West Santa Ana Boulevard

Purpose, Intent, and Objectives

Purpose and Intent

The West Santa Ana Boulevard Focus Area connects the Harbor Mixed Use Transit Corridor and Downtown Santa Ana, with the OC Streetcar Project improvements creating the physical transit link in 2022. The intent is to transition a group of auto-oriented neighborhoods, businesses, and institutions into a series of transit-oriented neighborhoods that support and benefit from future streetcar stops.


  • Develop multistory housing and mixed-use opportunities near streetcar stations
  • Promote infill development while respecting established neighborhoods
  • Buffer industrial land uses and residential neighborhoods
  • Create opportunities for clean industrial/maker-type spaces

Envisioned Character

The following images are illustrative, intended to convey the desired design and character of new development, improvements to the public realm, and general atmosphere envisioned for the focus area.

The existing industrial portion of the focus area will be designated for Industrial/Flex to promote new opportunities, including dining operations.

The Industrial/Flex designation in the existing industrial portion of the focus area will allow for creative maker spaces.

Future streetcar service will give residents and visitors a way to travel to key places in the city without a car.

Beautification of existing buildings and public art installation is encouraged.

The Industrial/Flex designation is intended to foster new clean manufacturing and maker-type spaces that are more compatible with the surrounding residential areas than traditional industrial uses.

The urban neighborhood and corridor residential designations promote medium and medium-high density urban housing to serve as a transition between single-family neighborhoods and more intense development around streetcar stations.

Adaptive reuse of historic industrial uses and the introduction of new uses will activate Industrial/Flex areas.

Land Use and Urban Form

The Urban Neighborhood land use designation will allow for more mixed-use and transit-oriented development near future streetcar stops. Near the Raitt streetcar stop, the Corridor Residential land use designation will facilitate additional opportunities for higher density residential development. Similarly, the existing industrial portion of the focus area will be designated for Industrial/Flex to promote small-scale manufacturing, live-work, and retail opportunities.

Both the Urban Neighborhood and Corridor Residential designations will serve as a transition between the low density residential neighborhoods and the areas planned for industrial uses or streetcar stops. Much of the focus area will remain planned for low density residential, general commercial, open space, and key institutional uses. New buildings and spaces must be sensitive to the surrounding low density neighborhoods while still incorporating building and street designs consistent with transit-oriented urban form and active and attractive urban spaces.


Low Density Residential (LR-7)

Low-rise single-family neighborhoods

Low-Medium Density Residential (LMR-11)

Single-family homes, duplexes, small-lot subdivisions, and mobile-home parks

Medium Density Residential (MR-15)

A mix of low- and medium-rise neighborhoods with single and multifamily housing, including small lot subdivisions, townhomes, live/work units

Corridor Residential (CR-30)

Medium and medium-high density residential uses, clustered around the planned street car station at Raitt Street, will provide a transition between the existing neighborhoods and the more intense development planned around the station

Commercial and Office

General Commercial (GC)

Shopping, restaurants, entertainment, and service commercial

General Commercial - Medium (GC-1)

Shopping, restaurants, entertainment, and service commercial

Professional & Administrative Office - High

Professional and administrative office and supporting service commercial and restaurants

Institutional and Open Space


Government facilities, public service facilities, and public institutions

Open Space

Recreational and green space, commercial open space, public infrastructure, and rail facilities


In addition to clean industrial and maker-type spaces, the Industrial/Flex land use district allows for a wider range of uses, including retail and dining options, in existing industrial areas.

Industrial Flex (FLEX-1.5)

Office/industrial flex spaces, small-scale R&D, clean manufacturing, live-work

Mixed Use

Urban Neighborhood districts that allow a mix of medium and medium-high density residential, commercial, public, and cultural uses are located around each streetcar station.

Urban Neighborhood - Low (UN-20)

Medium density urban neighborhoods with a mix of attached single- and multifamily housing; mixed-use residential with ground-floor retail, services, and restaurants; cultural uses; and public and open spaces

Urban Neighborhood - Medium Low (UN-30)

Medium density urban neighborhoods with a mix of attached single- and multifamily housing; mixed-use residential with ground-floor retail, services, and restaurants; cultural uses; and public and open spaces

Photo Simulations

The following are artistic interpretations of how new development could support the purpose, intent and objectives of the Focus Area. These illustrations do not reflect any proposed projects.

West Santa Ana Boulevard Industrial/Flex (Adaptive Reuse)

Mix of Uses

Commercial uses on the ground floor with residential or office uses above.

Adaptive Reuse

Existing industrial buildings may be renovated to include a mix of new uses, including restaurants, coworking spaces, and other programming that activates urban areas.

Reclaiming Public Spaces

Nontraditional public spaces may provide permanent and/or temporary open spaces that improve the experience of living and visiting the focus area.

West Santa Ana Boulevard Industrial Flex (New Development) and Urban Neighborhood

  1. Industrial Flex Low-rise office buildings, limited R&D, and light manufacturing are encouraged uses in the Industrial/Flex districts in the focus area.
  2. OC Streetcar This focus area allows for more mixed-use and transit-oriented development near future streetcar stops.
  3. Medium Density Urban Housing A range of medium and medium-high density urban housing opportunities serve as a transition between the low density residential neighborhoods and the areas planned for industrial uses or streetcar stops.