Cascade Creek West Erie Plaza Restoration Design/Engineering

"The Missing Link"

Visualization of Project Potential

This project will bring natural aesthetics to the plaza for residents and shoppers, improve the air quality, and have the potential to provide access to walking paths between the new storefronts and the stream restoration project.

The restoration efforts will enhance the water quality of Cascade Creek, provide a habitat for fish and other aquatic species, and attract birds and other wildlife. 

The naturalization of the stream is going to aid in reducing heat island affect by providing shaded surfaces, deflecting radiation from the sun, and releasing moisture into the atmosphere. 

Project Background

Cascade Creek is 4.75 miles in length, has a drainage area of 7.01 sq. mi., and is 26.7% of the Presque Isle Bay watershed. For many decades the Cascade Creek stream corridor has been encroached upon by urban developments. Recent years have seen renewed interest in this area and other bayfront areas for their natural beauty and the value they provide society. Major goals in restoring Cascade Creek’s riparian zone include the reduction of erosion and improvement of wildlife habitat. Since the inception of restoration efforts dating back to 2004, six complementary restoration projects, or phases, along various reaches of Cascade Creek have been completed. All six phases of this ongoing stream restoration effort total 3,900 linear feet along Cascade Creek and its West Branch. The projects were undertaken by local and state agencies using federal and state funds amounting to a total project financial commitment of $1,783,000, restoring 3,200 linear feet of stream, and removing over 500 tons of sediment/yr. from the stream.

Relationship of Partners

The Pennsylvania Sea Grant (Penn Sea Grant) identified a 1,100 LF reach of Cascade Creek (the creek) along its West Branch as the missing link of the restoration efforts to date. The Creek has existed as a concrete and asphalt-lined, partially culverted channel surrounded by impervious pavement and chain link fence for over 60 years. This portion of the Creek is also characterized by the surrounding commercial development known as West Erie Plaza. The Plaza is currently going through a rebirth as the owner, VCG Properties (VCG), has been redeveloping portions of the existing plaza.

Project Objectives

The primary objective of the project is to generally restore the referenced reach of Cascade Creek. Restoration efforts will include the use of natural stream channel restoration techniques that will result in the following improvements to the stream reach and downstream:

• Increased channel stability

• Improved natural functionality

• Improved bank stability

• Reduced phosphorous discharge

• Reduced sediment discharge

• Establishment of a riparian buffer 

Rebirth of Wildlife Potential

Existing Conditions & Project Location

Existing Cascade Creek Conveyance Structure

Existing Cascade Creek Conveyance Structure

Site Map

Existing Conditions Map

This project will focus on restoration of approximately 1,020 linear feet of Cascade Creek. The stream centerline of the project area is shown in blue on the Site Map.

Site Map Tour

Most Upstream Project Area

Most Upstream Project Area. Click to expand.

Stream flow coming from under 12th Street

Existing Streambank Failure

Existing Streambank Failure. Click to expand.

Frontage to 12th Street

Frontage to 12th Street. Click to expand.

Existing Surface Stormwater Drainage Pathway

Existing Surface Stormwater Drainage Pathway. Click to expand.

Upstream of Existing Culvert

Upstream of Existing Culvert. Click to expand.

Downstream of Existing Culvert

Downstream of Existing Culvert. Click to expand.

Existing Asphalt Channel Lining

Existing Asphalt Channel Lining. Click to expand.

Existing Asphalt Channel Lining and Vegetation Growth

Existing Asphalt Channel Lining and Vegetation Growth. Click to expand.

Vegetation Growth through Existing Asphalt-Lined Channel

Vegetation Growth through Existing Asphalt-Lined Channel. Click to expand.

Most Downstream Project Area

Most Downstream Project Area . Click to expand.

Culvert Under Pittsburgh Ave

Creek by dumpster storage area

Creek by dumpster storage area. Click to expand.

Most Upstream Project Area

Stream flow coming from under 12th Street

Existing Streambank Failure

Frontage to 12th Street

Existing Surface Stormwater Drainage Pathway

Upstream of Existing Culvert

Downstream of Existing Culvert

Existing Asphalt Channel Lining

Existing Asphalt Channel Lining and Vegetation Growth

Vegetation Growth through Existing Asphalt-Lined Channel

Most Downstream Project Area

Culvert Under Pittsburgh Ave

Creek by dumpster storage area

Draft Conceptual Plans

Note: To better inform the restoration concept, it was necessary to envision the potential for future development adjacent to the stream corridor. The building footprints and Best Management Practices (BMPs) are shown only for this purpose and do not represent any actual development plans.

Concept A

Concept A was determined to NOT BE A FEASIBLE concept because it removed the existing drive that is adjacent to the existing Chipotle Building. This is an important access point for Chipotle and the community.

Concept B

Concept B was chosen as the PREFERRED design option to advance.

Concept C

Concept C was determined to NOT BE A FEASIBLE concept because the pylon sign must remain at its current location as shown below.

This project will bring natural aesthetics to the plaza for residents and shoppers, improve the air quality, and have the potential to provide access to walking paths between the new storefronts and the stream restoration project.

The restoration efforts will enhance the water quality of Cascade Creek, provide a habitat for fish and other aquatic species, and attract birds and other wildlife. 

The naturalization of the stream is going to aid in reducing heat island affect by providing shaded surfaces, deflecting radiation from the sun, and releasing moisture into the atmosphere. 

Existing Cascade Creek Conveyance Structure

Existing Cascade Creek Conveyance Structure

Concept A

Concept B

Concept C