Sites Available for Affordable Housing Development

County-owned properties offered to the development community for affordable housing

Click any of the pins on the map or images to the left to learn more about each site.

White Flint Fire Station Site

East County Regional Services Center (RSC) Site

107 Fleet Street

MD-200 & Emory Lane

301 East Jefferson Street

Lot 8: St. Elmo Avenue Lot, Bethesda

Lot 28: Cordell Avenue Lot, Bethesda

Lot 41: Middleton Lane Lot, Bethesda

Garage 4: Fenton Street Village Garage, Silver Spring

Lot 48: Georgia Avenue Lot, Silver Spring

Lot 12: Columbia Boulevard Lot, Silver Spring

Lot 29: Bonifant and Easley Lot, Silver Spring

Lot 38: Bonifant Street Lot, Silver Spring

Lot 14: Blueridge-Hickerson Lot, Wheaton

Lot 17: Price-Fern Lot, Wheaton

Lot 33: University Lot, Wheaton

Lot 34: Ennalls Lot, Wheaton

White Flint Fire Station Site

11920 Chapman Ave., Rockville, 20852 3.43 acres for 5 parcels Zoning: CR-3.0, C-2.5, R-1.5, H-200 36,000 sf fire station will begin construction in late 2023 on north end of site **Update January 2023: The County Executive’s Recommended FY24 Capital Budget has construction of the fire station beginning in late 2025 Opportunity for senior affordable housing to the south of fire station Utilities: Available

The County has selected Victory Housing, Inc. as its development partner. More information can be found  here 

East County Regional Services Center (RSC) Site

3300 Briggs Chaney Rd, Silver Spring, 20904 13.61-acre site includes RSC building, recreation center, senior apartments and Park and Ride lot Zoning: R-30 (master plan underway) RSC building is a former school property with a footprint of 13,946 sf and can be redeveloped Senior multifamily building is north of RSC building Parking is shared with all uses, including adjacent senior apartments Wooded area on site is protected by Category I Forest Conservation Easement Utilities: Available

107 Fleet Street

107 Fleet Street, Rockville, 20850 One vacant parcel 5,018 sf City of Rockville Zoning District: MXT (Mixed-Use Transition) Rockville Heights Historic District Overlay Zone Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation – Office Commercial Residential Mix (OCRM) Utilities: Available Water Service Provider: City of Rockville Surrounding uses include County-owned detached homes occupied with HHS uses and senior multifamily housing

The County has selected Habitat for Humanity Metro Maryland as its development partner. More information can be found  here 

MD-200 & Emory Lane

North of MD-200 at Emory Lane, Rockville, 20853 Two vacant parcels 8.42 acres Zone: RE-1 Former school site Utilities: Available

301 East Jefferson Street

301 E. Jefferson St., Rockville, 20850 One parcel; Juror Parking Lot for Montgomery County Circuit Court 1.26 acres City of Rockville Zoning District: MXNC (Mixed-Use Neighborhood Commercial) Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation – Office Commercial Residential Mix (OCRM) Utilities: Available Water Service Provider: City of Rockville

Lot 8: St. Elmo Avenue Lot, Bethesda

4835 St. Elmo Ave., Bethesda, 20814 0.11 acres 11 parking spaces Zone: CR-5.0 C-5.0 R-5.0 H-175, Bethesda Overlay Zone Utilities: Available

Lot 28: Cordell Avenue Lot, Bethesda

4854 Cordell Ave., Bethesda, 20814 0.14 acres 20 parking spaces Zone: CR-5.0 C-5.0 R-5.0 H-175, Bethesda Overlay Zone Utilities: Available

Lot 41: Middleton Lane Lot, Bethesda

4538 Middleton Lane, Bethesda, 20814 0.18 acres 10 parking spaces Zone: R-60, Bethesda Overlay Zone Utilities: Available Area for redevelopment is parking lot only

Garage 4: Fenton Street Village Garage, Silver Spring

8110 Fenton St., Silver Spring, 20910 Four parcels 2.21 acres (garage) and 0.12 acre (surface lot), total of 2.33 acres 313 parking spaces Zone: CR-5.0 C-5.0 R-5.0 H-130 Utilities: Available

Lot 48: Georgia Avenue Lot, Silver Spring

9401 Georgia Ave., Silver Spring, 20910 Two parcels 0.35 acres 37 parking spaces Zone: CRT-1.5 C-1.5 R-0.5 H-45 Utilities: Available

Lot 12: Columbia Boulevard Lot, Silver Spring

1920 Seminary Rd., Silver Spring, 20910 0.67 acres 66 parking spaces Zone: CRT-1.5 C-1.0 R-1.5 H-60 Utilities: Available

Lot 29: Bonifant and Easley Lot, Silver Spring

811 Easley St., Silver Spring, 20910 0.69 acres 73 parking spaces Zone: CR-3.0 C-3.0 R-3.0 H-70 Utilities: Available

Lot 38: Bonifant Street Lot, Silver Spring

920 Bonifant St., Silver Spring, 20910 0.17 acres 21 parking spaces Zone: CR-3.0 C-3.0 R-3.0 H-130 Utilities: Available

Lot 14: Blueridge-Hickerson Lot, Wheaton

2425 Hickerson Dr., Wheaton, 20902 1.06 acres 107 parking spaces Zone: CR-5.0 C-4.5 R-4.5 H 150 Utilities: Available

Lot 17: Price-Fern Lot, Wheaton

2320 Price Ave., Wheaton, 20902 0.60 acres 66 parking spaces Zone: CR-6.0 C-5.5 R-5.5 H 200 Utilities: Available

Lot 33: University Lot, Wheaton

2622 University Blvd W., Wheaton, 20902 0.39 acres 53 parking spaces Zone: CR-6.0 C-5.5 R-5.5 H 200 Utilities: Available

Lot 34: Ennalls Lot, Wheaton

2510 Ennalls Ave., Wheaton, 20902 0.47 acres 40 parking spaces Zone: CR-6.0 C-5.5 R-5.5 H 200 Utilities: Available