Hong Kong Island Coastal Trail

景點列表 Points of interest

中西區海濱長廊—中環段 Central and Western District Promenada - Central Section

中西區海濱長廊—中環段 Central and Western District Promenada - Central Section. Click to expand.


香港摩天輪 Hong Kong Observation Wheel

香港摩天輪 Hong Kong Observation Wheel. Click to expand.


香港海事博物館 Hong Kong Maritime Museum

香港海事博物館 Hong Kong Maritime Museum. Click to expand.


中西區海濱長廊—上環段 Central and Western District Promenade - Sheung Wan Section

中西區海濱長廊—上環段 Central and Western District Promenade - Sheung Wan Section. Click to expand.


中山紀念公園 Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park

中山紀念公園 Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park. Click to expand.


西區副食品批發市場Western Wholesale Food Market

西區副食品批發市場Western Wholesale Food Market. Click to expand.


堅尼地城海旁 Kennedy Town Waterfront

堅尼地城海旁 Kennedy Town Waterfront. Click to expand.


加多近街臨時花園 Cadogan Street Temporary Park

加多近街臨時花園 Cadogan Street Temporary Park. Click to expand.


東華痘局紀念公園 Tung Wah Smallpox Hospital Memorial Arch

東華痘局紀念公園 Tung Wah Smallpox Hospital Memorial Arch. Click to expand.


維多利亞城界碑 Victoria City Boundary Stone 1903

維多利亞城界碑 Victoria City Boundary Stone 1903. Click to expand.


西環鐘聲泳棚Sai Wan Swimming Shed

西環鐘聲泳棚Sai Wan Swimming Shed. Click to expand.


芝加哥大學香港校園(前域多利道扣押中心) University of Chicago Campus (Ex-Victoria Detention Centre)

芝加哥大學香港校園(前域多利道扣押中心) University of Chicago Campus (Ex-Victoria Detention Centre). Click to expand.


大口環石灘 Sandy Bay Rocky Beach

大口環石灘 Sandy Bay Rocky Beach. Click to expand.


數碼港公園 Cyberport Waterfront Park

數碼港公園 Cyberport Waterfront Park. Click to expand.


瀑布灣 Waterfall Bay

瀑布灣 Waterfall Bay. Click to expand.


華富「神仙洞」Wah Fu Celestial Hole

華富「神仙洞」Wah Fu Celestial Hole. Click to expand.


南堤綠徑 Kellett Bay Park

南堤綠徑 Kellett Bay Park. Click to expand.


香港仔魚類批發市場 Aberdeen Wholesale Fish Market

香港仔魚類批發市場 Aberdeen Wholesale Fish Market. Click to expand.


香港仔海濱公園 Aberdeen Promenade

香港仔海濱公園 Aberdeen Promenade. Click to expand.


海洋公園 Ocean Park

海洋公園 Ocean Park. Click to expand.


苗鍾徑 Mills & Chung Path

苗鍾徑 Mills & Chung Path. Click to expand.


域多利會 Victoria Recreation Club

域多利會 Victoria Recreation Club. Click to expand.


深水灣泳灘 Deep Water Bay Beach

深水灣泳灘 Deep Water Bay Beach . Click to expand.


麗海堤岸徑 Seaview Promenade

麗海堤岸徑 Seaview Promenade. Click to expand.


淺水灣泳灘 Repulse Bay Beach

淺水灣泳灘 Repulse Bay Beach. Click to expand.


淺水灣天后廟 Tin Hau Temple, Repulse Bay

淺水灣天后廟 Tin Hau Temple, Repulse Bay. Click to expand.


中灣泳灘 Middle Bay Beach

中灣泳灘 Middle Bay Beach. Click to expand.


南灣泳灘 South Bay Beach

南灣泳灘 South Bay Beach. Click to expand.


赤柱馬坑公園 Stanley Ma Hang Park

赤柱馬坑公園 Stanley Ma Hang Park. Click to expand.


卜公碼頭及美利樓 Blake Pier and Murray House

卜公碼頭及美利樓 Blake Pier and Murray House . Click to expand.


赤柱大街及赤柱市集 Stanley Main Street and Market

赤柱大街及赤柱市集 Stanley Main Street and Market . Click to expand.


赤柱正灘 Stanley Main Beach

赤柱正灘 Stanley Main Beach . Click to expand.


夏萍灣 Hairpin Beach

夏萍灣 Hairpin Beach. Click to expand.


大潭篤水塘 Tai Tam Tuk Reservoir

大潭篤水塘 Tai Tam Tuk Reservoir. Click to expand.


石澳 Shek O

石澳 Shek O. Click to expand.


大浪灣 Big Wave Bay

大浪灣 Big Wave Bay . Click to expand.


小西灣海濱花園 Siu Sai Wan Promenade

小西灣海濱花園 Siu Sai Wan Promenade . Click to expand.


柴灣公眾貨物裝卸區 Chai Wan Public Cargo Working Area

柴灣公眾貨物裝卸區 Chai Wan Public Cargo Working Area. Click to expand.


杏花邨海濱長廊 Heng Fa Chuen Promenade

杏花邨海濱長廊 Heng Fa Chuen Promenade. Click to expand.


香港海防博物館 Museum of Coastal Defence

香港海防博物館 Museum of Coastal Defence. Click to expand.


阿公岩船廠 A Kung Ngam Shipyards

阿公岩船廠 A Kung Ngam Shipyards. Click to expand.

光明船廠: 船廠樓高兩層,樓下工場堆滿大木材和拖船的工具。除「大張保」及姊妹船「張保仔」,以至有60年歷史的古董木船「鴨靈號」,3艘港式經典的大型木帆船,全由光明船廠負責維修。

筲箕灣譚公廟 Tam Kung Temple, Shau Kei Wan

筲箕灣譚公廟 Tam Kung Temple, Shau Kei Wan. Click to expand.


愛秩序灣海濱花園及筲箕灣避風塘 Aldrich Bay Promenade and Shau Kei Wan Typhoon Shelter

愛秩序灣海濱花園及筲箕灣避風塘 Aldrich Bay Promenade and Shau Kei Wan Typhoon Shelter. Click to expand.


西灣河海濱公園 Sai Wan Ho Harbour Park & 鯉景灣 Lei King Wan (SoHo East)

西灣河海濱公園 Sai Wan Ho Harbour Park & 鯉景灣 Lei King Wan (SoHo East) . Click to expand.


鰂魚涌公園 Quarry Bay Park

鰂魚涌公園 Quarry Bay Park. Click to expand.


葛量洪號滅火輪展覽館 Fireboat Alexander Grantham

葛量洪號滅火輪展覽館 Fireboat Alexander Grantham. Click to expand.


鰂魚涌海濱花園 Quarry Bay Promenade

鰂魚涌海濱花園 Quarry Bay Promenade. Click to expand.


渣華道 Java Road

渣華道 Java Road. Click to expand.


北角海濱及渡輪碼頭 North Point Promenade and Piers

北角海濱及渡輪碼頭 North Point Promenade and Piers . Click to expand.


油街實現 (“Oi”) Oil Street Art Place

油街實現 (“Oi”) Oil Street Art Place . Click to expand.


東岸公園主題區(第一期) East Coast Park Precinct (Phase 1)

東岸公園主題區(第一期) East Coast Park Precinct (Phase 1). Click to expand.


銅鑼灣避風塘 Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter

銅鑼灣避風塘 Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter. Click to expand.


怡和午炮 Jardine Noonday Gun

怡和午炮 Jardine Noonday Gun. Click to expand.


灣仔碼頭 Wan Chai Ferry Pier

灣仔碼頭 Wan Chai Ferry Pier . Click to expand.


香港會議展覽中心 Convention & Exhibition Centre & 金紫荊廣場 Golden Bauhinia Square

香港會議展覽中心 Convention & Exhibition Centre & 金紫荊廣場 Golden Bauhinia Square . Click to expand.


添馬公園 Tamar Park & Promenade

添馬公園 Tamar Park & Promenade. Click to expand.


中西區海濱長廊—中環段 Central and Western District Promenada - Central Section


A great place to hang out. Home to the city’s largest outdoor event space and the observation wheel. Also the place to catch a ferry to one of the many outlying islands.

香港摩天輪 Hong Kong Observation Wheel


Known as the "Eye of Hong Kong", it is a landmark on the Central harbourfront, with a magnificent view of Victoria Harbour. There is an event plaza next to the Ferris wheel, where various activities are held from time to time, as well as a food truck offering a variety of cuisines.

香港海事博物館 Hong Kong Maritime Museum


A tribute to Hong Kong’s maritime history, this museum on top of the new Star Ferry Pier #8 boosts a magnificent collection in three floors of gallery space overlooking Victoria Harbour and a lovely rooftop café.

中西區海濱長廊—上環段 Central and Western District Promenade - Sheung Wan Section


The Central and Western District Promenade - Sheung Wan Section is the former site of the Night Bazaar in Sheung Wan. The night bazaar was a large market with a human touch at the time. After working hard during the day, the working class would come here at night to light up and sing, and various entertainers would do their best to provide low-cost entertainment for the citizens.

中山紀念公園 Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park


When Dr Sun was forced out of Hong Kong by British colonial government he’d meet his friends and allies on a boat in the harbour. The park that has been created on reclaimed land still bears his name. Perfect for a picnic!

西區副食品批發市場Western Wholesale Food Market


The Western Wholesale Food Market was opened in 1991 to replace the old wholesale markets scattered all over the western part of Hong Kong Island. At that time, it was the first wholesale market in Hong Kong to combine five different wholesale markets for eggs, freshwater fish, vegetables, fruits and poultry in one place. When you are in the market, you should pay attention to the font and writing of the signboards, you will find that they are rich in history. The nearby waterfront is now open for public use and provides open space.

堅尼地城海旁 Kennedy Town Waterfront


The Promenade offers a wide range of facilities, with activity platforms and seating constructed from shipping pallets that can be moved freely. The park will also have a petting zone where people can bring their pets in. It will also have an open community garden, the first urban recreational farm in Hong Kong to combine hydroponics, aquaponics, and organic farming.

加多近街臨時花園 Cadogan Street Temporary Park


The park was formerly a vegetable market, near the incinerator and slaughterhouse site, and was subsequently included in the decontamination area. In 2016, the government applied for the demolition of the park on the grounds that the land was contaminated. The park was later preserved due to the opposition of the public and organizations. The Cadogan Street Temporary Park is a place of rest for the residents of Kennedy Town and is very important to them.

東華痘局紀念公園 Tung Wah Smallpox Hospital Memorial Arch


This stone arch in Kennedy Town is a lonely reminder of one of the fiercest epidemics the city has ever seen: the 1930’s smallpox outbreak that cost nearly 2,000 lives.

維多利亞城界碑 Victoria City Boundary Stone 1903


In 1903 the Hong Kong government installed boundary stones to mark the limits of the City of Victoria. Six of these relics are left scattered around the city, including this one in Kennedy Town.

西環鐘聲泳棚Sai Wan Swimming Shed


Down some steep steps, you find one of Hong Kong’s few remaining swimming sheds. Built in the 70’s out of bamboo to the sea, the spot has become a bit of an instagram sensation. Luckily that does not withhold the local uncles and aunties to take their daily dip in the ocean.

芝加哥大學香港校園(前域多利道扣押中心) University of Chicago Campus (Ex-Victoria Detention Centre)


Now the campus of the prestigious Chicago University MBA programme, this place has always been known as the “White House”. Built as a clubhouse of the colonial city engineers, it was later used as the detention centre of the Royal Hong Kong Police Force.

大口環石灘 Sandy Bay Rocky Beach


All the way to Telegraph Bay this a great stretch of waterfront overlooking the Lamma Channel. We like the big old tree with the swing; a great sunset location.

數碼港公園 Cyberport Waterfront Park


A dog-friendly park, where you and your dog can enjoy lush green grass a little back from the water. Its steady winds and flat grass field are also great for kite flying!

瀑布灣 Waterfall Bay


A hidden natural waterfall 15-meter tall. The fresh water from this waterfall is said to have given the city its name.

華富「神仙洞」Wah Fu Celestial Hole


A slope next to Wah Fu Estate is a secret sanctuary filled with around 8000 idols, and deity figures, all donated by nearby residents; a true community temple.

南堤綠徑 Kellett Bay Park


Nearby is Wah Fu Estate, which will be redeveloped. There is a beautiful and open environment, suitable for families and people to take a walk, many residents will jog here and relax.

香港仔魚類批發市場 Aberdeen Wholesale Fish Market


The largest fish wholesale market in the city occupying a space equivalent to the size of 1½ football field! The action here is at the break of dawn when the fisherman arrive with their catch and the fish is auctioned and shipped off around town.

香港仔海濱公園 Aberdeen Promenade


This is the home of the water people, a tight-knit community of fisherman living and working on the water. With thousands of sampans and natural the giant Jumbo Floating Restaurant.

海洋公園 Ocean Park


Hong Kong’s homegrown amusement park. More than just rides it offers a unique perspective on marine life and animal conservation. Highlight is the cable car that links the waterfront with the summit.

苗鍾徑 Mills & Chung Path


An elevated promenade perfect for an easy and picturesque walk, bordering Island Road to Deep Water Bay. Soak in the gorgeous views.

域多利會 Victoria Recreation Club


Deepwater Bay is home to one of the oldest recreational clubs in the city. The stone clubhouse is a hotspot for paddlers and rowers. Across the water is Middle Island, home to the sailors of the Royal Yacht Club.

深水灣泳灘 Deep Water Bay Beach 


It is a famous swimming beach in Hong Kong because of its deepwater and beautiful environment. Because of the deep water, there are many people playing surfboard and windsurfing outside the beach area.

麗海堤岸徑 Seaview Promenade


The Seaview Promenade is a footpath that runs through Deep Water Bay Beach and Repulse Bay Beach, offering a beautiful sea view and a cool breeze.

淺水灣泳灘 Repulse Bay Beach


Holds the laudatory titles of “The Best Bay in the world” and “The Eastern Hawaii”. The Repulse Bay Hotel with its famous verandah was home to the rich and famous; in the 1950’s Marlon Brando stayed here.

淺水灣天后廟 Tin Hau Temple, Repulse Bay


A small shrine right next to the Repulse Bay beach is one of the Hong Kong’s oldest temples. Walk the longevity bridge, it is said to prolong your life.

中灣泳灘 Middle Bay Beach


Secluded, sheltered and shaded beaches with amazing views, not a building in sight. Great place for a morning swim, afternoon picnic or a stunning sunset.

南灣泳灘 South Bay Beach


Secluded, sheltered and shaded beaches with amazing views, not a building in sight. Great place for a morning swim, afternoon picnic or a stunning sunset.

赤柱馬坑公園 Stanley Ma Hang Park


With the theme of "conservation, education, and recreation", Ma Hang Park has preserved the landscape of the original site of the hill and has thematic areas such as a butterfly garden, a history gallery, a bird-watching corner, and a fitness enclosure. In the park, there is a 200-year-old Stanley Pak Tai Temple, which protects the fishermen who lived by fishing in Stanley at that time.

卜公碼頭及美利樓 Blake Pier and Murray House 


Stanley’s two character defining landmarks have both been imported. Murray House was part of a complex of military barracks where now the Bank of China is and Blake Pier was at Pedder Street in Central. 

赤柱大街及赤柱市集 Stanley Main Street and Market  


The Stanley Market is the most popular place in Stanley, with a variety of stores and stalls selling different crafts, and is a popular tourist spot for many Hong Kong people and tourists.

赤柱正灘 Stanley Main Beach 


A lovely seaside community with lots of al fresco dining options. Stanley Beach comes to live every year in June when thousands of peddlers flock here to take part in the Dragon Boat Festival.

夏萍灣 Hairpin Beach


A small beach without lots of people and tourists. Because of its low usage, the Government decided to close the beach in 2005. However, the facilities such as the barbecue area, showers and restrooms are still open.

大潭篤水塘 Tai Tam Tuk Reservoir


Built more than a century ago when fresh water shortage was urgent issue in the fast growing colony. Dotted around reservoir are several stone dams and bridges.

石澳 Shek O


Shek O is a colorful fairy tale village far away from the hustle and bustle of the city. It has been described as the most beautiful fishing village in Hong Kong. The buildings in Shek O Village are very unique and colorful, like a European town. Shek O Beach is a beautiful and well-equipped beach with clear water and sand. The Lovers' Bridge is also a famous attraction in Shek O.

大浪灣 Big Wave Bay


As the name tells, Big Wave Bay is famous for its big waves, especially in the fall and winter, which attracts people to go surfing. The clear water and sand in Big Wave Bay attract many visitors to camp there.

小西灣海濱花園 Siu Sai Wan Promenade  


Siu Sai Wan was originally an intelligence gathering center for the United Kingdom. The center was used to monitor wireless communications from Taiwan to China. After the hangover of Hong Kong, the center was dismantled. Now, Siu Sai Wan Promenade provides a comfortable area for residents to relax.

柴灣公眾貨物裝卸區 Chai Wan Public Cargo Working Area


In the 1980s, Chai Wan residents made their living by fishing and farming, while some villagers burned ash. After the Second World War, Chai Wan became a new industrial area.

杏花邨海濱長廊 Heng Fa Chuen Promenade


The scenery along the waterfront of Heng Fa Chuen is amazing, you can enjoy the beauty of Victoria Harbour, which is a good place to relax.

香港海防博物館 Museum of Coastal Defence


The old Lei Yue Mun Fort is now the Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defense, sporting 11 galleries with uniforms, canons and other weaponry. Highlights are the two 3-inch anti-aircraft battery used during the WWII Battle of Hong Kong.

阿公岩船廠 A Kung Ngam Shipyards

光明船廠: 船廠樓高兩層,樓下工場堆滿大木材和拖船的工具。除「大張保」及姊妹船「張保仔」,以至有60年歷史的古董木船「鴨靈號」,3艘港式經典的大型木帆船,全由光明船廠負責維修。

Kwong Ming Shipyard: As the builder of authentic wooden Chinese sailing junks, Kwong Ming Shipyard has been a trusted brand for over 60 years. The skills of these masters of craftsmanship are still in demand, this is where the iconic junk Aqua Luna was built.

筲箕灣譚公廟 Tam Kung Temple, Shau Kei Wan


This temple has superior Fung Shui orientation. In the old days it was right at the waterfront and backed by the hill. There are masters insist the temple rests on the pulse of the dragon, which is good news for geomantic vitality.

愛秩序灣海濱花園及筲箕灣避風塘 Aldrich Bay Promenade and Shau Kei Wan Typhoon Shelter


There is a promenade at Aldrich Bay Promenade, you can enjoy the scenery of Shau Kei Wan Typhoon Shelter and Lei Yue Mun. Boats are moored at the typhoon shelter. At sunset, the sunlight hits the boats and it's a different sight!

西灣河海濱公園 Sai Wan Ho Harbour Park & 鯉景灣 Lei King Wan (SoHo East) 


One of Hong Kong’s most underrated waterfront locations. The promenade is a prime spot for morning tai chi, family strolls or long runs. Plenty of street food choices and al-fresco cafes and restaurants at Lei King Wan, also known as ‘SoHo East’.

鰂魚涌公園 Quarry Bay Park


Quarry Bay Park is a relatively large resting place in the area, and the Fireboat Alexander Grantham Exhibition Gallery is also located in the park. The park is well-equipped with facilities including a soccer field, tennis court, basketball court, children's playground, etc. for public to enjoy.

葛量洪號滅火輪展覽館 Fireboat Alexander Grantham


Walk all the way to Quarry Bay where you find the bright red fireboat Alexander Grantham. For many decades this was the fire services trusted vessel and the Alexander Grantham was vital in countless rescue operations in Hong Kong waters.

鰂魚涌海濱花園 Quarry Bay Promenade


Quarry Bay Promenade is a pet-friendly promenade which you can enjoy the sea view with your pets here.

渣華道 Java Road


Java Road is a famous road in North Point, with many familiar landmarks, such as the State Theater and the North Point Ferry Pier. The State Theater is the only remaining old-style cinema in Hong Kong and is a testament to the glamorous days of Hong Kong's entertainment business.

北角海濱及渡輪碼頭 North Point Promenade and Piers 


North Point Ferry Pier currently has three public ferry routes to travel to Hung Hom, Kowloon City, and Kwun Tong. There is also a seafood market near the pier, selling different types of seafood.

油街實現 (“Oi”) Oil Street Art Place 


Back in the days this red brick Victorian building with Chinese roof was the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club, right at the waterfront. Now is a community art space with a lovely garden at the back, voted as the city’s “most beautiful public space” in 2016!

東岸公園主題區(第一期) East Coast Park Precinct (Phase 1)


The Precinct interconnected the harbourfront areas of Fortress Hill. It has enabled citizens to enjoy the stunning view of Victoria Habour in proximity, with the breakwater that situated the maintenance path to the shaft used by the Central-Wan Chai Bypass opened for public access.

銅鑼灣避風塘 Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter


Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter Lighthouse is a secret place to watch the sunset, and its view is magnificent. On the waterfront of the Typhoon Shelter, there is the only water temple boat in Hong Kong - "Triangular Island Goddess of Tin Hau Shrine", standing on the waterfront for 60 years. At present, the boat is planning to be relocated to the shore near the Causeway Bay Waterfront Fire Station.

怡和午炮 Jardine Noonday Gun


Used as a gun salute and coastal defense in the old days. It is now used as telling time and new year celebration. It fires at 12 noon everyday and 00:00 on New Year’s Eve.

灣仔碼頭 Wan Chai Ferry Pier 


This pier has lived through several reclamation projects. From this new reincarnated pier still thousands of passengers are being ferried across to Tsim Sha Tsui and the top deck is one of the city's most coveted public spaces. 

香港會議展覽中心 Convention & Exhibition Centre & 金紫荊廣場 Golden Bauhinia Square 


An iconic landmark, designed as a giant bird flying towards the sea. The copper ‘Forever Blooming Bauhinia’ was a gift from the Beijing Government to celebrate the 1997 Handover.

添馬公園 Tamar Park & Promenade


Tamar Park is a park designed with the concept of "evergreen", with an open view of the Victoria Harbour, and is a popular picnic spot for many people.