Prioritize, Target, and Measure Application
What is PTMApp?
Why was it created?
In 2013, the Clean Water Accountability Act (CWAA) was enacted in Minnesota. This act requires that the investment of Clean Water Funds be directed towards targeted actions that will result in measurable water quality improvements.
The Prioritize, Target, and Measure Application (PTMApp) was designed to be a statewide tool for LGUs in rural areas to estimate water quality benefits from potential best managment practices (BMPs) and conservation practices (CPs) they would implement. It will also satisfy reporting requirements of the CWAA.
Data uses:
- informs watershed management plans (e.g., One Watershed, One Plan),
- refines targeting that was completed as part of Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL)/Watershed Restoration and Protection Strategies (WRAPS) development,
- adapts and revises targeted implementation plans on an annual or semiannual basis, and
- helps LGUs reduce their need for third-party technical support.
Long-Term Vision
The long-term vision for PTMApp is to use it to support decisions for making Clean Water Fund investments in targeted actions that result in measurable water quality improvements. These decisions will take place from planning through implementing BMPs. The decisions will also help track constructed projects and quantify measurable outcomes of completed projects.
Additionally, PTMApp-Web will create a bridge between PTMApp and eLINK, the application BWSR uses to track funded projects.
2019 Needs Assessment
In 2019, BWSR held a meeting with PTMApp users to complete a thorough Needs Assessment. This assessment helped identify which upgrades, maintenance, technical support, and software and hardware items were needed to be addressed for the near and long-term.
The Needs Assessment is a 5-year plan for enhancing and maintaining PTMApp through December 31, 2023.
Where has PTMApp Been Developed?
This interactive map shows where PTMApp data has been developed throughout the state of Minnesota. Many of these areas have been for the One Watershed, One Plan (1W1P) Program . Click on each watershed to learn its name, PTMApp data type developed, and watershed size.
PTMApp Modeling
PTMApp Model Assumptions
- Most inputs and calculations are based on data from peer-reviewed literature.
- Runoff is determined by the Curve Number method.
- Sediment yield is determined using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) . Nutrient yields are estimated based on land use-specific yields from observed data.
- Sediment, total phosphorus (TP), and total nitrogen (TN) are analyzed. They are not separated into different particle size classes (sediment) or species (TP and TN).
- PTMApp quantifies overland/washload erosion but does not estimate near channel or in-channel sources of sediment, TP, or TN.
- Downstream transport as well as sediment and nutrient fate are calculated using first order decay equations to decrease the material transported downstream due to natural physical, chemical, and biological processes.
- BMP load reduction is estimated based on the treatable load delivered to the BMP while considering the reduction efficiency of each BMP type.
- PTMApp does not account for existing CPs on the landscape unless they are defined by the user.
- By default, PTMApp does not account for the effect of BMPs implemented in a series (one BMP upstream of another BMP); however, it is capable making those calculations, if needed.
Read PTMApp: Theory and Development Documentation to learn more.
What are PTMApp's Model Scales?
- Field Scale: Highly localized with the ability to site and analyze individual BMPs
- Subwatershed Scale: Targeted BMP implementation plan to improve water quality in a priority waterbody or subwatershed
- Watershed Scale: HUC 8 sediment, TP, and TN loading summary.
How does PTMApp Support Planning and Implementation Efforts?
PTMApp can be used for:
- Prioritize and identify the location of water quality issues
- Set measurable goals for water quality issues
- Target actions that make progress towards water quality goals
- Track progress towards water quality goals as actions are implemented
How Can PTMApp Report Practice Outcomes?
- It can estimate sediment, TP, and TN loads for landscapes before BMPs are implemented and after.
- It can deliver end of year reporting for implemented BMPs, which includes:
- Sediment, TP, and TN load reductions
- Expected total volume storage
- It can estimate load reductions individually or through treatment trains (a series of BMPs) to understand which BMPs to implement and where. Estimates include:
- Reductions at the field edge
- Expected reducations at downstream resources (e.g., lake inlet, river confluence, watershed outlet, etc.)
How does PTMApp Compare to other Watershed-Based Models?
PTMApp outputs can also be used to inform other water quality models. For example, landscape loading from PTMApp can be used as inputs for other water quality models, such as BATHTUB.
Hydrologic Simulation Program Fortran - Scenario Application Manager (HSPF-SAM) – a downloadable model for working with HSPF data. HSPF estimates water, sediment, and nutrient concentration, load, and yield from point and non-point sources. BMP implementation scenarios can be created to estimate water quality benefits and expected cost.
Agricultural Conservation Planning Framework (ACPF) – an ArcGIS toolbox that defines possible locations for conservation practices on or near agricultural fields and stream. The FinRT (Financial and Nutrient Reduction Tool) toolbox is a recently released add-on to ACPF, which can be used to estimate expected nitrate reductions and cost of conservation practices.
Prioritize Target and Measure Application (PTMApp) – an ArcGIS-based series of tools to estimate sediment, TP, and TN source loading; find suitable locations for BMPs; estimate water quality benefits of BMPs (load reduction); and estimate BMP implementation costs.
Web App Scenario Builder
How does the Web App Scenario Builder Work for Helping Make Decisions?
Scenario Builder provides a step-by-step guide of how to create scenario outputs for specific areas within a watershed.
An interactive mapping feature will update the information within your scenario as you move through all 8 steps.
Click here to view PTMApp-Web . Click here to view PTMApp help documentation .
The Scenario Builder allows the user to work with any of the 24 BMP options from PTMApp-Desktop.
Multiple scenarios can be developed that target specific BMP types.
Standard filters can be applied, which will help identify realistic practices that could be implemented on the landscape.
All scenarios developed within the widget can be saved on your profile.
You are also given the option to download all practices in shapefile, CSV, and PDF documentation to use in other programs.
Success Stories
Success Story #1:
Roseau River Watershed District
The Roseau River Watershed District led PTMApp data development for the entire watershed.
With landowner engagement, the Watershed District further refined data to target and measure the benefits of practices that would reduce sediment and TP to the Roseau River.
The results supported the Watershed District in pursing a 319 Small Watershed Grant through the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.
Success Story #2:
Restoring and Protecting Lakes for Federal Planning
Matejcek Reservoir experienced a fish kill from low oxygen levels. The Walsh County Water Resources District and NRCS combined PTMApp with a BATHTUB model to target opportunities to improve Matejcek Reservoir's condition.
The results are helping guide planning for future implementation efforts to improve the overall health of the Matejcek Reservoir.
Success Story #3:
Ability to Achieve Goals in the Wild Rice Watershed District
- The Wild Rice – Marsh River Watershed One Watershed, One Plan was approved in December 2020
- Watershed implementation dollars were granted in June 2021
- Since grant approval, 10 WASCOB and two grade stabilization projects have been implemented
- Implementation occurred in priority areas defined within the plan
Contact Information
Udai Singh, PhD
Modeling and Outcomes Coordinator 507-766-5020 udai.singh@state.mn.us