Canopy Change Assessment: 2014-2019

Measuring changes in Boston's canopy coverage over 5 years.

The canopy assessment report can be found here:  2014-2019 Canopy Change Assessment .

A big thank you to the  University of Vermont Spatial Analysis Lab  who analyzed the data and drafted the report!



This map does not represent all the data available for download.

A quick note on legends:

The list format on the left is the same as the expanded legend on the right

This platform limits map legends to a list format and so we want to point out that the colors you see are not equal increments. For each of the layers in this map, we chose this method of grouping values to illuminate differences with a reasonable number of colorsThis example shows the Mean Heat Index legend. Some values are more common than others. When there are only a few occurrences of a value, like 100.6°F, it's helpful to group it together with other values rather than giving it a unique color. This is just one approach to visualizing the canopy data!


Download the 2014-2019 Canopy Change Assessment data at Analyze Boston by searching for "canopy assessment."

Want more canopy data? Consider exploring data from Cambridge, MA!


About the datasets:

About the project:

Maggie Owens | 617-961-3025 |

Boston Parks and Recreation Department + University of Vermont Spatial Analysis Lab

The list format on the left is the same as the expanded legend on the right