Quds Force in Syria Strike Aftermath

The Israeli Airforce Wide Attack in Syria - 20 November 2019

On the dawn of 20 November 2019, the media reported an Israeli airforce strike which targeted mainly Iranian sites in Syria. On the same day, ISI has tasked its very-high-resolution satellite, Eros-B, and captured areas that were likely attacked according to initial assessment.

The satellite images were downloaded at the ISI ground station and published to public media on the same day as an ISI intelligence report.

“The Glasshouse", Damascus Intl. Airport

The top two floors destroyed

”The Glasshouse” is the primary and most essential Quds force and Shiite Militias Headquarters in all of Syria, according to reports. Quds Force’s Intelligence unit operated within these attacked floors. Currently, the site looks abandoned, without any observed activity signs.

ISI Assessment: The airstrike destroyed the intelligence capability in the damaged floors.

Quds Force Headquarters, Al Mazzeh Airport

The Headquarters destroyed

ISI assessment: the destroyed site was a Quds Force Headquarters, used for Shiite militias in the Damascus area, and probably intended to control possible attacks on Israel in the future.

Covered Parking Lot, 4th Division Camp, West Damascus

A covered parking lot was destroyed (20 November 2019), near a previously damaged parking lot hit on 25 December 2018.

ISI assessment: the warehouses used for Shiite militias vehicles, possibly launchers, or other unique vehicles or weapon systems (SSM/SAM?).

Warehouses, Military Camp, West to Al Mazzeh Airport

ISI assessment: The warehouses were used for Shiite militias vehicles, possibly launchers, or other unique vehicles or weapon systems (SSM/SAM?).

Meanwhile, in Albukamal...

According to media reports, an airstrike was conducted (18 November 2019) targeting an Iranian truck in Albukamal, Syria. Besides, the Iranian activity in the area seems to be significant.

"Imam Ali" Military Base: Media reports related this base to IRGC and specifically Quds Force

The base (approx. 20 km2) and its surroundings are under intensive construction and repairs. There are eight main areas under construction, in addition to military posts, fortification, and revetments.

The military base is being built in a short-term construction process using high resource investment in both funds and human resources.

The Iranian Crossing Compound

Hangars and perimeter walls are laid on their foundations.

The main hangar (36x37 meters) is capable of concealing significant elements like trucks, as well as large quantities of equipment. Two security checkpoints (18x20 m) located at the entrances and four additional hangars are inside the compound. However, the crossing is not yet operational, and its construction still ongoing.

ISI assessment: The construction of the “Imam Ali” military base is probably in its final stages and will be announced as operational shortly. Regardless of the open and active official border crossing of Albukamal-Al-Qaim, completing the development of the Iranian border crossing and the military base, may allow Iran to transfer equipment, weapons, and personnel from Iraq through its new controlled border crossing and directly to the fortified storehouses in the new base. Thus, ISI assesses that the accurate airstrike (if indeed happened) targeted a truck within the Iranian border crossing compound. Furthermore, inside the same compound, Iraqi Shiite militias Headquarters were attacked on 18 June 2018.

Bottom Line

ISI Assessment

The reported attacks (20 November 2019) against Iranian sites or Iran-controlled areas were probably part of the IDF's efforts to prevent a force build-up near the Israeli border. Additionally, to stop Iran from creating a safe and fully-controlled corridor from Tehran, through Iraq, to its allies in Syria and Lebanon (Hizballah).

The accurate first attacks on the "Glasshouse" in Damascus International airport might be a sign to high-ranking officials in Iran, most notably Qassem Soleimani, responsible inter-alia for IRGC activity in Syria. Future attacks will probably not target only Quds Force and Iran-controlled operative and field level targets, such as in Al Mazzeh airfield, but also regional and strategic facilities, such as the "Glasshouse".

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