Setting Tracks for a Safe and Clean Fifth Ward.

An interactive story map showcasing the results found from a multi-agency investigation into Union Pacific Railroad (UPER) site.

Site Background

The Fifth Ward/Kashmere Gardens UPRR Site is a railroad yard located in Houston, Texas. Union Pacific Railroad (UPER) used the site for various industrial activities, including fueling and maintenance of locomotives, from the early 1900s until the mid-1960s.Over time, the site became contaminated with hazardous substances, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), heavy metals, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These contaminants can pose a risk to human health and the environment, particularly to nearby communities. EPA has been working with the potentially responsible parties (PRPs) to address contamination from the Site.

Site Area

The Fifth Ward/Kashmere Gardens UPER Site is located at 4910 Liberty Road, Houston, Harris County, Texas.  The Site consists of a 125-acre tract of land formerly used for creosote wood treating operations until 1984. On-site buildings at this location were dismantled in the early 1990s after creosoting operations ended.

How the sampling was collected?

The Fifth Ward/ Kashmere Gardens UPER Facility sampling project aimed to assess the environmental condition around the Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) facility.

UPER Facility Sample Map

A total of 92 soil, sediment, and water samples were collected from various locations around the facility in the Fifth Ward/Kashmere Gardens neighborhoods and analyzed for creosote-related contaminants. Cluster samples were collected from areas of concern noted by residents. DPT soil samples were also collected at greater depths to determine downward migration of contaminants in soils. No comparisons to background level of contaminants were done. The map below shows the UPER facility location and the locations where the samples were taken.

UPER Facility Sample Map

During the sampling campaign, five cluster samples were collected from various locations around the facility in the Fifth Ward/Kashmere Gardens neighborhoods. These cluster samples were taken from areas of concern noted by residents and were analyzed for creosote-related contaminants.

The UPER Facility has been identified as a facility that has potentially emitted pollutants and hazardous materials. Sampling was conducted in a radius 1.5 miles. Sampling within a certain distance can help determine the extent of the impact on the environment and population.

By collecting samples from residents' identified areas of concern, we addressed their worries and provided valuable information about the environmental quality of their neighborhood.

The cluster sample results confirmed contamination from related creosote operations. This enabled us to determine the distribution of contamination, ensuring project accuracy and reliability.

Additionally, this sampling technique also helps identify any potential health risk that may be associated with this facility.

UPER Facility Sample Map

DPT Soil samples were collected in areas where contaminated dust from the UPER site could have blown into a neighborhood and in areas where surface water could have carried contamination out into the neighborhood.

UPER Facility Sample Map

Storm water and Soil samples were collected in areas where contaminated dust from the UPER site could have blown into a neighborhood and in areas where surface water could have carried contamination out into the neighborhood.

UPER Facility Sample Map

Sediment samples were collected (where possible) to determine residual impacts to the storm sewer system.

UPER Facility Sample Map

Soil samples were collected in areas where contaminated dust from the UPER site could have blown into a neighborhood and in areas where surface water could have carried contamination out into the neighborhood.

UPER Facility Sample Map

Storm sewer water samples were collected (where possible) to determine residual impacts to the storm sewer system.

UPER Facility Sample Map

Surface water samples were collected from places where water was standing.

How was the collected data analyzed?

The Interpolate Point tool in ArcGIS Online were used to visualize and analyze patterns in the laboratory output data. This tool uses an interpolation method and allows to predict values at new locations based on measurements found in a collection of points. The tool takes point data with values at each point and returns areas classified by predicted values.

Essentially, interpolated points maps are used to create a continuous surface from point data by estimating values for locations where no data exists.

What was found in the water and soil around the UPER Facility?

The concentrations of Selenium, Mercury, Lead, and Arsenic found in the waters and soils of the study area were above Texas background levels. The surface maps were developed using ArcGIS Online Pattern Analysis via Interpolate Point tools to predict potential contamination of the area around the UPRR facility.

What is Selenium?

Selenium is a naturally occurring mineral that is distributed widely in rocks and soils. In its pure form, it exists as metallic gray to black crystals, usually combined with sulfide or with silver, copper, lead, and nickel minerals. When combined with oxygen, it can appear as white or colorless crystals. Processed selenium can be used in electronics, gun bluing (liquid solution to clean the metal parts of a gun), the glass industry, pigments (plastics, enamels, inks, and rubber), pharmaceuticals, antidandruff shampoos, and as a component of fungicides. Radioactive selenium is used in diagnostic medicine and aids in the visualization of malignant tumors. Due to desired effects at lower levels, selenium is also used in dietary supplements and as a nutritional feed additive for poultry and livestock.

How might I be exposed to Selenium?

  • The general population is exposed to very low levels of selenium in air and water.
  • People living or working in the vicinity of paint manufacturing or metal industrial plants, a facility that incinerates rubber tires or combusts coal and other fossil fuels may also be exposed to higher levels of selenium.

How can Selenium affect my health?

Selenium is both beneficial and harmful to humans depending on the dose. Lower doses are needed as part of a normal diet to maintain a healthy lifestyle. However, exposure to higher doses can cause adverse health effects. Doses that are slightly higher than the recommended amount can result in selenosis over a longer period. Selenosis is the chronic disease that results from excessive selenium, which results in hair loss, hair brittleness, deformed nails, and even neurological abnormalities, such as numbness in the arms and legs.

Brief exposure to high levels of selenium or selenium dioxide dust in the air can result in respiratory issues, such as respiratory tract irritation, bronchitis, difficulty breathing, and symptoms of asphyxiation. These symptoms are similar to observed long-term health effects of selenium exposure at higher concentrations. The amount of selenium necessary to produce such effects are not normally seen outside of the workplace.

The map below shows the interpolated points of Selenium in Soils sample around UPRR Fifth Ward/Kashmere Gardens area. The blue dark color indicates areas with high values of Selenium, while the areas with light yellow color indicate values with less relevance.

UPRR Interpolated Soil Selenium Prediction

The interpolated values of Selenium in waters of the selected site indicates high predicted concentrations around the UPRR facility.

UPRR Interpolated Water Selenium Prediction

What is Mercury?

Mercury is a naturally occurring element and is distributed throughout the environment. Mercury that is found on land and open water can be evaporated back into the atmosphere, which continues moving and redepositing on land and water. This makes tracking the movement of mercury difficult. Mercury is a liquid and can evaporate at room temperature. In combination with other chemicals, mercury can be found in solid form and disperse into soil and groundwater. 

There are different classes of mercury (elemental mercury, inorganic mercury compounds, and organic mercury compounds), all of which have their own distinct properties that result in different effects on the human body. Mercury has been used by humans because of its distinct properties (thermometers, scientific/medical equipment devices, paints/pigments, etc.); however, most of these uses have been reduced or eliminated altogether. Most recent uses of mercury were to produce chlorine-caustic soda (which has also decreased due to a switch to non-mercury processes), dental products, electronics, and fluorescent-lighting.

How might I be exposed to Mercury?

  • Breathing vapors in air from spills, incinerators, and industries that burn mercury-containing fossil fuels.
  • Breathing contaminated workplace air or skin contact during use in the workplace.
  • Practicing rituals that include mercury.

How can Mercury affect my health?

Elemental mercury has been known to affect neurological (brain, spinal cord, nerves) and renal (kidneys) functions after exposure. Neurological effects on brain function may result in slurred speech, tremors, irritability, shyness, and depression (otherwise known as the “Mad Hatter’s Disease”). Short-term exposure to high levels of mercury vapors may cause lung damage and respiratory distress. Renal effects include decreases in the nerve endings to the kidneys and/or damage to the kidney cells.

The map below shows the interpolated predicted values of mercury in the soils surrounding the study area. The dark blue color indicates the highest concentration, while the light-yellow indicates the lowest concentration.

Interpolated Soil Values UP Facility

What is Lead?

Lead is a metal naturally distributed around the world. Much of lead was emitted through the burning of leaded gasoline. However, due to its impact on human health and the environment, leaded gasoline was expected to be banned worldwide, with the last country to officially ban this fuel type in 2021. Lead-based paints in older housing units continues to be the main source of childhood lead poisoning in the United States. Other human activities that contribute to lead emissions include mining and manufacturing of lead products. Today, lead has many different uses that are potential sources of exposure, such as the production of storage batteries, ammunition, leaded crystal glassware, and hair dyes.

How might I be exposed to Lead?

  • Drinking water that contains lead.
  • Water pipes in older homes that may contain lead solder.
  • Lead being leached out into water from soil.
  • Houses with lead-based paints breaking down into dust that is later breathed in.

How can Lead affect my health?

Whether an individual breathes or swallows lead, the effects on the human body are the same. Lead has been known to affect nearly every organ and system (e.g., neurological, renal, cardiovascular) in the body; this is because lead spreads easily throughout the body. The most concerning effects are neurological because these effects are observed in both infants and children, in addition to adults, and may result in life-long issues.

The following neurological effects have been observed in both children and adults after lead exposure decreases in cognitive functions (learning and memory), behavior and mood changes (attention, impulsivity, irritably), and altered neuromotor and neurosensory functions (visual-motor integration, dexterity, changes in hearing and visual thresholds). In addition, the following symptoms were observed in adults exposed to lead: psychiatric symptoms (depression, panic disorders, anxiety, etc.). Lead exposure also causes small increases in blood pressure, hypertension, cardiac diseases, development of anemia, autoimmunity, etc.

The predicted value of lead in the area around the UPRR site is shown in the map below. The dark blue color indicates the higher level of lead, while the light - yellow color the lower level of lead.

Interpolated Soil Lead Values UPRR Facility

What is Arsenic?

Arsenic is a naturally occurring element that is distributed in the Earth’s crust. Arsenic is usually found in the environment combined with other elements (e.g., oxygen, chlorine, sulfur). Most inorganic and organic arsenic compounds are white or colorless powders that do not evaporate and do not have a smell or taste. For this reason, it is difficult to know if arsenic is present in your food, water, or air. Approximately 90% of all arsenic produced is used for wood preservation, to resist against rot and decay. Many arsenic compounds can dissolve in water; therefore, arsenic can travel to different bodies of water from industrial waste discharge.

How might I be exposed to Arsenic?

  • Through foods, drinking water, or breathing air containing arsenic.
  • Living in areas with unusually high natural levels of arsenic in soils/sediments or near hazardous waste sites containing large quantities of arsenic.
  • Inhalation of particles released from sawing or sanding arsenic-treated wood.

How can Arsenic affect my health?

Swallowing lower levels of inorganic arsenic can result in a stomachache, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. In addition, one may experience a decrease in red and white blood cell production, which may result in fatigue, abnormal heart rhythm, bruising from blood-vessel damage, and impaired nerve function causing a “pins and needles” sensation in your hands and feet. The most characteristic effect of long-term oral exposure to inorganic arsenic is a pattern of skin changes, which can appear as small “corns” or “warts” on the palms, soles, and torso. Skin cancer may also develop over time. Breathing in high levels of inorganic arsenic may result in a sore throat and irritated lungs.

As seen on the map below, the high values of arsenic in soils are concentrated in southeast and southwest of the UPRR facility, and the lower values are mostly in center and north areas of the site.

Interpolated Soil Arsenic Values UPRR Facility

The results are even more critical regarding the concentration of Arsenic in surface water as shown on the map below. The dark blue color in the map indicate high predicted value of Arsenic in almost all surrounding aera of UPRR Facility.

Interpolated Water Arsenic Values UPRR Facility

In summary, 92 data points of soil, sediment, and water samples were collected from public property and tested for possible contamination related to creosote operations. Laboratory results acquired from these samples were used to build interpolated point maps. While these maps are not definitive, they use a unique tool that allows the public to see the predicted movement and potential levels of the chemicals listed above.

Enviromental Justice and Air Pollution: Mapping Ozone and PM 2.5 impacts.

The swipe app below, bring two important indicators of EJSCREEN, EPA’s Environmental Justice screening and mapping tool available at   EPA EjScreen Tool  ,and shows the index of PM 2.5 (left) and Ozone (right) concentration in the study area. The dark blue and the green color indicate areas with high values of PM 2.5 and Ozone.

EPA EJScreen PM 2.5 Index (left) and EPA EJScreen Ozone (right)

Complying with EPA Standards

Staying within EPA contaminant value limits is a must for public health and environmental safety. These limits are based on scientific research and analysis; exceeding them could lead to negative consequences. Therefore, Harris County Pollution Control Services Department is committed to taking all the necessary steps and measures to ensure that regulations are followed.