Clean and affordable resources
First of all, this goal is to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. Which is key to the development of agriculture, business, communications, education, healthcare and transportation. The lack of access to energy hinders economic and human development. As the beginning, I want to bring up the goals in this sector:
7.1 By 2030, ensure universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services
7.2 By 2030, increase substantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix
7.3 By 2030, double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency
7.4 By 2030, enhance international cooperation to facilitate access to clean energy research and technology, including renewable energy, energy efficiency and advanced and cleaner fossil-fuel technology, and promote investment in energy infrastructure and clean energy technology
7.5 By 2030, expand infrastructure and upgrade technology for supplying modern and sustainable energy services for all in developing countries, in particular least developed countries, small island developing States, and land-locked developing countries, in accordance with their respective programmers of support
Part 1
What is the nature and extent of the problem behind this goal?
As what those goals mentions, we can see what this topic is aiming for to improve the world. On the other hand, although 2030 sounds like we still have many time to reach the goals, in fact there are still have problem exist which behind those goals. According to the Sustainable Development Goals Report in 2022, it mention the facts and problems in the goals with 5 main ideas.
Electricity struggles to reach hardest-to-reach populations, electrification has slowed Accelerated improvements in energy efficiency are also needed to meet climate targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Hundreds of millions people still do not have access to electricity.
Clean cooking fuels and technologies
Intensified efforts are needed to kick-start the use of clean cooking fuels and technologies in least developed countries. The slow progress on clean cooking solutions means the health of 2.4 billion people is at risk.
Commodity, energy and shipping prices
Rising commodity, energy and shipping prices are increasing global production and transport costs for solar PV modules, wind turbines and biofuels, adding uncertainty to a development trajectory that is already well below what is needed to achieve SDG 7
Covid-19 pandemic
In some countries, the COVID-19 pandemic has undercut or reversed the progress already made -International public funding for renewable energy slowed before COVID-19 despite climate change urgency
Achieving global energy and climate goals will require a major push to deploy renewable energy and massive mobilization of finance. Global energy efficiency targets are still achievable, but only through systematic, large-scale investments. Achieving energy and climate goals will require sustained policy support and massive mobilization of public and private capital for clean and renewable energy development, especially in developing countries.
What progress is being made towards this goal?
Although there are many nature and extent of the problem behind this goals, we can see lots of progress are being made towards this goal. In electivity, the global electricity penetration increased from 83% in 2010 to 91% in 2020. During that time, the number of people without access to electricity fell from 1.2 billion to 733 million. In clean cooking fuels and technologies, between 2010 and 2020, the proportion of people with access to clean cooking fuels and technologies increased from 57 per cent to 69 per cent. Additionally, the global primary energy intensity (energy efficiency) improved from 5.6 megajoules per US dollar in 2010 to 4.7 in 2019, with an average annual improvement rate of 1.9 per cent. Also, the loans accounted for over 52 per cent of commitments in 2019. Grants comprised almost 17 per cent. Shares in collective investment vehicles grew to $191 million in 2019, up by 91 per cent from 2018.
On the other hand, not all the progress are working nicely: At the current pace, only 92 per cent of the world’s population would have access to electricity in 2030, leaving 670 million people unserved; Due to economic pressures imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, up to 90 million people connected to electricity in Africa and developing countries in Asia could not afford to have an extended bundle of services in 2020; 4 billion people still relied on inefficient and polluting cooking systems in 2020; International public financial flows to developing countries in support of clean energy amounted to $10.9 billion in 2019, down by nearly 24 per cent from the previous year; The five-year moving average also decreased for the first time since 2008, from $17.5 billion for 2014–2018 to $16.6 billion for 2015–2019; To meet energy efficiency target, the annual rate of improvement until 2030 will need to average 3.2 per cent a year. At the current rate of progress, the world will not be able to achieve SDG 7 by 2030.
Part 2
Global Case Study: Colombia
The Republic of Colombia, is a country located in the northwest of South America and the fourth largest country in Latin America.
Issue in Columbia
1) It is a shortage of natural gas, due to declining production from rapidly aging mature offshore fields coupled with steadily rising demand, which poses the greatest threat.
2) Colombia is classified as an upper middle-income economy. According to the International Monetary Fund, the GDP rank of the country is 31nd with $314.5 billion in 2022.
Due to these factors, Columbia will be a good place to develop with clean energy.
1) The world’s energy and climate future increasingly hinges on decisions made in emerging and developing economies
In the world, there are many least developed countries as well as many middle-income economies, emerging global demand powerhouses, or even some of the world's major energy producers. Energy consumption in these countries is generally low on a per capita basis, but economic expansion and rising incomes create significant potential for future growth. The falling cost of key clean energy technologies offer a tremendous opportunity to chart a new, lower-emissions pathway for growth and prosperity. If this opportunity is not taken, and clean energy transitions falter in these countries, this will become the major fault line in global efforts to address climate change and to reach sustainable development goals.
2) The transformation begins with reliable clean power, grids and efficiency
Transforming the power sector and boosting investment in the efficient use of clean electricity are key pillars of sustainable development. Electricity consumption in emerging and developing economies is set to grow around three times the rate of advanced economies, and the low costs of wind and solar power, in particular, should make them the technologies of choice to meet rising demand if the infrastructure and regulatory frameworks are in place. Societies can reap multiple benefits from investment in clean power and modern digitalised electricity networks, as well as spending on energy efficiency and electrification via greener buildings, appliances and electric vehicles. These investments drive the largest share of the emissions reductions required over the next decade to meet international climate goals.
3) Action on emissions in emerging and developing economies is very cost-effective
The average cost of reducing emissions in these economies is estimated to be around half the level in advanced economies. All countries need to bring down emissions, but clean energy investment in emerging and developing economies is a particularly cost-effective way to tackle climate change. The opportunity is underscored by the amount of new equipment and infrastructure that is being purchased or built. Where clean technologies are available and affordable – and financing options available – integrating sustainable, smart choices into new buildings, factories and vehicles from the outset is much easier than adapting or retrofitting at a later stage.
At this time, 'Creating international partnerships to procure EV buses in Colombia' will be a good example of priority actions for financing clean energy transitions in developing economies. It is aiming to leaping ahead to invest in more efficient and electrified mobility solutions.
Part 3
'Transdev signs €874 million electric bus deal in Colombia and expands in Latin America'
First of all, Transdev Group is a leading operator and global integrator of daily mobility, has signed an €874 million EV bus contract with TransMilenio S.A. (Colombia’s Public Transport network). For the 15 years operation and maintenance of 406 EV buses in the capital city, starting at the end of November 2021. This development comes as a major step to sustainable city and clean energy in Columbia.
The large fleet of electric buses will consist of 9-meter (272) and 12-meter (134) buses; the fleet will serve as regional buses along 15 routes, bringing passengers from Bogota's Fontibon district (more than 300,000 inhabitants) Bring in the main TransMilenio BRT system, which Transdev and Fanalca already operate to a large extent. The 15 routes will generate approximately 24 million kilometers per year and carry approximately 36 million passengers.
Transdev, with its Colombian partner Fanalca, has been in business for 20 years in Bogotá, serving TransMilenio, the world's largest Bus Rapid Transit system, and Transdev will soon operate the continent's largest fleet of electric buses, with 406 electric buses The car is assembled in Colombia by Superpolo.
Furthermore, in Fontibon, Transdev and Fanalca will jointly build South America’s largest electric bus depot over 40,000 m², in order to operate, park, maintain and charge the entire electric bus fleet of this contract. Our drivers will also receive specific electric eco-driving training in order to make the best use of battery-life and optimize the operating range of the electric bus fleet.
In fact, the whole plan is organizing perfectly. Although I have research and found out lots of disadvantage of EV buses, they already thought about almost all of them and finger out the solutions. However, there are still some tiny problem that they may miss.
Abstract: Electrification of most urban bus fleets is expected to increase due to its significant environmental benefits. However, electric buses have a limited range and long charging times. In addition, electric buses require special charging infrastructure, which generally makes them less flexible than conventional diesel buses. Due to the limitations of electric bus technology, further adjustments must be made to the current bus traffic planning problem.
Part 4/5 local
In Vancouver
In here, we are working on clean and renewable energy in the past few year. Vancouver's energy supply is currently 31% renewable, which is a good progress. We still need to promote it to more area in Vancouver, and hopefully we can reach 100% with renewable and clean energy at 2050.
In this part, I want to use the organization of "Clean Energy BC" as my local context. This organization is an industry association that promotes the growth of BC’s clean energy industry by advocating for environmentally responsible and viable power generation, transmission, and management resources that serve the public by providing cost effective electricity. This goal entails assisting the manufacturing, supply, and service industries that shape clean energy production in BC and around the world. Clean Energy BC strives to maintain strong relationships with all levels of government, BC Hydro, First Nations communities, environmental organizations and the public.
The Association and the Industry
The Clean Energy Association of British Columbia has been the voice of BC’s clean energy industry for over 30 years and represents many types of clean energy operating and development companies, as well as suppliers, contractors, and service providers to the clean energy industry within the province.
The renewable energy industry has evolved from a handful of small development companies to 146 substantial development, operating, and supply chain companies delivering approximately 16% of the Province’s supply. The energy mix includes proven technologies such as small (run-of-river) hydro, wind, solar, natural gas, biomass, and biogas, and emerging technologies such as geothermal, ocean/tidal, and biofuels.
Clean power is all around us. It charges our smartphones, it allows our kids to play soccer at night, it runs our businesses and industries, and it powers the transit system that gets us to work. BC’s clean power industry responsibly, reliably, and affordably produces renewable energy for more than 1.5 million homes across the province.
Clean power production attracts investment, creates socio-economic benefits such as jobs, taxes and local economic stimulus, and leaves a lasting positive legacy for First Nations and communities. The industry has attracted billions in investment to the province while diversifying the economy, providing opportunities for First Nations and communities, while respecting the environmental integrity of our lands, airs and waters clean.
Clean energy projects are an important part of the future of British Columbia. The Province has abundant clean energy resources, and the prudent, cost-effective development of these resources is fundamental to our future prosperity and sustainability as a society.
To develop and grow a viable and affordable Clean Energy industry in BC that provides cost-effective and environmentally responsible electricity to the public.
To grow the Association, recognizing that through a robust and active membership, BC’s Clean Energy industry will grow and thrive along with it.
To work collaboratively with BC’s First Nations because we recognize the transformative economic opportunity clean energy projects offer both First Nations and rural communities through royalties, shared revenues and taxes, and jobs and investments.
To improve the regulatory and economic environments for clean energy production in BC.
Technological Diversity: Current project
As the map shows, you can see the current project of clean energy project from the organization in BC. It include companies that develop and produce wind, solar, small (run-of-river) hydro, biomass, biogas and emerging technologies such as geothermal, ocean/tidal and biofuels.