New Plymouth District Council Community Investment Plan
Kaitake Community Board
Community Investment Plans (CIP) provide a long-range spatial view of projects that have been planned and funded in the Long-term Plan, to meet the needs of our communities in the community board areas.
The CIP does not represent NPDC’s total investment in the Community Board area. The maps show discrete projects which may be of interest to the Community. District wide initiatives, and ongoing maintenance and renewals of existing assets have not been included as they are unable to be mapped effectively.
Long-Term Plan
The LTP is consulted on every three years and reviewed annually through the Annual Plan. Each review enables NPDC to look at the external environment and to make major changes to its services.
During the preparation of the draft LTP 2024-2034, the community boards had two opportunities to provide feedback to NPDC regarding their aspirational community projects:
- A Point of Entry (POE) was created for each project identified in years 1-3 of the community board plans. This enabled community board projects to be considered along with all other NPDC proposed projects, by the Councillors, from the beginning of the long-term planning process.
- The community boards submitted their prioritised projects to NPDC's LTP 2024-2034 statutory consultation process held in March/April 2024.
CIP 2024-2034
Kaitake CIP 2024-2034
Discretionary Fund Projects 2024/25
New Plymouth District Council through the LTP 2024-34 provided each Community Board with discretionary funding of $150,00 (inflation adjusted) per annum.
Report an Issue
Many of the comments received through the survey were issues that could have been dealt with via a service request direct to the New Plymouth District (for Council assets and issues) or Waka Kotahi NZTA (for State Highway issues).
Report an Issue to New Plymouth District Council
For Council issues there are four ways to report an issue:
Via phone: 06 759 6060 (available 24/7)
Via email: enquiries@npdc.govt.nz
Via NPDC's website: Report a Problem
Via "Antenno" which you can download for free via one of the following buttons:
For Android:
For Iphones/Ipads:
Report an Issue to Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
To report an issue on a State Highway by calling 0800 4 highways (0800 44 44 49); or
Click on the button below to submit via the Waka Kotahi NZTA website.