Woodland Park Main Street

About Woodland Park

Nestled on the north slope of Pikes Peak, Woodland Park, welcomes everyone to enjoy the spectacular views and experience the small-town charm of mountain living. Winding through downtown, Highway 24 follows the ancient Ute Pass Trail and is one of the main thoroughfares to the southern Rocky Mountain region. Locals and visitors alike enjoy shopping, dining, and exploring our history. Woodland Park is “Near Nature, Near Perfect”!

“It’s where community happens.”

Celebrating Main Street

During Historic Preservation Month (May),  Colorado Main Street  and local programs ask residents and visitors about those downtown places - historic buildings, businesses, and public spaces - that matter most to them. The following are the top results for Woodland Park.

Memorial Park

Memorial Park. Click to expand.

Favorite Gathering Place

The Midland Depot Rest Area

The Midland Depot Rest Area. Click to expand.

Favorite Landmark

Colorado GearLab

Colorado GearLab. Click to expand.

Favorite Business

Memorial Park

 Favorite Gathering Place 

Memorial Park is a central gathering place for fun events, family activities, and special celebrations.

The Midland Depot Rest Area

 Favorite Landmark  

Midland Depot is located in the heart of the central business district along Highway 24. It now serves as the public rest area with an informational kiosk with views of Pikes Peak.

Colorado GearLab

 Favorite Business  

 Colorado GearLab  is a great place to GearUp for all outdoor enthusiasts!

"I love the small town feel it represents - Everyone with a shop or restaurant is so welcoming!" - Resident


Of course, there is more to Woodland Park than the top results! Below are some other favorites identified in the Celebrating Main Streets survey ...

Woodland Park Landmarks

About Woodland Park Main Street


Enhance the quality of life in Woodland Park by engaging the community in historic preservation, downtown revitalization, and economic development by promoting a strong business climate.