Evaluating Feed the Future

Providing USAID with empirical evidence on the impact of U.S. Government efforts to end global hunger through partnerships and innovation


The Feed the Future Global Program Evaluation for Effectiveness and Learning (PEEL) Project helps USAID make data-informed programming and investment decisions for Feed the Future through performance and impact evaluations, population-based surveys, and other evaluative studies in developing countries around the world. PEEL's services allow USAID to better understand how Feed The Future activities are being implemented, how well they are performing, and how they are perceived by beneficiaries.

PEEL Reach Overview Map

Geographic Reach

PEEL has conducted some 30 performance evaluations, population-based surveys, and other evaluative studies covering all 12 countries Feed the Future invests in as well as nearly 20 additional countries Feed the Future supports across a set of aligned countries and regional activities. 

Objectives and Methodology

Feed the Future has two main objectives:

  • Inclusive growth in the agriculture sector 
  • Improved nutritional status, especially for women and children

PEEL's studies provide evidence to USAID on whether or not targeted outcomes in support of Feed The Future objectives are being met, what impacts they have, and whether their approaches are cost-effective. PEEL’s performance and impact evaluations, population-based surveys, and other evaluative studies give Feed The Future a clearer picture of how beneficiaries perceive activities and provides a deeper understanding of activities implementation and how they perform in the country context. 

PEEL evaluations use both quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis methodologies and integrated secondary data and program monitoring data to the extent possible. Some integrate geospatial technologies, remote sensing, and advanced analytical methods.

PEEL also collaborates with other USAID Bureau for Resilience and Food Security mechanisms, particularly those focusing on knowledge management and learning, to ensure its lessons learned, findings, and data reach a wide audience and are used and adapted in the field.

Gender Integration

Feed the Future was developed around the hypothesis that including poorer and more economically vulnerable populations in economic growth strategies targeting the agricultural sector will transform regional economies and stimulate sustainable development. Part of PEEL's mission is to quantify how the status of women improves when agricultural productivity increases, poverty is reduced, and nutrition improves.

PEEL studies answer the question whether, to what degree, and how Feed the Future investments and programs have supported the empowerment of women, both within the household, and in broader society, to achieve gender equality. They also assess whether and how well Feed the Future projects are tracking, monitoring, and using sex-disaggregated results to achieve desired project outcomes. Where constraints are found, PEEL teams think through indicators to track those constraints going forward.

About This Storymap

This storymap was produced by ME&A's Digital Technologies and Research Unit with the support of ME&A's Communications and Knowledge Management team. The information provided in this storymap is not official U.S. Government information and does not necessarily represent the views or positions of the U.S. Agency for International Development or the U.S. Government.


Thomas Gilbert England 

Editing and Design

Monica Jerbi