Halton Environmental Network
Creating a community of educated and engaged stakeholders for climate change mitigation and adaptation, and environmental sustainability.
Halton Environmental Network
Halton Environmental Network (HEN) will advance education about environmental issues, with a focus on climate change, providing strategies and opportunities for mitigation and adaptation, and by providing educational programs, events, workshops, research, and training for the community of Halton.
Who We Are
Halton Environmental Network (HEN) propels climate action and environmental sustainability in Halton, by educating and building awareness in our community. As a grassroots organization, supporting our community since 2004, HEN is recognized for its successful community programs: Greening Sacred Spaces Halton-Peel , Halton Food, Halton Green Screens , Generation Green , and OakvilleReady . HEN is also the architect and backbone agency of the Halton Climate Collective .
HEN networks with others and brokers partnerships with diverse stakeholders to:
- educate and raise awareness for climate action in Halton municipalities
- advance local climate and sustainable environmental policies
- deliver free environmental education to more than 20,000 local students
- host community charrettes and political debates
- organize free waste diversion services for special events
- support greening in faith-based organizations
- establish and support community gardens and
- advise local municipalities, organizations and businesses.
HEN strives to create a community of engaged climate stakeholders that work together to build a greener and more sustainable community. At its heart, climate action is about caring for all people and our planet. Generation Green showcases how every action counts.
Case Study: Generation Green
Generation Green is a youth-led initiative with the goal of engaging Halton students in climate action leadership and supporting them in their commitment to greenhouse gas emission reductions in order to drive change and action in their communities.
Climate change is one of the most important environmental issues of our time. Climate change is caused by the increase in concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere. These increases are primarily due to human activities such as the use of fossil fuels for transportation, heating and cooling our homes, as well as waste like plastic or food waste. Generation Green empowers youth to see how every action, no matter how small, can have a large impact. With the support of the Halton Climate Collective (HCC), Halton District School Board, Halton Community and Halton Environmental Network, each student completes a project that reduces their community’s greenhouse gas emissions, taking action for the climate.
Designed for youth by youth, Generation Green is a place where students are given the tools, resources, and inspiration to actively empower them to reduce Halton’s carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions, and learn about how to take climate action in our community. Using the knowledge and understanding of climate action, Generation Green is building connections with those who are most affected by the climate crisis in order to provide deeper context to the global climate movement.
The Generation Green 2019-2020 Program consisted of a conference and a 14-week Greenhouse Gas (GHG) reduction project. The conference was planned and organized by HEN staff with the assistance of 8 Youth Stakeholders: 2 from each municipality of the Halton community and from each school board. The inaugural conference was held on November 22, 2019, at Sheridan College, introducing the Generation Green GHG reduction project as well as educating students on climate issues and topics affecting the local community.
The event hosted 224 attendees including youth, workshop facilitators, local representatives including Oakville Mayor Rob Burton, MP Pam Damoff, MPP Stephen Crawford, as well as university and college representatives. The opening panel included Chief Stacey Laforme (Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation), Keynote Speaker, Her Honour Elizabeth Dowdeswell (Lieutenant Governor of Ontario), Dr. Dan Scott (University of Waterloo), Frances Edmons (HP Canada) and 14 workshops by local community partners and HCC members. The project culminated in a Wrap-up event on March 20th, 2020 which had 63 attendees, where projects were recognized for their achievements.
The Generation Green 2020-2021 program was funded by the Halton District School Board (HDSB) and included a virtual conference and a 6-week Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Project. The event was designed as a free, half-day virtual field trip, held on March 10, 2021, for up to 450 HDSB students in Grades 7-12.
HEN staff and 2 university co-op students recruited 55 youth stakeholders and 3 youth mentors to develop the “by-youth, for-youth” 2021 virtual conference, teaching students how to measure, track, and reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and become climate leaders in the community.
Generation Green Project: Journey toward a Climate Resilient Halton
Applying knowledge learned from the conference and journey, the students have the opportunity to plan and implement greenhouse gas reduction and mitigation efforts into their communities. That could mean their school, an extracurricular or just in their neighbourhood. It was really up to them how they wanted to create actionable change.
In the first year, 2019-2020, 42 projects were completed resulting in 22 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCo2eq)! In the second year, 126 projects were completed with over 150 Halton District School Board students. During the 6-week period, students designed a project that aimed to reduce as much greenhouse gases as they could.
Students were given the opportunity to select from 4 different categories: Transportation, Home Energy, Waste/Food Waste and a Mix of Topics. Each of these respective categories, greatly contributes to increasing GHG emissions in our community. The first step for students was to calculate their ‘Baseline’ emissions - based on how they would normally act. Thereafter, they measured their ‘Program emissions’ through their specific action to actively reduce GHG. The impact created was the difference between these two scenarios.
Check out more about the projects and GHG calculations in our Generation Green Toolkit .
Generation Green Results 2019-2021
The results below show how far we have come since the beginning of Generation Green and the massive impact youth can have in creating a more resilient, sustainable world!
Transportation projects focused on how we commute from one place to another. This involved projects that looked into biking, walking or using public transport instead of driving as well as looking into GHG emissions produced by the transport of everyday goods like food, clothes and other household items. See how much GHG was reduced:
Click the lower-left "circle" icon of a map to view the legend or click on each municipality to view their individual statistics!
- Amount of GHG reduced: 2,409,454,488 gCO2eq
- Number of Projects: 216
Waste projects looked into what we throw away. Waste projects focused on diverting items from going to the landfill and trying to refuse, repurpose, reuse, reduce, and recycle. These projects also looked into Food Waste and how much impact a meatless diet or reducing the amount of food waste can have in reducing GHG emissions. See how much GHG was reduced:
- Amount of GHG reduced: 2,409,932,116 gCO2eq
- Number of Projects: 225
Home Energy projects focused on how to reduce GHG emissions caused by electronic appliances within homes and schools. These projects looked for creative ways to consume less water or energy to reduce GHG emissions within our infrastructure. See how much GHG was reduced:
Home Energy
- Amount of GHG reduced: 2,409,934,690 gCO2eq
- Number of Projects: 229
These projects combined a little of all the topics above to reduce as much GHGs as possible. Check out Generation Green for more information on the individual projects. See how much GHG was reduced:
Mix of Topics
- Amount of GHG reduced: 2,401,501,377 gCO2eq
- Number of Projects: 221
Greatest GHG Reduction 2020-2021: Oakville
Click on Oakville and move the slider to compare the GHG reduction!
Generation Green 2019-2021
In total, 23.9 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents of greenhouse gases were reduced!
Generation Green 2019-2021
Check out our website to learn more about what is happening in the Halton Community! Also, take a look at Climate Collective's Resources for insight on climate action plans, statistics and news.
Find out ways to get engaged by checking out our calendar for upcoming events and our YouTube channel for past webinars.
Go to our website to find out more about our partners and to become a partner with HEN and help us enact change.
HEN Homepage
Connect with us! Follow our newsletter, or connect on social media. Volunteer with us - Email volunteer@haltonenvironment.ca to join us and help us take action for the climate.
Social Media
Land acknowledgment
As a community, we have the responsibility to honour, care for and respect all the Creation gives to provide us with life. This includes the land, water, air, fire, animals, plants and our ancestors.
The Anishinabek Peoples have utilized this land for millennia and we would like to acknowledge their direct descendants, the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation, as the rightful caretakers and titleholders of this land upon which we live, work and conduct ourselves. We acknowledge our treaty relationship and responsibilities to both the land and these original peoples.
We also recognize that this land is rich in pre-contact history and customs, which includes the Anishinabek and Haudenosaunee and since European contact, has and continues to become home for Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples. And it is in the spirit and intent of the Dish With One Spoon, wampum agreement whereby we will collectively care for and respect the land, water, animals and each other in the interests of peace and friendship and for the benefit of not only ourselves but of our future descendants.
The HEN Office resides on Treaty 22, Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. For more information on Treaty 22 go to: http://mncfn.ca/treaty2223/
Thank you to Ryerson for creating this story map