Connecting Our Community

South Windsor Walk & Wheel Ways

About Us

South Windsor Walk & Wheel Ways (SWW&WW), a subcommittee of the Parks & Recreation Commission, is a volunteer group advocating for better and safer facilities for walking and biking in South Windsor.  They are working on the following initiatives:

  • South Windsor Cross Town Trail
  • 4th grade bicycle education
  • Adult bicycle education
  • South Windsor Teen Cycling club
  • Hosting community bicycle rides and walking events

Interested in learning more? Our monthly meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at the Parks & Recreation Facility at 350 Foster Street from 7:00 to 9:00pm.  (Exceptions – No August meeting).

Meeting Minutes

Crosstown Trails

Click  Crosstown Trails  to view more information and interactive mapping of the Town of South Windsor's Proposed Crosstown trails.

South Windsor Events

Twilight Walk through Evergreen Walk Trail

Join SW Walk & Wheel Ways for an evening twilight walk through the Evergreen Walk Trail.  Meet us at 5:45 p.m. at the ECHN Urgent Care parking, 2800 Tamarack Ave. for a 3.5 (1 1/4 hours) mile walk through wooded trails and retail shopping.  The walk begins March 28 at 6:00 p.m. Bring a flashlight and walking shoes. Hike the trail for the 1 st  part of the journey then enjoy shopping and dining out while walking through Evergreen shops and restaurants on the return. 

Check the cancellation hotline if the weather is questionable.  860-648-6349.

Friday, March 28, 2025 @ 5:45 p.m.

Learn to Ride – Adults

It doesn’t matter if you’re 18 or 80, we’ll get you rolling in no time!  With our safe, easy, and effective method, you will learn how to ride a bike as well as adjust your helmet for proper fit.  Bicycles & Helmets are provided.  Wear closed toed shoes & bring water.  Space is limited.

Saturday, April 5, 2025 @ 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

4 th  Grade Bicycle Safety Education Program

Looking for volunteers to be spotters for the 4 th  grade students while they work on mastering bicycle safety skills, hand signals, changing gears and rules of the road.  This program is held in the spring and fall at our SW elementary schools.  For more information and to volunteer contact 

The 2025 spring school dates are

April 21, 22, 24, 25, 28 and 29 @ Pleasant Valley School May 27, 29, 30, June 2, 3, and 24 @ Eli Terry.

Earth Day 2025, Adopt-A-Road Cleanup

Join us in celebrating the 55 th  Anniversary of Earth Day for a roadside clean-up of Chapel Road.  The Adopt-a Road Program offers groups the opportunity to give back to our community by collecting trash along town owned roads, making them safer and more enjoyable.  South Windsor Public Works supplies the trash bags, trash grabbers, safety vests, traffic signs.

Meet at 1pm at the International Magnet School parking lot for assignments and equipment.  We work in groups of two to three along Chapel Road. Please bring garden gloves, water, and wear sunscreen.  A backpack comes in handy to carry your items and extra trash bags.

Saturday, April 26, 2025 @ 1:00 p.m. Rain date: April 27, 2025

International Magnet School for Global Citizenship,  625 Chapel Road South Windsor, CT 

May Wednesday Morning Adult Bike Rides

Meet at Nevers Park parking lot at the corner of Nevers Rd and Sand Hill Rd at 9:45 a.m. and roll out at 10:00am for a 10-to-15-mile bike ride along gently rolling roads in South Windsor and East Windsor. 

Requirements: You must be able to ride a bicycle and shift gears, bike must be in good working order, and helmets are required. Please bring water bottle and sunscreen. Wear bright comfortable clothing and closed toe shoes.  E-bikes (class 1 & 3) are welcome, no throttle allowed.

Wednesday - May 7, 14, 21, and 28, 2025 @ 9:45 a.m. [est. 1.5 hours]

Location: Nevers Park Parking Lot,  150 Nevers Road South Windsor, CT 

Farmers Market – Bicycle Safety Booth & Crosstown Updates

Visit us at the Farmers Market for some bicycle safety tips, bike raffle, giveaways and for the latest updates on the 6.2-mile Crosstown trail.

Saturday, June 7, 2024 @ 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Thursday Evening Bike Rides – Adults

Calling all beginner and casual riders for a 10-to-15-mile bike ride through South Windsor scenic streets.  Meet at Connecticut Valley Brewing Company at 5:45 pm, ride departs at 6:00 pm.  Helmets required.

June 19 - August 28, 2025 @ 5:45 p.m.

Location: Connecticut Valley Brewery,  765 Sullivan Avenue South Windsor, CT 

Sunset Walk

Meet at Nevers Park Rotary Pavilion at 7:15 p.m. for a 1.5 mile walk through Nevers Park.  The walk begins at 7:30 p.m.  Sun sets at 7:50 p.m. All ages welcome.  Please bring a flashlight, family, and friends!

Friday, August 15, 2025, 7:15 p.m.

Location: Nevers Park Rotary Pavilion,  55 Chief Ryan Way South Windsor, CT 

South Windsor Teen Cycling Club

The Teen Cycling Club is open to teenagers 13 to 19!  We bike on relatively quiet roads in South Windsor and neighboring towns.  Teens must be able to ride 5 miles and change gears.

The first club meeting is a meet & greet meeting on Tuesday, June 10, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. at Parks & Recreation, 350 Foster Street.  Bring your bicycle & helmet to the meeting for basic tune-up and riding safety skills tips.

The club will ride monthly on Tuesdays and Saturdays from June through August.  The Tuesday rides will be a short excursion (about 5–8miles) around South Windsor at 6pm.  The Saturday rides will be a longer adventure (15–25 miles) on bike trails/roads for motivated cyclists with a start time at 9:00 a.m.  Rides will begin and end at Nevers Park unless stated otherwise.  Arrive 15 minutes prior to start time.

All rides are led by SWW&WW volunteers.  Parents are welcome to ride with us!  Helmets and bikes with gears are required for all rides.  Register for club membership through the South Windsor Parks & Recreation website. 

Club Meeting – June 10, 2025 @ 6:00 p.m. Location: Parks & Recreation, 350 Foster St.

Tuesday Rides - 6/17, 7/15 and 8/12 at 6:00 p.m. Saturday Rides - 6/28, 7/26 & 8/23 at 9:00 a.m.

Location: Nevers Park Parking (corner of Sand Hill),  150 Nevers Rd South Windsor, CT 

Statewide Events

Ride of Silence

The Ride of Silence is a free ride, hosted in cities worldwide, that aims to inform motorists, police and city officials that cyclists have a legal right to the public roadways. The ride also honors those who have been killed or injured.

7:00 PM sharp, Gather at 6:50 PM for announcements. All cyclists welcome. Approx 3.5 miles on the UConn Campus. Max speed of 12 MPH, helmets mandatory. For more information visit: . Any questions call Kevin 860-208-0012.

Wednesday, May 21, 2025 – Rain or Shine

Mansfield Community Center, 10 South Eagleville Rd., Storrs, CT 06268

CT Trails Day

Looking for a new place to ride, paddle and hike for fitness and fun!   CT Trails Day gets hundreds of families outside, often visiting a place for the first time.

Click on this link to locate that special place: .  All events are lead by guides to make your day safe and easy to enjoy.

June 7 & 8, 2025

Ride the East

Enjoy the scenic Hop River State Park Trail with the East Coast Greenway Alliance and Trust for Public Land! 

Riders will explore the area's many historic and geological sites as a group or at their own convenience. The ride will briefly follow the Air Line Trail north to the Hop River State Park Trail. Registered participants will receive a map highlighting hidden gems of the Hop River State Park Trail and can choose to ride with the group leader or can go at their own pace and distance - up to 40 miles round trip. The last turn-around option is at Talcottville in Vernon.  The ride is on crushed stone dust gravel trails. Bikes with wider tires are recommended. There will be support staff along the entire route, a SAG option and restroom, water and snack stops at suggested turn-around locations. The ride and support end at 4 PM. The ride will take place rain or shine.

Helmets are required

In-person check in and registration starts at 7:30 AM at the Jillson House Museum in Willimantic. Free parking is available at the museum at 1 Jillson Square.  

The first 25 online paid registrants will receive a Trust for Publc Land Bike Jersey and East Coast Greenway Reflective Vest --  register today  to secure your spot!

Saturday, May 17, 2025 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Ride the State

East Coast Greenway route - New Haven to Hartford - Boathouse to Statehouse.

Saturday, June 28, 2025, 8:00AM


4th Grade Bicycle Safety Program

Help 4th grade students master bicycle safety skills, hand signals, changing gears and rules of the road. This program is held in the spring and fall at SW elementary schools.

For more information and to volunteer contact .

Pleasant Valley School tentative dates: April 21, 22, 24, 25, 28 & 29

Eli Terry Elementary School tentative dates: May 27, 29, 30, June 2, 3 & 4. 

Bicycle Education

4th Grade Students learn valuable lessons like how to inflate and repair a flat tire in addition to learning the fundamentals to bike riding.

Next 4th Grade Bicycle Safety Programs

•Pleasant Valley Elementary School, April 2025

••Eli Terry Elementary School, May 2025

PE Teachers – Jon Giordano & Lauren Beeler


Adults can volunteer to be spotters on the course and/or ride with the students in the school’s neighborhood

 To Volunteer Contact 

Teen Cycling Club

Teen Cycling Program

The Teen Cycling Club is open to teenagers 13 to 19!  We bike on relatively quiet roads in South Windsor and neighboring towns.  Teens must be able to ride 5 miles and change gears. 

The club will ride monthly on Tuesdays and Saturdays from June through August.  The Tuesday rides will be a short excursion (about 5–8miles) around South Windsor at 6pm.  The Saturday rides will be a longer adventure (15–25 miles) on bike trails/roads for motivated cyclists with a start time at 9am.  Rides will begin and end at Nevers Park unless stated otherwise.  Arrive 15 minutes prior to start time.

Helmets and bikes are required.

Rides are led by SWW&WW volunteers.


Register for club membership through the South Windsor Parks & Recreation website  here .

Parents are welcome to ride with us!  Helmets and bikes with gears are required for all rides.  

The first club meeting is a meet & greet meeting on Tuesday, June 10, 2025 at 6:00 P.M. at Parks & Recreation, 350 Foster Street.  Bring your bicycle & helmet to the meeting for basic tune-up and riding safety skills tips.

Teen Cycling Dates

Club Meeting – June 10, 2025 at Parks & Recreation Room 6 at 6:00 P.M.

Tuesday Rides - June 17, July 15 and August 12 at 6:00 P.M.

Saturday Rides - June 28, July 26 & August 23 at 9:00 A.M.

Meet at Nevers Park at the corner parking lot on Nevers Road & Sand Hill Road

Get Involved

Are you interested in improving your community through public service and healthy lifestyle activities and programs? Would you like to see the town of South Windsor have better and safer facilities for bicycling and walking? We could use your help! The South Windsor Walk and Wheel Ways committee is looking for interested people to meet with us on the 2nd Wed. of each month at 350 Foster St. South Windsor, CT 06074. We are a volunteer group working on the following initiatives:

  • 4th grade bicycle education
  • Bicycle fleet maintenance
  • Bicycle and bicycle rack inventories
  • South Windsor Teen Cycling club
  • South Windsor Cross Town trail
  • Community bicycle rides
  • Sunset and Moonlight walking events
  • Adopt-A-Road program
  • Study and analyze town areas for improvements
  • Advocating healthy walking and bicycling
  • Promoting safe and healthy activities through community channels

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please contact us at .

If you would like to volunteer at a specific event or program, please contact us at .


Your Donation Matters!

Your donations are pivotal to purchasing additional bike racks, bike repair stations with tools, bikes for the bicycle education programs and air pumps to place around our community.  The racks we have acquired so far can be found at parks, schools, libraries, churches, businesses and at outdoor events such as the Farmer’s Market.  

Ways to Donate

Donations can be made SW Walk & Wheel Ways through the South Windsor Community Foundation, a nonprofit 501(c) (3) organization at . or by clicking on “Donate” below.  Thank you! 


Bike New England Rides: Links to CT and other New England States trails and riding events:

CT Trail Finder: Great links and maps for hiking and biking in CT

CT Greenways Maps – Links to the segments of the CT Greenway

CT Bike Trails - Search details on over 400 bike routes, most of which are located entirely in Connecticut

East Coast Greenway – Trails maps connecting 15 states for 3,000 miles from Maine to Florida

Farmington Canal Heritage Trail – Over 56 miles of some of the most picturesque and historic trails in New England

TrailLink – Web site and links for the Rails to Trails Conservancy


Mountain Bike Trails and Maps

NE Mountain Bike Association – Trail Maps through Trail Forks

Singletracks – Find Mountain Bike trails near you

Mountain Bike Project – Biking, Hiking and Climbing trails throughout the country

All Trails – Biking and hiking trails across the U.S.


Bike Events

Bike New England Events – Bike New England’s list of 2024 events throughout New England

Bike Reg – Different levels of bike events in New England and across the U.S.


Bike Laws


Bicycle Online Learning Center


Bike Maintenance Videos

For tips and tricks on bike repairs visit our recommended youtube channel on all things bicycles.


Important Bicycle Repair Videos

Contact Us

Monthly Meetings:

  • Date: 2nd Wednesday of Every Month
  • Time: 7:00 pm
  • Location: 350 Foster St. South Windsor, CT 06074