Pico Rivera Marquee Capital Improvement Projects

Infrastructure and capital projects are actively pursued throughout the city to help improve the quality of life in Pico Rivera, CA.


The City of Pico Rivera Public Works Department launched an aggressive Capital Improvement Program (CIP) that is aimed at enhancing the quality of life for local residents and businesses. The CIP is a multi-year plan that identifies future public infrastructure and facility improvements within the city and provides information regarding needs, timing, costs and funding sources.

Public Works Department staff are working toward dozens of projects at any given time—ranging from traffic safety and street repairs, to water and sewer upgrades, to parks and facilities improvements and more. Scroll through this StoryMap to learn more about some of the biggest projects taking place in the city that will positively impact your daily life and the Pico Rivera community. You can also click on one of the following links to "jump" to a specific project:

Want to explore the more comprehensive project map shown here? Click the button below to see the many various projects being planned, engineered, constructed or recently completed throughout the city.

Durfee Avenue Grade Separation and Underpass Project

Project Overview

  • Capital Improvement Program Reference Number: CIP 21241
  • Type: Bridge Improvement
  • Status: Construction In Progress
  • Estimated Completion: June 2022

Project Details

Before this project was initiated, the area where Durfee Avenue crossed the Union Pacific railroad tracks was "at grade," which means that the street and tracks would cross each other on the same surface level. As a result, vehicular and pedestrian traffic were separated only by the electronic standard level crossing signals when a train would need to pass.

Durfee Avenue Crossing Before

The Durfee Avenue Grade Separation and Underpass Project will separate the street from the Union Pacific railroad tracks on Durfee Avenue. Once complete, the roadway on Durfee Avenue between Beverly Road and Whittier Boulevard will cross under a new railroad bridge. This roadway shift will require a regrade of the street, which entails repaving the road surface and altering the level of the land to accommodate the new design and construction. Retaining walls will also be erected to create a clearly delineated divider between the railroad tracks and vehicular and pedestrian traffic areas.

Grade Separation Construction

Project Benefits

Both the Union Pacific railroad tracks and Durfee Avenue regularly experience high traffic volumes, which are only anticipated to increase in the future. This crossing is traversed by 49 trains per day, which is projected to increase to 91 trains by 2025, and Durfee Avenue carries 13,600 vehicles per day and that number is projected to increase to 14,300 vehicles by 2025. By separating the street from the railroad tracks, it is estimated that delay at the crossing will be reduced by 15.3 vehicle-hours every day.

  • Eliminate delays for emergency responders and crossing collisions at the intersection, thereby also increasing traffic efficiency for all at this intersection
  • Improve safety for hundreds of pedestrians and cyclists
  • Help greatly reduce emissions from idling vehicles waiting for trains to pass
  • Eliminate locomotive horn noise in the area

Completed Durfee Avenue Underpass Rendering

Budget & Funding

The Durfee Avenue Grade Separation and Underpass Project is part of a nearly $2 billion Alameda Corridor-East program (via the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments) funded with a mix of local, state and federal money. The City of Pico Rivera's budget for this project is nearly $108 million. More Information

Rosemead Boulevard/Beverly Road Intersection Project

Project Overview

  • Capital Improvement Program Reference Number: CIP 21276
  • Type: Traffic Safety
  • Status: Completed
  • Completion Date: October 2021

Project Details

The Rosemead Boulevard and Beverly Road intersection is one of the busiest intersections in Pico Rivera. This improvement project was a complete redesign of the intersection and included the following elements:

  • Widening of the intersection to add a left-turn lane and right-turn pocket in the westbound direction of Beverly Boulevard, as well as additional left-turn pockets in the northbound and southbound direction along Rosemead Boulevard onto Beverly Boulevard
  • Reconstructing the existing medians, sidewalk, curb and gutter to accommodate additional travel lanes along northbound and southbound Rosemead Boulevard through the intersection
  • Rehabilitating the pavement along Beverly Boulevard from Acacia Avenue Street to Lindell Avenue
  • Constructing new bus pads
  • Modifying the existing traffic signal

As a result of the planned roadway widening, acquisition and demolition of the commercial property at the northeast corner of the intersection was also required along with the residential property adjacent to it. Affected businesses relocated and were appraised and offered compensation for loss of business.

Project Benefits

This project was part of the Gateway Cities Council of Governments (Gateway COG) Hot Spots Program, which has an overall goal to increase capacity at major intersections along Rosemead Boulevard to help reduce congestion and improve traffic along the SR-91/I-605/I-405 corridor. Improvements to the Rosemead Boulevard/Beverly Road intersection was key toward achieving this as it was the last of four projects identified along Rosemead Boulevard. The other three intersection improvement projects that have been completed include Rosemead Boulevard at Slauson Avenue, Rosemead Boulevard at Whittier Boulevard and Rosemead Boulevard at Washington Boulevard.

Budget & Funding

The Gateway COG Hot Spots Program identified four intersections within the City and awarded $18,254,500 in reimbursement grant funds to the City of Pico Rivera to implement the program’s projects, which were conceived as part of a regional planning project. Due to the extensive nature of the Rosemead Boulevard/Beverly Road Intersection Project, this project cost approximately $13.5 million. Measure R fund were also utilized.

Project Photos

Before Intersection Improvements

Intersection Renderings

Intersection Construction

After Intersection Improvements

Whittier Boulevard Overlay Project

Project Overview

  • Capital Improvement Program Reference Number: CIP 21346
  • Type: Street Improvement
  • Status: Design
  • Completion Date: TBD

Project Details

The section of Whittier Boulevard from Paramount Boulevard to Rosemead Boulevard will receive a 2-inch rubberized asphalt overlay, which is a hot-mixed asphalt pavement containing crumb rubber. This type of asphalt, also referred to as Asphalt Rubber Hot Mix or ARHM, is more resistant to cracking and last longer than regular asphalt.

Project Benefits

Pavement management is a citywide, continuous and cyclical process because street wear and tear begins immediately and is a constant. Street repairs such as the ARHM overlay extend the useful life of the pavement which helps to ensure economic activity can continue to flourish, emergency services can respond quickly and community members can pursue their professional and personal activities.

Budget & Funding


Project Photos

Before Street Improvements

Street Rendering

Street Rendering

HSIP Traffic Signal Improvement Projects (Part 1)

Project Overview

  • Capital Improvement Program Reference Number: CIP 21348
  • Type: Traffic Safety
  • Status: Construction In Progress
  • Estimated Completion: May 2023

Project Details

The City will install new signal hardware, including 12” LED lenses, backplates, signal timing/emergency vehicle preemption upgrades and pedestrian countdown timers. The emergency vehicle preemption upgrades will clear an area of cars if the fire department is passing through it. The work will involve replacing the traffic signal poles, conducting underground investigations to ensure there aren't any conflicts with wiring, then installing prevention devices, countdown hands and replacing rusted hands. Materials have been ordered and, currently, the contractor is waiting to receive the materials before work can be started.

Project Benefits

The City will install new signal hardware at 19 intersections along 5 major corridors to reduce vehicular and pedestrian collisions and increase safety. The City identified the need to improve these intersections while applying for the federal grant funding. During their review, the City found high collision rates at the selected 19 intersections.

Budget & Funding

The total cost of CIP 21348 is nearly $1.9 million and is being funded through a federal funding grant from the Highway Safety Improvement Program Cycle 7 in the amount of $853,100, as well as local Prop C funds in the amount of $1,010,000.

Project Maps

Signals being addressed through CIP 21348 include:

HSIP Traffic Signal Improvement Project Maps

Beverly Blvd & Acacia Ave

Paramount Blvd & Washington Blvd

Rosemead Blvd & Mines Ave

Rosemead Blvd & Slauson Ave

Rosemead Blvd & Telegraph Rd

Rosemead Blvd & Washington Blvd

Rosemead Blvd & Whittier Blvd

Slauson Ave & Passons Blvd

Whittier Blvd & Acacia Ave

Whittier Blvd & Durfee Ave

Whittier Blvd & Gregg Rd

Whittier Blvd & Lexington Rd

Whittier Blvd & Lindsey Ave

Whittier Blvd & Passons Blvd

Beverly Blvd & Rosemead Blvd

Beverly Road & Rosemead Boulevard

Paramount Blvd & Mines Ave

Paramount Blvd & Slauson Ave

Whittier Blvd & Paramount Blvd

HSIP Traffic Signal Improvement Projects (Part 2)

Project Overview

  • Capital Improvement Program Reference Number: CIP 21353
  • Type: Traffic Safety
  • Status: Construction In Progress
  • Estimated Completion: May 2023

Project Details

The City will install improved signal hardware at three locations, convert signal mast arms from pedestal mounted at two locations, conduct underground wiring work and install updated, ADA-compliant curb ramps wherever they're needed. When construction begins, the City will typically close the slowest lane in each direction.

Project Benefits

The current street lights are susceptible to visibility issues and create a safety concern. The project aims to limit collisions and improve safety at these intersections.

Budget & Funding

The total cost of CIP 21353 is nearly $1.7 million and is being funded by a federal funding grant from the Highway Safety Improvement Program Cycle 8 in the amount of $696,300, as well as local Prop C funds in the amount of $980,000.

HSIP Traffic Signal Improvement Projects (Part 2)

Project Photos

Signals being addressed through CIP 21353 include:

Youth Center Renovation and Broadband Project

Project Overview

  • Capital Improvement Program Reference Number: CIP 50034
  • Type: Parks & Facilities
  • Status: In Design
  • Estimated Completion: June 2023

Project Details

The Youth Center is currently in poor condition and has, in fact, been red tagged causing it to be unusable. Therefore, the plan is to completely revamp and rebuild the Youth Center, including the installation of high-speed broadband internet. The City will be looking for community input and feedback to help make the new Youth Center as valuable as possible for our community's youth.

Project Benefits

Due to the Youth Center's poor condition, Youth Center activities had to be moved to the Rio Hondo Park facility which unfortunately displaced classes and made the center's services less accessible to the Pico Rivera community at large. The renovation will enable the City to restore and expand youth activities and services, including providing a safe environment to utilize reliable internet for homework.

Budget & Funding


Project Photos

Current Youth Center

Youth Center Classes & Activities

Youth Center Classes & Activities

Rosemead Boulevard Road Resurfacing Project

Project Overview

  • Capital Improvement Program Reference Number: CIP 50041
  • Type: Street Improvements
  • Status: Construction In Progress
  • Estimated Completion: TBD

Project Details

The edges of the pavement on Rosemead Boulevard, north of Whittier Boulevard, will be milled. This refers to grinding and removing the topmost layer of asphalt pavement which prevents the pavement from getting too high from years of asphalt resurfacing, which also prevents drainage issues. For the asphalt overlay, the paved surfaces being treated will undergo cleaning to remove debris prior to cutting out more major damage, such as potholes. Contractors will fill in cut-out areas with fresh asphalt and compact it with a rubber tire roller.

Project Benefits

A roadway milling and resurfacing extends the life of a road in a cost effective manner. If the surface is less than 30% damaged, the foundation is stable and cracks are minimal, overlay will be used to repair roadways. This refers to removing only the top layer of the asphalt and adding to it. Repairs to Rosemead Boulevard will restore the road to its original condition, providing safe and efficient travel for those who use the major road north of Whittier Boulevard.

Budget & Funding

$2 million

Project Photos

Before Road Resurfacing

PFAS Treatment System Project

Project Overview

  • Capital Improvement Program Reference Number: CIP 50042
  • Type: Water Project
  • Status: Construction In Progress
  • Completion Date: Spring 2023

Project Details

A PFAS water treatment system is being constructed at three of Pico Rivera's plants at Wells 1, 2 and 5. New filtration systems will be installed to remove PFAS contaminants.

Project Benefits

PFAS, or Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances, are a toxic group of chemicals used to make fluoropolymer coatings, also known as the "forever chemicals." These chemicals are resistant to heat, oil, stains, grease and water, which is why they have been manufactured into many consumer products since the 1940s, including clothing, furniture, adhesives, food packaging, non-stick food appliances and the insulation of electrical wire. In recent years, PFAS have been found to move through soils to contaminate drinking water sources. A growing body of scientific research indicates that there are potentially adverse health impacts related to PFAs exposure, including liver damage, thyroid disease, lessened fertility, high cholesterol, obesity, hormone suppression and cancer. Pico Rivera is one of many cities across Southern California serviced by wells with heightened levels of PFAS, according to statewide testing in 2021. This project will help eradicate the presence of PFAS in potable water, promoting the safe consumption of water for our residents.

Budget & Funding

$14 million

Project Photos

PFAS Treatment System Plans

Citywide Residential Resurfacing Program - Chip Seal

Project Overview

  • Capital Improvement Program Reference Number: CIP 50047
  • Type: Street Improvement
  • Status: Starting Soon
  • Estimated Completion: Summer 2022

Project Details

An emulsified mixture of asphalt and water will be applied to a number of roadways using a spray truck. A layer of crushed gravel will be applied by a spreader. The gravel will then be compacted and embedded into the asphalt by rubber-tired rollers. The new chip-seal will require a few days to set. Hot, dry weather will speed up this process. Traffic will be able to move over this surface at reduced speeds during the curing process at a maximum of 35 MPH. After curing, loose gravel is swept off the surface.

Street receiving this treatment include:

  • Dulin Avenue - Holbrook Street
  • Verner Street - Lindsey Avenue to Jackson Street
  • Lindsey Avenue - Verner Street to Catherine Street
  • Loch Avon Drive - Citronell Avenue
  • Havenwood Drive - Rosemead Boulevard - Citronell Avenue
  • Rosemead Boulevard (frontage) - Bradhurst Street - Havenwood Drive
  • Kilgarry Avenue - Loch Lomond Drive to Reichling Lane
  • Lemoran Avenue - Loch Lomond Drive to Reichling Lane
  • Maris Avenue - Paramount Boulevard to Coffman and Pico Road
  • Maris Avenue - Paramount Boulevard to Silverette Drive
  • Silverette Drive - Alley w/o Paramount Boulevard to Paramount Boulevard
  • Alley w/o Paramount Boulevard - Maris Avenue to Silverette Drive
  • Alley e/o Paramount Boulevard - Maris Avenue to Unser Street
  • Sandlock Street - Winodee Drive to Keltonview Drive
  • Crossway Drive - Rosemead Boulevard to Coffman and Pico Road
  • Crossway Drive - Coffman and Pico Road to Carron Drive
  • Crossway Drive - Carron Drive to Washington Boulevard
  • Keltonview Drive - Carron Drive to Washington Boulevard

Project Benefits

There are many benefits to installing chip seal, a special protective wearing surface, onto existing pavement. In addition to maintaining overall roadway quality, chip seal:

  • Keeps water from penetrating the road structure
  • Fills and seals cracks on the pavement
  • Provides an anti-glare surface during wet weather and increased reflective properties for driving at night
  • Seals the pavement to prolong its lifespan
  • Provides a skid-resistant surface, particularly for wet pavement
  • Is a cost effective roadway repair solution in comparison to pavement overlays

Budget & Funding

$1.4 million

Project Photos


Before Photo: Crossway Drive - Rosemead Boulevard to Coffman and Pico Road

Before Photo: Maris Ave to Silverette Dr

Before Photo: Havenwood Dr - Rosemead Blvd - Citronell Ave

Citywide Residential Resurfacing Program - Overlay and Reconstruction

Project Overview

  • Capital Improvement Program Reference Number: CIP 50048
  • Type: Street Improvement
  • Status: Starting Soon
  • Estimated Completion: Fall 2022

Project Details

A number of streets throughout the city will receive asphalt overlay, which means the paved surfaces will be treated and undergo cleaning to remove debris prior to cutting out more major damage, such as potholes. Contractors will fill in cut-out areas with fresh asphalt and compact it with a rubber tire roller. In sections with more extensive damage, asphalt will be stripped down to its base layer with a cold mill grind and replaced. A new subgrade asphalt base would then be installed, alongside a new top pavement overlay. Please  click here  for a complete list and additional details on all the street segments being addressed through this project.

Project Benefits

A roadway overlay extends the life of a road in a cost effective manner. If the surface is less than 30% damaged, the foundation is stable and cracks are minimal, overlay will be used to repair roadways. Asphalt reconstruction will be used in areas where the roadway foundation is too damaged to build upon. Reconstruction consists of removing damaged asphalt down to the base layer. While this service requires more labor and time, reconstructing roadways with severe damage will keep roadways in safe, usable condition for decades to come. The preservation of Pico Rivera's roadway system through pavement management is essential. Many of the city's roads are in poor condition. Without proper treatment, roadway conditions will accelerate their deterioration. This project will specifically benefit residential areas.

Budget & Funding

$11.4 million

Project Photos

Before Photo: Keltonview Dr - Sandlock St

Before Photo: Maxine St - Rosemead Blvd

Before Photo: Orange Ave - Shade Lane

ADA City Hall and City Hall West Improvements

Project Overview

  • Capital Improvement Program Reference Number: CIP 50073
  • Type: Parks & Facilities
  • Status: Starting Soon
  • Estimated Completion: Fall 2023

Project Details

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) improvements of both City Hall and City Hall West's public restrooms and lobbies, as well as exterior paths-of-travel along parking lots and sidewalks. Portions of public restrooms, lobbies, paths-of-travel and parking lots at City Hall and City Hall West are not in compliance with current ADA standards. In late 2021, the City retained Ware Malcomb to design improvements for the Project, which will include reconstruction of partitions, plumbing, interior finishes, electrical, and HVAC modifications, doors, flooring, ceilings, millwork, ADA wheelchair lift, asphalt, sidewalks, curbs, curb-ramps, ADA railings, striping, and signage.

Project Benefits

The City Hall aims to serve the entire population of Pico Rivera. The improvements Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) improvements will allow residents to more easily access the services that are available at City Hall.

Budget & Funding


Project Photos


While the CIP projects included here are some of the most prominent currently taking place, there are dozens of other projects in progress as the City's Public Works team continually strives to improve the lives of the Pico Rivera community. You can explore these projects by clicking the button below.

If you have questions about any of these projects, we invite you to call the Public Works Department at (562) 801-4421.

Durfee Avenue Crossing Before

Grade Separation Construction

Completed Durfee Avenue Underpass Rendering

Before Intersection Improvements

Intersection Renderings

Intersection Construction

After Intersection Improvements

Before Street Improvements

Street Rendering

Street Rendering

Current Youth Center

Youth Center Classes & Activities

Youth Center Classes & Activities

Before Road Resurfacing

PFAS Treatment System Plans


Before Photo: Crossway Drive - Rosemead Boulevard to Coffman and Pico Road

Before Photo: Maris Ave to Silverette Dr

Before Photo: Havenwood Dr - Rosemead Blvd - Citronell Ave

Before Photo: Keltonview Dr - Sandlock St

Before Photo: Maxine St - Rosemead Blvd

Before Photo: Orange Ave - Shade Lane