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Oregon State-Owned or Managed Lands Inventory

An online resource for state-owned or managed lands and potential housing development opportunities.


Oregon's state-owned or managed land database is an online tool designed to provide public access to detailed information about lands owned or managed by state entities. The database is displayed in a web map interface that allows you to explore the location, type, department owner or manager, and other specific characteristics of these properties. A key deliverable in Governor Tina Kotek's  Housing Production Framework , this information is made publicly available to make transparent and support informed decision-making for individuals or organizations considering housing development opportunities on state-owned or managed lands.

Background & Executive Order 23-04

Since her inauguration on January 9, 2023, Governor Kotek has taken bold steps to meaningfully increase housing production across the State of Oregon. She has:

  • Set an ambitious statewide housing unit production target reflecting the overall need of 29,500 more homes a year, which is the level of production necessary to address the housing shortage. Meeting this target will require an all-hands-on deck approach from every sector: all levels of government, philanthropic partners, business partners, and non-profit partners;
  • Established the Housing Production Advisory Council (HPAC), which developed a robust set of recommendations to increase housing production for the Governor’s consideration;
  • Worked with the Legislature to secure almost $1 billion to support housing production across all levels of affordability, especially housing affordable to people earning low or moderate incomes;
  • Directed the State’s housing finance agency, Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS), to streamline their funding processes in order to maximize production; and
  • Passed an omnibus housing production package (SB 1537) with a suite of policy tools to encourage housing production, including addressing common barriers to production like land supply.

The HPAC discussed the feasibility of housing production on state lands in their Land Availability Workgroup, which crafted a recommendation informing the Housing Production Framework deliverable to develop an online resource for all state-owned or managed lands. The Governor's Office worked closely with the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) to create the following web maps:

Please Read Before Using the Web Maps

The following maps detail state owned or managed parcel data maintained by the Department of Administrative Services (DAS). This resource is made available to the public  through the Governor’s Housing Production Framework , which directed DAS to collaborate with the Governor's Office on evaluating state owned or managed properties and identify which may be suitable for housing development to create a pipeline of housing development opportunities across the state. The entire database of state owned or managed parcels is available on the  "All State Lands Inventory" map , and additional filters to narrow the database down to more developmentally feasible parcels can be applied by viewing the  "Filtered State Lands Inventory" map . For definitions of the available data fields in this layer, please visit:

The information provided on this platform regarding state-owned or managed parcels is for general reference purposes only. The listing of a parcel on this platform does not guarantee its suitability for development, imply any endorsement by the state, or subject the state to any liability. Interested parties are solely responsible for conducting their own due diligence to assess the feasibility of any potential development. This may include and is not limited to: verifying current zoning designations and allowances for residential development; evaluating environmental conditions; reviewing utility access, infrastructure or other site-specific considerations; and, insuring compliance with all applicable local, state and federal laws, regulations, and permitting processes.

All State Lands Inventory

The following web map details all state-owned or managed lands as maintained by the Department of Administrative Services (DAS).

All State Owned Parcels - Webmap

Filtered State Lands Inventory

The following web map details the state-owned or managed lands inventory with the following filters to narrow the database down to parcels that may be potentially more developmentally feasible due to the following characteristics:

  • Parcels larger than 0.1 acre (~5,000 square feet)
  • Parcels with the following current uses: parking lot, office building, state office building, none, or with this field left blank
  • Parcels where the state has both land and mineral rights (and not just subsurface ownership)
  • Parcels owned by state agencies other than the Department of Aviation, Department of Corrections, Oregon Youth Authority, the Military Department, and universities or institutions (which may capture parcels serving as buffers to facilities such as airports)
  • Parcels that are more than 250 feet from a highway or freeway
  • Parcels that are within or within proximity of an existing Urban Growth Boundary

Parcels Meeting Criteria - Webmap

State Land Disposition Process

The Oregon Department of Administrative Services (DAS) oversees the disposition of most state-owned properties (a few agencies, noted below, have their own mandated processes). The current process depends on a state agency to notify DAS of a "surplus property" ready for disposition, which may involve sale of the land or transfer of the land. The disposition process varies across agencies, with some agencies requiring a first right of refusal from other agencies or public entities, and some agencies requiring appraisals of property to determine sale or lease prices. The current DAS disposition process involves the following steps:

1) Notification of intent to sell or transfer: A state agency must notify DAS of its intent to offer real property for sale or transfer (ORS 270.100).

2) Priority opportunities for acquisition: DAS informs other state agencies authorized to own real property about the available property. If no state agency expresses interest, DAS provides priority opportunities to nonprofit organizations and Indian Tribes (as defined in ORS 97.740), provided that the land is used to develop housing for households making 80 percent of the area median income or less. A priority opportunity is also provided to political subdivisions, meaning any local government unit such as a county, city, or district. The agency transferring the land may implement restrictions such as not allowing the property to be resold to private purchasers.

3) Appraisal and public notice: If the property remains available after the priority opportunity for acquisition, the state agency must have the property appraised. If the appraisal is above $5,000, the agency is required to publish a notice calling for proposals so that the process is transparent, and the public is made aware of the sale.

4) Approval of terminal disposition: Before finalizing any sale or transfer (called the "terminal disposition"), the state agency must get approval from DAS. Certain agencies, such as the Department of Transportation (ODOT), the Department of State Lands (DSL), and the Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW), are exempt from this requirement. These specific agencies follow a different disposition process that may involve additional steps or requirements (i.e., DSL-owned land sales must obtain approval from the County in which the parcel is located, ODOT-owned land sales must meet the appraisal price at minimum to make the Highway Trust Fund whole).

In 2025, as part of the Governor's Housing Production Framework, the Governor's Office, in collaboration with DAS, will be exploring solutions to the various challenges or barriers in the state's disposition process for developing housing on state land.

For more information about a specific parcel or a general question about the state lands inventory, please fill out the inquiry form below.

Inquiry Form

Microsoft Forms