Suwannee River Wilderness Trail
For wild beauty, springs, shoals, history and prime camping opportunities, the Suwannee River is the perfect paddling destination.
Doug Alderson
Kayaks along Suwannee at Suwannee River State Park
Adams Tract River Camp

Aerial view of Big Shoals

Ramp from river to Woods Ferry River Camp
Screened pavilion at Woods Ferry River Camp
Suwannee Springs Resort in 1908
Suwannee Springs today
View from Holton Creek River Camp
one of the pavilions at the Holton Creek River Camp
map of Suwannee River State Park
Screened porch of cabin in Suwannee River State Park
One of the raised platforms at the Dowling Park River Camp
Entrance to Advent Christian Village
Lafayette Blue Springs
Peacock Slough River Camp pavilion
The Drew Bridge, an abandoned swinging iron bridge in the river
Adams Tract River Camp
Royal Springs Park
A person swims over the ribs of the Confederate ship Madison
Little River Springs
rental cabins at Ellie Ray's
Restaurant at Ellie Ray's
Gornto Springs
Gornto Springs entrance
Entrance to Hart Springs Park
Canoe and kayak launch at Hart Springs
Fanning Springs
Fanning Springs
Manatee Springs
map of Manatee Springs State Park
The Treasure Camp
Public boat ramp at Fowlers Bluff.
Anderson's Landing River Camp