridge had a purpose. For many years, a 36-inch (almost as tall as a 4-year old child!) pipe beneath the pedestrian walkway carried New York's drinking water. The image to the right is the pipe today.
A view of the pipe beneath the path on the High Bridge. Image Credit: Steve Duncan
The Croton system supplied water to New York City well - too well, in fact. New York City residents and businesses were very excited to have so much fresh clean water to use. They were so excited that supply from the Croton system could not keep up with the demand. In the 1890s, a "New" Croton Aqueduct system was proposed that would supply even more water to the city. The new system would require an even bigger reservoir. In 1895, construction began on the Jerome Park Reservoir.
The Jerome Park Reservoir
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High Hopes
The West Bronx, where the Jerome Park Reservoir is located, is pretty high in elevation. Hills and valleys carved by glaciers create a dramatic landscape. During the Revolutionary War, this was a strategic location for watching the movement of British troops. In the image to the right, a street behind the reservoir winds its way up a hill.
The neighborhoods surrounding Jerome Park are quite hilly. Image Credit: Ira Leviton via Wikimedia Commons
The Countryside
In the 1800s, the Bronx was very different than it is today. It was the countryside, a place where wealthy people would come to play. In fact, today's location for the Jerome Park Reservoir was where you could find a racetrack, where horses were raced by the city’s wealthiest families.
The races at Jerome Park. Image Credit: Harper's Weekly via Wikimedia Commons
Like a Rock
One reason why the location of the reservoir was chosen is that it sits within sturdy, ancient Fordham gneiss. This rock is so old, it appeared hundreds of millions of years before even the Tyrannosaurus Rex roamed the planet. This metamorphic rock is 1.1 billion years old!
Also, in order to build the reservoir, the Fordham gneiss had to be blasted. This process involved drilling into the rocks, then setting off large quantities of dynamite.Once completed, the stone walls and floor made it easier to contain the millions of gallons of water it would eventually hold.
Fordham gneiss can be seen along the perimeter of the reservoir. Image Credit: Amelia Zaino
The Jerome Park Reservoir
The Jerome Park Reservoir was completed in 1906. It currently has two basins, or large containers, holding water from the Croton Watershed. Originally, it was supposed to extend all the way to Jerome Avenue, but the project ran low on money.
A view of the west basin of the Jerome Park Reservoir in 1906. Image Credit: New York Aqueduct Commission
Explore the map below to view the original plan for the Jerome Park Reservoir. Swipe left and right to see the transformation! What appears to have changed? Use the zoom buttons to help you.
Map Credit: Unknown
Serious Storage
The reservoir can hold up to 773 million gallons of water. New York City currently uses about 1,000 million gallons every single day.
A view of the Jerome Park Reservoir. Image Credit: Amelia Zaino
The gatehouses have an important role - control the flow of water in and out of the reservoir. They are now landmarked, noted for their charming architecture.
Gatehouse #5 Is located at Goulden Avenue and West 205th Street. Image Credit: Ian Effendi via Flickr.
Gates were controlled by iron valves that needed to be turned by hand.
The valves inside the gatehouse. Image Credit: National Register of Historic Places
Tough Security
Because the Jerome Park Reservoir is in active use, it must be protected. Two fences and 24/7 security patrols keep the water safe.
In the image, the water had been temporarily drained for construction, but that did not mean that security would be compromised! Image Credit: NYCH2O
Cool Neighbors
People who live and work in the neighborhood surrounding the reservoir have noticed some interesting neighbors such as red-tailed hawks!
Red-tailed hawks can be found in pairs. Image Credit: NYCH2O
New York City's Water in the 21st Century
It takes a lot of engineering, creativity, and labor to bring us the water we enjoy. As we move into the 21st Century, new technology continues to keep our water safe and delicious. Explore the map below to learn about our modern water supply, powered by the Croton Watershed and the Catskill/Delaware Watershed.
Click the buttons below to explore Jerome Park and our modern water system.
This filtration plant, deep below Van Cortlandt Park, uses ultraviolet light and chlorine to kill any bacteria from the water stored in the Jerome Park Reservoir.
Workers in the filtration plant. Image Credit: NYC DEP via Flickr
Further north, explore the watersheds that make our water system possible!
Thank you for joining us today! We hope you learned a few things about how New York City gets its water, and where the Bronx plays an important role in keeping New Yorkers happy and hydrated.
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