Oil and Gas Environment Interactive
The North Sea Interactive is a web based mapping portal. It was developed as part of a NERC funded project led by Heriot-Watt University starting in 2014, led by Prof Murray Roberts with data prepared by Dr Kate Gormley , in collaboration with BGS and NOC. The aim of the project was to translate some existing marine environmental data into a GIS product for the offshore oil and gas industry. The objectives of the project were achieved through the integration of the North Sea Benthos database (UKBenthos v5.03, data from 1975 to 2011) with NERC's regional North Sea marine sediment data (BGS) and layers of modelled hydrodynamics (NOC).
Oil and Gas Knowledge Exchange Fellowship: a NERC funded project led by Dr Kate Gormley , University of Aberdeen (2014-2022)
This fellowship has pulled these data sources together into a single online database portal, where data can be mapped, queried and downloaded for a particular area of interest. The UKBenthos data within the portal has been updated to v5.14 and includes data from 1975 to 2019. Data has also been prepared and included from various other industry related environmental surveys, including: the Oil and Gas UK Wide Area Surveys, Strategic Environmental Assessment surveys and the Atlantic Frontier Environmental Network surveys.
Learn more on MASTS CASTS:
Contact kate.gormley@abdn.ac.uk for more information.
How to use O&G Environment Interactive
Data can be selected and exported in a number of ways:
- Pop-Up Window click on a point of interest - a limited amount of the point's attribute data will be visible in the pop-up window
- Query button (bottom left hand corner, magnify glass symbol) - search the various layers using one of the predefined "Query" parameters outlined
- This will return a list of survey points and the associated data
- To export, click on the three dots (feature actions) to the right of the "Query results" drop down box, select action or export format (use .CSV to export to excel)
- Only possible to do one query at a time
- If exporting multiple queries, change the "Query Results" name at the bottom of the "Task" page before applying the query.
- Select button (bottom left hand corner, arrow symbol) - select any of the survey layers based on an area/shape you specify
- Remove any previous query searches (if applicable)
- From the Select button, select the shape you would like to use to select - rectangle, circle, or defined shape/polygon
- Toggle/Select/Unselect the layers of interest
- Draw shape on map
- Select features will be highlighted, click on the three dots beside the layer of interest, export as above.
- Attribute Table (up arrow at bottom of screen)
- Select tab/survey/layer of interest
- Sort through data as required
- Select rows of interest
Oil and Gas Environment Interactive
GIS Shapefiles from the North Sea Interactive (UKBenthos v5.03) are available through BGS: CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS