
Along the State Route 32 (SR 32) corridor in eastern Summit County, Utah, population growth and ongoing roadway improvements require coordination between UDOT, Summit County, and local cities to ensure long term traffic operations, safety for all users, context sensitive design, and land use coordination. 

The SR-32 Corridor and City Centers Plan will establish a holistic vision for the State Route 32 corridor from Oakley to Francis, with strategies for land use, transportation, economic development, and recreation. The Plan will balance and complement the regional use of the highway corridor with the "Main Street" needs of the communities of Oakley, Kamas, and Francis, including developing city center plans for each community.

The project has the opportunity to bring the three cities, county, and agencies together to agree on a coordinated vision for the corridor's transportation and land use. Ultimately, the Plan will present a set of specific strategies to implement the vision, with roles for each partner and suggested funding sources.

Project Partners

The SR-32 Corridor and City Centers Plan is a collaborative effort among six project partners, including the cities of Oakley, Kamas, and Francis; Summit County; the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT); and Mountainland Association of Governments (MAG). Funding is provided through MAG’s Technical Assistance for Governments (TAG) program and UDOT’s Technical Planning Assistance (TPA) program.

Project Updates

On October 21, 2024, the S.R. 32 Corridor and City Centers Plan team convened the project Stakeholder Committee to introduce the project, take a tour of the corridor and vision for the project, and discuss the first phase of public engagement for the project.

Participate in the Plan!

We want to hear from you. The SR-32 Corridor and City Centers Plan will include opportunities throughout for community engagement and input.

We held a first project Open House on January 13 at the Summit County Library Kamas Branch Auditorium. Find the displays from the Open House  HERE. 

If you have not yet done so, please take our brief project  SURVEY .

Also, you can leave comments on our  INTERACTIVE MAP . Just click the blue Edit icon at the bottom of the page, scroll down to select New Feature, and then place your pin on the map by clicking where you want to make your comment. Type your comment in the Comment box, then click Close to save.

Project Goals

Stakeholder Committee

The SR-32 Corridor and City Centers Plan Stakeholder Committee guides the work of the project team. The Committee is comprised of leadership and staff from the partner communities, agency representatives, and other community stakeholders.

  • Amanda Curtis - Kamas Planner
  • Carl Miller - Summit County Transportation
  • Councilmember Tonja Hansen - Summit County Council
  • Daniel Wayne - Mountainland Association of Governments
  • Doug Evans - Oakley Planning Commission
  • Geoff Dupaix - Region Two Planning Manager
  • Jason Glidden - Mountainlands Community Housing Trust
  • Jeff Camp - property owner in Kamas City Center
  • Jordan Backman - UDOT Planning
  • Katie Henneuse - Francis Planner
  • Marion Wheaton - Eastern Summit County Planning Commission
  • Mayor Jeremie Forman - Francis
  • Mayor Matt McCormick - Kamas
  • McKenna Marchant - Francis Planning Commission
  • Scott Kettle - Kamas and Francis City Engineer
  • Senta Beyer - Summit County Active Transportation
  • Shad Sorenson - representing Developer Steve Smith
  • Shauna Mecham - Mountainland Association of Governments project manager
  • Stephanie Woolstenhulme - Oakley Planner
  • Tim Gines - Kamas Planning Commission

If you'd like more information, please contact: SR32plan@gmail.com